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SIP Nordic – Råvaruguiden – januari 2013



SIP Nordic - RåvaruguidenTiming viktigare än någonsin

Tiden går som vanligt alldeles för fort och det känns som igår jag skrev den första råvaruguiden (jan-12). Samtidigt som det är dags att summera ett ljummet råvaruår är det hög tid att rikta blickarna mot 2013 års spåkula. Fortsätter guldet mot ett positivt år för 14:e året i rad, fortsätter jordbruksråvarornas kräftgång och kommer vi att se olja klättra upp mot höga nivåer? Oavsett vad har vi ett spännande år framför oss där börserna under 2012 presterade bra trots oron för en Eurokris. 2013 blir spännande där mycket fokus kommer ligga kring USAs budgetstup och evigt växande budgetunderskott. Något som på alla vis kommer påverka råvarorna. Men var beredda på en tur i berg- och dalbanan. 2013 kan för råvaror bli mycket lik 2012 där timing är A och O.

Jag skrev i min första råvaruguide att jag inför 2012 trodde på platina och guld. Guld och platina ökade under 2013 med 5 respektive 9 %. En bra avkastning under rådande marknadsförhållanden men faktum är att man med rätt timing och aktiv börshandel hade kunna mångdubblat dessa siffror.

De flesta råvaror pendlade kraftigt under 2012 där vi såg en bred uppgång i början av året vilket snabbt byttes mot en negativ trend fram till slutet av sommaren. Då var det återigen dags för FED att sätta igång sedelpressarna vilket drev råvarupriserna uppåt igen. Guld var inget undantag. Faktum är att den aktive handlaren hade kunnat ha en avkastning på över 80 % om denna köpt och sålt guld vid rätt tillfälle.

Prisutveckling på guld under 2012

Nu är det ju alltid enkelt i efterhand att säga hur man borde ha gjort men jag tror faktiskt att vi får se ett liknande scenario under 2013.

Mycket av nyhetsflödet kommer i år att vara kring USAs budgetstup och det växande budgetunderskottet. Nu verkar det som att den kortsiktiga krisen är bortblåst. Något som får råvaror att rusa. Problemet kvarstår dock och om två månader måste frågorna kring USA budgetunderskott lösas. Något som hotar USAs kreditbetyg och som på många sätt kan påverka priset på råvaror. Framförallt guld, silver och olja.

2013 kommer således bli ett spännande råvaruår där bra avkastning finns att hämta. Det är dock viktigare än någonsin att ha rätt timing.

Personligen tror jag att guld kommer att fortsätta upp under 2013. USA kan mycket väl tvingas sätta igång fler stimulanspaket vilket är positivt för guldet. För den aktive med rätt timing kan guld bli en riktig vinnare under 2013.

Alexander Frick

Råvaror – Energi

Brent olja

  • Brentoljan åkte under 2012 berg och dalbana. Brent gick under 2012 upp dryga 2 %.
  • Under december månad ökade priset på brent med cirka 1,6 %.
  • Brent påverkades mycket av de ekonomiska oroligheterna under 2012. Något som mycket väl kan fortsätta under 2013. Stora svängningar är alltså att vänta.
  • Monetära stimulanser sätter dollarn under press vilket hjälper oljan att stanna på höga nivåer.

Prisutveckling på brent-olja under 2012

Prognoser på brent-olja för 2013


  • Från i mitten av april hade Naturgas en mycket stark period under 2012. Sedan botten i april klättrade priset på naturgas med nästan 80 % och avslutade året på cirka 10 % upp.
  • Under december föll priset på naturgas med 10 %
  • Efter den starka trenden är det inte osannolikt att naturgas börjar tappa i fart. Naturgas handlas nu strax under 50-dagars medelvärde.

Prisutveckling på naturgas under 2012

Prognoser för pris på naturgas under 2013

Råvaror – Metaller


  • Guld stängde på en positiv siffra 2012 vilket var det 13:e året i rad med positiv utveckling!
  • Guld pendlade likt olja kraftigt av samma anledningar. Ekonomiska oroligheter och stimulanspaket satte guldet i pendling.
  • Under 2012 ökade priset på guld med ca 5 %.
  • I december tappade guld dock nästan 4 %.
  • För den aktive börshandlaren finns stora pengar att tjäna då guldpriset med stor sannolikhet kommer att pendla en del under 2013.
  • Den amerikanska penningpolitiken styr till stor del det mesta.

