SHB Veckans råvarukommentar 23 januari 2015
- Händelserik vecka på markoarenan
- Vårt aluminiumcase håller än
- Oljepriset stabiliserar sig
- Utbudsstörning skulle få oljan att rusa
- Guldet fortsatt upp efter tillflykt till säker hamn
- Nederbördsrikt och milt väder håller elpriset nere
Vi lägger en händelserik vecka med stora rörelser på makroarenan bakom oss. ECB lanserade slutligen QE och Kina släppte makrodata som var i linje eller något bättre än förväntat. Fortfarande är dock fastighetssektorn svag och koppar med flera basmetaller handlas svagt efter Kinadata. Järnmalm är en annan råvara med stark koppling till Kinas byggnation och malmen har fallit till ny lägstanivå i denna prisrörelse, nu på 66,7 USD/ton.
Vårt case på aluminium från 15/1 har börjat bra, ligger 5 % upp och vi flaggar för att vara redo att ta vinsten. Caset har en potential på max 10 % i rådande marknad så med några ytterligare bra handelsdagar tycker vi man ska vara nöjd.
Oljepriset har stabiliserat sig på knappt USD 50 de senaste två veckorna och OPEC har slutat prata ned priset vid sina framträdande. Det ser alltså ut som att vi har nått botten men det finns inga tydliga tecken på att oljan ska handla upp snart. Terminskurvan prissätter brent kring USD 58 i december så en återgång till nivåer där en större del av skifferproducenterna är lönsamma är redan inprisad. Investeringar bland skifferbolagen pekar mot en kraftig avmattning i USA:s oljeproduktion under slutet av 2015. Antalet sysselsatta riggar har fallit dramatiskt de senaste veckorna men har ännu inte fått någon effekt i produktionen som steg till nytt rekord förra veckan. Det är alltid de minst produktiva riggarna som först ställs av, varför det dröjer innan produktionen minskar. De gamla prisnivåerna kring 80-90 USD ser vi som otänkbara då de åter kommer attrahera hela spannet av skifferproducenter. OPEC:s aktion för lägre pris har kostat mycket pengar och om inte resultatet blir att konkurrensen från marginalproducenter slås ut så var hela aktionen meningslös. Vi landar därmed i att dagens pris kommer eliminera för mycket nödvändiga återinvesteringar men att USD 80 är för högt.
Riskbilden i denna analys ligger dock på uppsidan då flera länder riskerar att destabiliseras med rådande oljepris under 2015. Venezuela är största risken där marknaden prisätter 86 % risk för default under 2015. Nigeria är nästa risk utöver ökade spänningar i Mellanöstern. En större utbudsstörning skulle sannolikt få marknaden att rusa från dagens nedtryckta nivåer.
Under veckan har Saudiarabiens kung Abdullah avlidit och spekulation om att det öppnar för förändrad policy från Saudiarabien fick oljan att stiga. Vi tror inte att det är så sannolikt då det kommer vara viktigt för kungahuset att visa en enad front efter att kronprins Salman tar över som ny kung.
Gårdagens besked från ECB om QE har lett till ytterligare försvagning av euron, och därtill kopplad förstärkning av dollarn. Euron har nu fallit med över 7 % under det nya året, och med nästan 18 % sedan i somras, mot amerikanska dollarn, och detta ligger naturligtvis som en våt filt över dollarnoterade råvaror. Guldet har dock handlat upp till 1300 USD per ounce trots dollarförstärkningen, drivet av en flykt till säkra tillgångar efter bl.a. Schweiz valutachock i förra veckan, och av den fortsatta nedgången i globala räntor. Handelsbankens syn är alltjämt att Fed kommer att höja tidigare än vad marknaden just nu prisar in. Vi ser därför nuvarande nivåer på guldet som höga, och att risken i priset är på nedsidan, även om vi är lite förundrade över att priset hållit sig på dessa nivåer trots dollarns styrka och fallet i framför allt oljepriset.
