SHB Veckans jordbrukskommentar 7 november 2014

Terminspriserna på vete har under veckan backat i både Paris och Chicago. Sådden av höstvete i USA har nu kommit ikapp normal takt och är snart helt avklarad. Australien har generellt sett nu ganska torrt väder med normal temperatur – vilket gynnar pågående sådd. Ryssland är fortfarande ganska torrt och kallt och oro finns för höstsådda grödor och utvintringsrisk – inte mycket skyddande snötäcke finns. Prognoser om rysk veteskörd 2015 varierar en hel del, potentialen är inte på topp men än är det väl tidigt på säsongen – även vid samma tid förra året var det ryska höstvetet i dåligt skick varpå en gynnsam vinter och vår skapade goda förutsättningar för en hög skörd.
Ryska rubeln fortsätter att försvagas och USD/RUB handlas i skrivande stund strax under 48 – upp över 40 procent sedan mitten av juli månad. Detta gynnar ryska inhemska priser och trenden skapar ovilja bland ryska producenter att sälja för tillfället men bör också stärka viljan att öka arealer för 2015 års skörd.
Oron för ryskt höstsått vete bör tas på allvar och följas men den är också en av anledningarna till varför vetepriserna redan stigit en hel del under de senaste veckorna. I övrigt finns inga större oroligheter vad gäller vete och utan nya väderproblem har vi svårt att se varför vetepriserna ska gå uppåt. Terminer december 15 MATIF kan nu säljas för omkring EUR 183 (SEK 1.685) per ton.
Rapspriserna i Paris noteras ned sedan förra veckan, delvis påverkat av fortsatt fallande priser på råolja. Kommande skörd kan nu säljas på MATIF för omkring EUR 341 (SEK 3.140) per ton. Som vi tidigare berättat kommer Euronext införa terminskontrakt för rapsmjöl och rapsolja 13:e november i år. Rapsmjöl kommer att handlas i poster om 30 ton och rapsolja kommer handlas i poster om 20 ton.
Även majspriserna i Chicago har fallit tillbaka under den gånga veckan, påverkat av bättre skördeväder för den annars relativt sena amerikanska skörden, låga amerikanska exportsiffror samt fortsatt fallande oljepris. Starkare amerikansk dollar har även det påverkat priset negativt då effekten blir dyrare majs för utländska köpare. Även Sydamerika har fått bättre väder och ses generellt sett som gynnsamt – vissa delar är fortfarande relativt torra men mer regn väntas. Med bättre väder i USA, med lite kvar av skörden, och i Sydamerika finns det efter den senaste tidens uppgång nog inte så mycket uppsida kvar. Det finns väldigt mycket majs, och foderspannmål överhuvudtaget, att tillgå så nya väderproblem kommer nog krävas för att driva priset vidare uppåt.
Priserna i Chicago på sojabönor har backat tillbaka under veckan, till stor del som följd av samma skäl som för majsen – starkare amerikansk dollar, fortsatt fallande råoljepris samt bättre väder i både USA och Syd-amerika. Den amerikanska skörden av sojabönor var tidigare något sen men ligger nu i takt med snittet för de senaste fem åren. China National Grain and Oils Information Center, CNOGIC, uppskattar landets import av sojabönor oktober-december till 16,8 miljoner ton – ned 5 procent jämfört med samma period förra året. Sojapriser gick starkt under oktober månad, främst påverkat av brist på sojamjöl som följd av logistikproblem – ett problem som inte kan pågå i all evighet. När detta ordnar upp sig, i kombination med viss oro för Kinas kommande efterfrågan efter nya utbrott av fågelinfluensa, tror vi att priserna kan vända ned ganska snabbt förutsatt inga nya väderproblem i Sydamerika.
[box]SHB Jordbrukskommentar är producerat av Handelsbanken och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Rå[/box]
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A deliberate measure to push oil price lower but it is not the opening of the floodgates

Hurt by US tariffs and more oil from OPEC+. Brent crude fell 2.1% yesterday to USD 71.62/b and is down an additional 0.9% this morning to USD 71/b. New tariff-announcements by Donald Trump and a decision by OPEC+ to lift production by 138 kb/d in April is driving the oil price lower.