Prisutveckling på guld under 2012

Prognoser på guldpriset för alla kvartal 2013


  • Silver hade även ett positivt år 2012. Än dock med kraftiga svängningar. För året var silver upp dryga 6 %.
  • December månad var dock lite mer mörk då silver föll nästan 12 %.
  • Silver handlas strax ovanför 200 dagars medelvärde men befinner sig i en kortsiktigt negativ trend.
  • Viktiga nivåer hittar vi kring 27 dollar där vi har en viktig motståndszon.

Utveckling för silverpriset under 2012

Prognoser på silverpriset för 2013, alla kvartal


  • Platina var inget undantag under 2012. Platina ökade med cirka 9 % under 2012.
  • Platina handlas dock till ett lägre pris än guld. Något som historiskt sett varit det motsatta.
  • Under december föll priset på platina med 4 %.
  • Platina befinner sig i en negativ trend där 50 dagars glidande medelvärde på 1650 blir intressant att observera under januari.

Prisutveckling på platina under 2013

Prognoser på platinapriset för 2013


  • Metallerna svingade rejält under 2012 och koppar är inget undantag. Trots att koppar avslutade året på cirka 2,7 % upp är det ändå nästan 10 % under årets högstanivå.
  • Under december föll priset på koppar med 0,6 %
  • Koppar handlas just nu över både 50 och 200 dagars medelvärde men i en negativ trend. 50 dagars medelvärde korsade även 200 dagars medelvärde ovanifrån början av december.
  • Tillväxtländernas förbrukning kommer styra mycket under 2013.

Prisutveckling på koppar under 2013

Prognos på kopparpris för 2013, alla kvartal


  • Zink hade ett bra 2012. Upp drygt 12 %.
  • Under december månad ökade priset något.
  • Zink närmar sig nu viktiga nivåer kring 2100-2150 där vi har en rad motståndsnivåer. Blir intressant att följa under 2013.

Graf över zinkpriset under 2012

Prognoser på zinkpris under 2013


  • Nickel presterade sämst av alla basmetaller under 2011. 2012 blev inte bättre. Slutsiffran blev -8 % för 2012.
  • Under december var priset på zink oförändrat.
  • Nickelmarknaden är fortsatt mättad med ökande lager.
  • Många stora projekt inom nickelproduktion är redan finansierade och irreversibla vilket kommer att öka tillgången av nickel ytterligare.

Prisutveckling på nickel under 2012

Prognoser på nickelpriset för 2013, alla kvartal

Råvaror – Jordbruk


  • Socker hade inget roligt 2012 med en slutsiffra på nästa -20 %.
  • Under december månad är dock socker upp drygt 2 %. Kanske vänder den negativa trenden här.
  • Socker föll under december igenom ett viktigt motståndsområde kring 19 cents. Nu har denna nivå brutits och det ser lite mer positivt ut.

Utveckling på sockerpriset under 2012Prognos på sockerpriset för 2013, alla kvartal


  • Bomull och socker gick hand i hand under 2012. Bomullspriset föll med cirka 20 % under 2012.
  • Under december månad ökade priset på bomull dryga 4 %.
  • Svag kinesisk och indisk efterfrågan samt lägre ekonomisk tillväxt i Europa har lett till ökade lager. Monetära stimulanspaket kan ge en uppsving för konjunkturen och därmed öka bomullskonsumtionen.

Hur bomullspriset utvecklats under 2012

Prognos för priset på bomull år 2013, alla kvartal


  • Efter den kraftiga uppgången under sommaren 2012 föll priset på majs tillbaka men året avlutades på knappa 8 % upp.
  • Under sommaren rådde extrem torka i USA vilket fick priset på majs att skjuta i höjden. Endast 40 % av skörden var av god kvalitet. Att jämföra med 70 % i normala fall.
  • Under december månad föll priset på majs med 8 %.

Diagram över majspriset 2012

Prognos för priset på majs år 2013, alla kvartal


  • Då majsproduktionen drabbades av den värsta torkan på många år gick fler producenter över till produktion av vete vilket fick priset att skjuta i höjden under mitten av 2012. Likt majs föll vete tillbaka under andra halvan av året. Slutligen hamnade vete på +6 % för året.
  • Under december föll vete med drygt 8 %.

Prisutveckling på vete under 2012

Prisutveckling på vete under 2012 Prognos på vetepris år 2013, alla kvartal


  • Den som låg kort apelsinjuice under 2012 har gjort en mycket bra affär. För året föll apelsinjuice drygt 28 %.
  • Under december föll apelsinjuice med ytterligare 6 %.
  • Priset på apelsinjuice är fortfarande 70 % högre än botten 2009. Fallhöjden är således hög. Mycket hög.