Elpriset, närmare bestämt kvartal Q215 (underliggande till våra certifikat), har under årets inledande handel fastnat i ett lägre intervall mellan 26-27 EUR/MWh då det milda och nederbördsrikt vädret i kombination med allt lägre kolpriser fortsätter att överraska. Hydrologin har också förbättrats nämnvärt där vi inför årsskiftet hade ett underskott kring 8 TWh och som nu närmare sig +2 TWh. Det fanns en viss förhoppning om högre elpriser inför EU-kommissionens omröstning av förslaget att införa en stabilitetsreserv redan 2017 istället för år 2021 för att minska överskottet på utsläppsrätter. Förslaget röstades dock ned vilket gjorde att utsläppsrätterna föll och drog med sig elmarknaden. Nu måste miljögruppen inom kommissionen omarbeta förslaget som parlamentet och rådet får ta ställning till, nästa möte den 24/2 så det lär inte hända så värst mycket fram till dess. För att blicka framåt är det svårt att motivera någon kraftig uppgång på el under dessa milda förhållanden där spotpriset också ser ut vara under kontroll. Senaste väderprognosen pekar dessutom på hela 6 TWh nederbörd den kommande veckan vilket är 2 TWh över normalt. Det finns dock tecken på kyla mot slutet av perioden och kolpriset signalerar en uppgång från extremt låga nivåer vilket i kombination med en starkare USD kan driva upp priset under den kommande veckan.
Läs vårt Trading Case på Aluminium här (från 15 jan)
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Crude oill comment: Caught between trade war fears and Iranian supply disruption risk
Brent turned higher yesterday as Trump ramps up pressure on Iran. Slightly lower this morning. Brent traded as low as USD 74.15/b (-2.4%) yesterday but managed to close with a gain of 0.3% at USD 76.2/b Trump signed action for harder sanctions/pressure towards Iranian oil exports. This morning Brent is trading down 0.3% at USD 76/b. The almost linear downward trend since the recent peak in mid-January seems to have faded a bit with price action now a little more sideways it seems.
Crude oil caught between trade war fears and Iranian supply disruption risks. Trump tariff chaos and trade war is no good for global growth and oil demand growth. Business investments and consumer spending will likely fall in the face of these highly erratic and growth negative actions. The oil bears naturally crawl out in response. But supply disruptions as so often before can then rapidly and suddenly turn everything around. Yesterday Trump signed actions for harder pressure on Iran with the potential to drive its exports significantly lower. That Trump would try to drive Iranian oil exports lower has been our expectation all along. The oil market is now caught between increasing fears that an escalating trade war will damage global oil demand growth on the one hand and possible sudden disruption of Iranian oil exports.
Longer dated prices offer good buy-in value. At least in a three-year backward-looking perspective. Longer dated prices are pushed down towards the low points over the past three years and offer good buying opportunity for oil consumers in a backward-looking perspective. However, how it is all going to pan out in the end: Trump trade war damaging global growth driving the oil price lower or Trump disrupting Iranian oil exports driving the oil price higher. Or both but with the effect that oil price continues sideways.
Front-month Brent crude in a sharp downward trend since its recent peak in mid-January. Sideways price level in the autumn was around USD 72-73/b with lows down at USD 70/b.
Front-month Brent crude is no longer in overbought territory. Challenging support of 50 and 100 dma
ICE Gasoil swaps. Deferred contracts offer good value for consumers. At least in a three-year backward-looking perspective.
The Damocles Sword of OPEC+ hanging over US shale oil producers
Lower as OPEC+ sticks to plan of production hike while Trump-Tariff-Turmoil creates growth concerns. Brent crude traded up at the start of the day yesterday along with Trump-tariffs hitting Mexico and Canada. These were later called off and Brent ended down 1% at USD 75.96/b. OPEC+ standing firm on its planned 120 kb/d production hike in April also drove it lower. Brent is losing another 1% this morning down to USD 75.2/b. The Trump-Tariff-Turmoil is no good for economic growth. China now hitting back by restricting exports of critical metals. Fear for economic slowdown as a consequence of Trump-Tariffs is the biggest drag on oil today.
The Damocles Sword of OPEC+. OPEC+ decided yesterday to stick with its plan: to lift production by 120 kb/d every month for 18 months starting April. Again and again, it has pushed the start of the production increase further into the future. It could do it yet again. That will depend on circumstances of 1) Global oil demand growth and 2) Non-OPEC+ supply growth. All oil producers in the world knows that OPEC+ has a 5-6 mb/d of reserve capacity at hand. It wants to return 2-3 mb/d of this reserve to the market to get back to a more normal reserve level. The now increasingly standing threat of OPEC+ to increase production in ”just a couple of months” is hanging over the world’s oil producers like a Damocles Sward. OPEC+ is essentially saying: ”Produce much more and we will do too, and you will get a much lower price”.
If US shale oil producers embarked on a strong supply growth path heeding calls from Donald Trump for more production and a lower oil price, then OPEC+ would have no other choice than to lift production and let the oil price fall. Trump would get a lower oil price as he wishes for, but he would not get higher US oil production. US shale oil producers would get a lower oil price, lower income and no higher production. US oil production might even fall in the face of a lower oil price with lower price and volume hurting US trade balance as well as producers.
Lower taxes on US oil producers could lead to higher oil production. But no growth = lots of profits. Trump could reduce taxes on US oil production to lower their marginal cost by up to USD 10/b. It could be seen as a 4-year time-limited option to produce more oil at a lower cost as such tax-measures could be reversed by the next president in 4 years. It would be very tempting for them to produce more.
Trump’s energy ambition is boe/d and not b/d and will likely be focused on nat gas and LNG exports. Strong US energy production growth will likely instead be focused on increased natural gas production and a strong rise in US LNG exports. Donald Trump has actually said ”3 m boe/d” growth and not ”3 m b/d” (boe: barrels of oil equivalents). So, some growth in oil and a lot of growth in natural gas production and exports will easily fulfill his target.
Brent crude historical average prices for the 1mth contract and the 60mth contract (5yr) in USD/b and the spread between them. When the market is tight there is a spot premium (orange) on top of the longer dated price. When the market is in surplus there is a discount in the spot price versus the 5yr. We have now had 5 consecutive years with backwardation and spot premiums between USD 11/b and USD 28/b (2022). Now the spot premium to 5yr is at USD 8/b. If market turns to surplus in mid-2025 and inventories starts to rise, then this USD 7/b premium will fall to zero or maybe even turn negative if the surplus is significant. This will depend on global oil demand growth, US shale oil discipline and decisions by OPEC+ in response to that.
US production in November averaged 13.3 mb/d and was only 0.33 mb/d above its pre-Covid high in December 2019. Growth over the past 12mths has definitely slowed down.
Tariffs is friction and higher costs at start. Then bearish on GDP, demand and prices
Down 2.2% last week and unchanged this morning. Brent crude fell 2.2% last week with a close on Friday of USD 76.76/b. The March contract rolled off on Friday. The April contract is now the front-month contract. The April contract is up 1.3% versus Friday, but this is solely due to the backwardation effect and rolling of contracts. The April and thus the front-month contract is trading at USD 76.77/b at the moment and unchanged from Friday.
The new Trump-tariffs are driving equities sharply lower this morning and copper is down 1.2%. The new tariffs are negative for GDP growth and negative for commodity demand in general.
Trump tariffs equal friction in crude logistics and refining and thus higher costs. That Brent crude is unchanged this morning rather than a full 1% down like copper is due to the deep entanglement of crude and products in Mexico, US and Canada which are bound together with complex chemistry, processing equipment and logistics.
US refineries and consumers will likely experience increased costs. Higher crude costs for US refineries as they try to get medium to heavy sour crude from other places than Mexico and Canada. The alternative is from the Middle East where supply is already strained due to the recent Biden-sanctions. US refining will be less efficient so refining margins and thus product costs for consumers will likely go up as well. The ICE gas oil crack to Brent for April is up USD 0.24/b this morning is maybe a reflection of this strain.
First round effects probably bullish on the margin. The second-round effects are bearish. Increased frictions in logistics of crude transportation and refining of products often implies higher prices. The first-round effects on crude and products are thus bullish on the margin. The second-round effects over a bit of time are however negative as they are negative on GDP growth, on oil demand and finally on prices.
How long and how far reaching? If Trump-goals of change versus Mexico and Canada are achieved, then these tariffs could possibly be reversed sooner rather than later and suddenly the second-round effects are not so dire after all. Though Trump looks like he is out to take on the whole world and not just Mexico and Canada and China. So probably not much a quick solution to be expected on the wider scope.
Longer-dated Brent crude prices down below the USD 70/b line as the outlook turns darker. Everybody wants to buy sub-70. But when we finally get there, the buyers step back as they await even lower prices. Which may or may not come of course.
ICE gasoil swap for 2027 is getting down to very favorable levels of USD 644/ton
Brent crude swap for 2027 is getting down to very favorable levels of USD 68.5/b
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