Prisutveckling år 2012 för FCOJ (apelsinjuice)


  • För första gången är kaffe med i Råvaruguiden. Kaffe hade likt de andra jordbruksmetallerna ett svagt 2012. För året tappade kaffe 35 %.
  • Kaffe gick under december upp 3,6 % vilket kan vara början på ett trendbrott.
  • Om kaffe lyckas bryta upp över 50 dagars glidande medelvärde kan vi få ett trendskifte.
  • Kaffe ligger dock fortfarande i en långsiktigt nedåtgående trend.

Prisutveckling på kaffe under 2012Prognos på kaffepriset kvartal för kvartal 2013

[box]Denna uppdatering är producerat av SIP Nordic och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]


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Brace for Covert Conflict



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

In the past two trading days, Brent Crude prices have fluctuated between highs of USD 92.2 per barrel and lows of USD 88.7 per barrel. Despite escalation tensions in the Middle East, oil prices have remained relatively stable over the past 24 hours. The recent barrage of rockets and drones in the region hasn’t significantly affected market sentiment regarding potential disruptions to oil supply. The key concern now is how Israel will respond: will it choose a strong retaliation to assert deterrence, risking wider regional instability, or will it revert to targeted strikes on Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq? While it’s too early to predict, one thing is clear: brace for increased volatility, uncertainty, and speculation.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Amidst these developments, the market continues to focus on current fundamentals rather than unfolding geopolitical risks. Despite Iran’s recent attack on Israel, oil prices have slid, reflecting a sideways or slightly bearish sentiment. This morning, oil prices stand at USD 90 per barrel, down 2.5% from Friday’s highs.

The attack

Iran’s launch of over 300 rockets and drones toward Israel marks the first direct assault from Iranian territory since 1991. However, the attack, announced well in advance, resulted in minimal damage as Israeli and allied forces intercepted nearly all projectiles. Hence, the damage inflicted was limited. The incident has prompted US President Joe Biden to urge Israel to exercise restraint, as part of broader efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East.

Israel’s response remains uncertain as its war cabinet deliberates on potential courses of action. While the necessity of a response is acknowledged, the timing and magnitude remain undecided.

The attack was allegedly in retaliation for an Israeli airstrike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, resulting in significant casualties, including a senior leader in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force. It’s notable that this marks the first direct targeting of Israel from Iranian territory, setting the stage for heightened tensions between the two nations.

Despite the scale of the attack, the vast majority of Iranian projectiles were intercepted before reaching Israeli territory. However, a small number did land, causing minor damage to a military base in the southern region.

President Biden swiftly condemned Iran’s actions and pledged to coordinate a diplomatic response with leaders from the G7 nations. The US military’s rapid repositioning of assets in the region underscores the seriousness of the situation.

Iran’s willingness to escalate tensions further depends on Israel’s response, as indicated by General Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces. Meanwhile, speculation about a retaliatory attack from Israel persists.

Looking ahead, key questions remain unanswered. Will Iran launch additional attacks? How will Israel respond, and what implications will it have for the region? Moreover, how will Iran’s allies react to the escalating tensions?

Given the potential for a full-scale war between Iran and Israel, concerns about its impact on global energy markets are growing. Both the United States and China have strong incentives to reduce tensions in the region, given the destabilizing effects of a regional conflict.

Our view in conclusion

The recent escalation between Iran and Israel underscores the delicate balance of power in the volatile Middle East. With tensions reaching unprecedented levels and the specter of further escalation looming, the potential for a full-blown conflict cannot be understated. The ramifications of such a scenario would be far-reaching and could have significant implications for regional stability and global security.

Turning to the oil market, there has been much speculation about the possibility of a full-scale blockade of the Strait of Hormuz in the event of further escalation. However, at present, such a scenario remains highly speculative. Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that Iran’s oil production and exports remain at risk even without further escalation. Currently producing close to 3.2 million barrels per day, Iran has significantly increased its production from mid-2020 levels of 1.9 million barrels per day.

In response to the recent attack, Israel may exert pressure on its ally, the US, to impose stricter sanctions on Iran. The enforcement of such sanctions, particularly on Iranian oil exports, could result in a loss of anywhere between 0.5 million to 1 million barrels per day of oil supply. This would likely keep the oil market in deficit for the remainder of the year, contradicting the Biden administration’s wish to maintain oil and gasoline prices at sustainable levels ahead of the election. While other OPEC nations have spare capacity, utilizing it would tighten the global oil market even further. Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for example, could collectively produce an additional almost 3 million barrels of oil per day if necessary.

Furthermore, both Iran and the US have expressed a desire to prevent further escalation. However, much depends on Israel’s response to the recent barrage of rockets. While Israel has historically refrained from responding violently to attacks (1991), the situation remains fluid. If Israel chooses not to respond forcefully, the US may be compelled to promise stronger enforcement of sanctions on Iranian oil exports. Consequently, Iranian oil exports are at risk, regardless of whether a wider confrontation ensues in the Middle East.

Analyzing the potential impact, approximately 2.2 million barrels per day of net Iranian crude and condensate exports could be at risk, factoring in Iranian domestic demand and condensate production. The effectiveness of US sanctions enforcement, however, remains uncertain, especially considering China’s stance on Iranian oil imports.

Despite these uncertainties, the market outlook remains cautiously optimistic for now, with Brent Crude expected to hover around the USD 90 per barrel mark in the near term. Navigating through geopolitical tensions and fundamental factors, the oil market continues to adapt to evolving conflicts in the Middle East and beyond.

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OPEC+ won’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Lots of talk about an increasingly tight oil market. And yes, the oil price will move higher as a result of this and most likely move towards USD 100/b. Tensions and flareups in the Middle East is little threat to oil supply and will be more like catalysts driving the oil price higher on the back of a fundamentally bullish market. I.e. flareups will be more like releasing factors. But OPEC+ will for sure produce more if needed as it has no interest in killing the goose (global economy) that lays the golden egg (oil demand growth). We’ll probably get verbal intervention by OPEC+ with ”.. more supply in H2” quite quickly when oil price moves closer to USD 100/b and that will likely subdue the bullishness. OPEC+ in full control of the oil market probably means an oil price ranging from USD 70/b to USD 100/b with an average of around USD 85/b. Just like last year.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent crude continues to trade around USD 90/b awaiting catalysts like further inventory declines or Mid East flareups. Brent crude ydy traded in a range of USD 88.78 – 91.1/b before settling at USD 90.38/b. Trading activity ydy seems like it was much about getting comfortable with 90-level. Is it too high? Is there still more upside etc. But in the end it settled above the 90-line. This morning it has traded consistently above the line without making any kind of great leap higher.

Netanyahu made it clear that Rafah will be attacked. Israel ydy pulled some troops out of Khan Younis in Gaza and that calmed nerves in the region a tiny bit. But it seems to be all about tactical preparations rather than an indication of a defuse of the situation. Ydy evening Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel made it clear that a date for an assault on Rafah indeed has been set despite Biden’s efforts to prevent him doing so. Article in FT on this today. So tension in Israel/Gaza looks set to rise in not too long. The market is also still awaiting Iran’s response to the bombing of its consulate in Damascus one week ago. There is of course no oil production in Israel/Gaza and not much in Syria, Lebanon or Yemen either. The effects on the oil market from tensions and flareups in these countries are first and foremost that they work as catalysts for the oil price to move higher in an oil market which is fundamentally bullish. Deficit and falling oil inventories is the fundamental reason for why the oil price is moving higher and for why it is at USD 90/b today. There is also the long connecting string of:

[Iran-Iraq-Syria/Yemen/Lebanon/Gaza – Israel – US]

which creates a remote risk that oil supply in the Middle East potentially could be at risk in the end when turmoil is flaring in the middle of this connecting string. This always creates discomfort in the oil market. But we see little risk premium for a scenario where oil supply is really hurt in the end as neither Iran nor the US wants to end up in such a situation.

Tight market but OPEC+ will for sure produce more if needed to prevent global economy getting hurt. There  is increasing talk about the oil market getting very tight in H2-24 and that the oil price could shoot higher unless OPEC+ is producing more. But of course OPEC+ will indeed produce more. The health of the global economy is essential for OPEC+. Healthy oil demand growth is like the goose that lays the golden egg for them. In no way do they want to kill it with too high oil prices. Brent crude averaged USD 82.2/b last year with a high of USD 98/b. So far this year it has averaged USD 82.6/b. SEB’s forecast is USD 85/b for the average year with a high of USD 100/b. We think that a repetition of last year with respect to oil prices is great for OPEC+ and fully acceptable for the global economy and thus will not hinder a solid oil demand growth which OPEC+ needs. Nothing would make OPEC+ more happy than to produce at a normal level and still being able to get USD 85/b. Brent crude will head yet higher because OPEC+ continues to hold back supply Q2-24 resulting in declining inventories and thus higher prices. But when the oil price is nearing USD 100/b we expect verbal intervention from the group with statements like ”… more supply in H2-24” and that will probably dampen bullish prices.

Not only does OPEC+ want to produce at a normal level. It also needs to produce at a normal level. Because at some point in time in the future there will be a situation sooner or later where they will have to cut again. And unless they are back to normal production at that time they won’t be in a position to cut again.

So OPEC+ won’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg. They won’t allow the oil price to stay too high for too long. I.e. USD 100/b or higher. They will produce more in H2-24 if needed to prevent too high oil prices and they have the reserve capacity to do it.

Data today: US monthly oil market report (STEO) with forecast for US crude and liquids production at 18:00 CET

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Prepare for more turmoil, lower inventories and higher prices



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude is pulling back below the 90-line this morning trading as low as USD 88.78/b following a 4.2% gain last week. The pullback is blamed on news that Israel is pulling some troops out of Gaza. But we think this is much more of a technical move below the 90-line with preparations for further price gains ahead. The Israeli troop movements are a preparation for a final push into Rafah in Gaza to take out the last stronghold of Hamas there (FT article today). Iranian retaliation following the attack in Damascus last week also looks set to unfold in some way. Possibly by Hezbollah in Lebanon though instigated by Iran. Prepare for more turmoil, lower oil inventories and higher prices as the market continues to run a deficit.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent gained 4.2% last week with a solid close above the 90-line. Brent crude had a stellar week last week gaining 4.2%. Even following such a strong performance it made a gain on Friday of 0.6% with a close at USD 91.17/b. Friday also saw the highest trade of the week at USD 91.91/b.

Brent was propelled by positive PMI gains, geopolitics and falling US inventories. Oil was supported by a rang of factors last week. Both the US and China saw their manufacturing PMIs rise above the 50-line (50.3 and 50.8 resp.). The Eurozone manufacturing PMI rose to 46.1 from 45.7 while the composite index rose above the 50-line to 50.3 from 49.9. These PMI gains supported both oil and metals through growth recovery optimism. US oil inventories last Wednesday created less waves with a net draw of 2.2 m b in total crude and product inventories. It was still a very bullish reading in our view as inventories normally this time of year should have risen 3.8 m b. Thus driving US commercial oil inventories further away and below the normal level of inventories. Geopolitical focus flared up following the attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria where Iran’s top Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) general in Syria along with five other IRGC officers were killed. Israel is assumed to be behind the attack but has not taken responsibility yet.

Back below 90 this morning in what seems like a geopolitical breather. But is more of a technical move. This morning Brent crude has pulled back and traded as low as USD 88.78/b while trading at USD 89.76/b. We commented on Friday that it is quite normal for Brent crude to pull back below big numbers after having broken them. Just to test out the level properly before heading higher.

Israel is pulling some troops out of Gaza. Most likely it is preparing to attack Rafah (FT today)Price action to the downside this morning is blamed on some kind of reduced geopolitical premium as Israel is withdrawing some of its troops in Gaza. The reason why it is withdrawing some tropes however is to our understanding that Israel is preparing to attack Rafah, the southernmost part of Gaza bordering to Egypt where now close to one million Palestinians are living. It is the last strong-hold of Hamas and Israel looks bent on taking it out despite repeated warnings against it from the US. Human tragedy looks set to unfold in Rafah in not too long.

”Iran will respond to the Damascus strike”. The most likely flareup is Lebanon and Hezbollah. The geopolitical flare following the attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria last week has faded a little this morning. But this is in no way over. John Sawers, former chief of MI6, in an article in FT on Friday bluntly stated: ”Iran will respond to the Damascus strike”.  Iran still doesn’t want to be involved in direct military confrontation. The likely flareup will be Lebanon and Hezbollah which could force Israel into a two-front war. 

Rafah is located in the southernmost part of Gaza

Gaza map
Source: https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-200679/

Net long specs in Brent + WTI rose by 34 m b over the week to 2 April.

Net long specs in Brent + WTI rose by 34 m b over the week to 2 April.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Data feed by Bloomberg

Saudi Arabia lifted its Official Selling Prices to Asia for most grades for May delivery

Saudi Arabia lifted its Official Selling Prices to Asia for most grades for May delivery
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Data feed by Bloomberg
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