The decision by OPEC+ to lift production is a deliberate decision to get a lower oil price. All the members in OPEC+ wants to produce more as a general rule. Their plan and hope for a long time has been that they could gradually revive production back to a more normal level without pushing the oil price lower. As such they have postponed the planned production increases time and time again. Opting for price over volume. Waiting for the opportunity to lift production without pushing the price lower. And now it has suddenly changed. They start to lift production by 138 kb/d in April even if they know that the oil market this year then will run a surplus. Donald Trump is the reason.
Putin, Muhammed bin Salman (MBS) and Trump all met in Riyadh recently to discuss the war in Ukraine. They naturally discussed politics and energy and what is most important for each and one of them. Putin wants a favorable deal in Ukraine, MBS may want harsher measures towards Iran while Trump amongst other things want a lower oil price. The latter is to appease US consumers to which he has promised a lower oil price. A lower oil price over the coming two years could be good for Trump and the Republicans in the mid-term elections if a lower oil price makes US consumers happy. And a powerful Trump for a full four years is also good for Putin and MBS.
This is not the opening of the floodgates. It is not the start of blindly lifting production each month. It is still highly measured and controlled. It is about lowering the oil price to a level that is acceptable for Putin, MBS, Trump, US oil companies and the US consumers. Such an imagined ”target price” or common denominator is clearly not USD 50-55/b. US production would in that case fall markedly and the finances of Saudi Arabia and Russia would hurt too badly. The price is probably somewhere in the USD 60ies/b.
Brent crude averaged USD 99.5/b, USD 82/b and USD 80/b in 2022, 2023 and 2024 respectively. An oil price of USD 65/b is markedly lower in the sense that it probably would be positively felt by US consumers. The five-year Brent crude oil contract is USD 67/b. In a laxed oil market with little strain and a gradual rise in oil inventories we would see a lowering of the front-end of the Brent crude curve so that the front-end comes down to the level of the longer dated prices. The longer-dated prices usually soften a little bit as well when this happens. The five-year Brent contract could easily slide a couple of dollars down to USD 65/b versus USD 67/b.
Brent crude 1 month contract in USD/b. USD 68.68/b is the level to watch out for. It was the lowpoint in September last year. Breaking below that will bring us to lowest level since December 2021.

Brent whacked down yet again by negative Trump-fallout

Sharply lower yesterday with negative US consumer confidence. Brent crude fell like a rock to USD 73.02/b (-2.4%) yesterday following the publishing of US consumer confidence which fell to 98.3 in February from 105.3 in January (100 is neutral). Intraday Brent fell as low as USD 72.7/b. The closing yesterday was the lowest since late December and at a level where Brent frequently crossed over from September to the end of last year. Brent has now lost both the late December, early January Trump-optimism gains as well as the Biden-spike in mid-Jan and is back in the range from this Autumn. This morning it is staging a small rebound to USD 73.2/b but with little conviction it seems. The US sentiment readings since Friday last week is damaging evidence of the negative fallout Trump is creating.

Evidence growing that Trump-turmoil are having negative effects on the US economy. The US consumer confidence index has been in a seesaw pattern since mid-2022 and the reading yesterday was reached twice in 2024 and close to it also in 2023. But the reading yesterday needs to be seen in the context of Donald Trump being inaugurated as president again on 20 January. The reading must thus be interpreted as direct response by US consumers to what Trump has been doing since he became president and all the uncertainty it has created. The negative reading yesterday also falls into line with the negative readings on Friday, amplifying the message that Trump action will indeed have a negative fallout. At least the first-round effects of it. The market is staging a small rebound this morning to USD 73.3/b. But the genie is out of the bottle: Trump actions is having a negative effect on US consumers and businesses and thus the US economy. Likely effects will be reduced spending by consumers and reduced capex spending by businesses.
Brent crude falling lowest since late December and a level it frequently crossed during autumn.

White: US Conference Board Consumer Confidence (published yesterday). Blue: US Services PMI Business activity (published last Friday). Red: US University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment (published last Friday). All three falling sharply in February. Indexed 100 on Feb-2022.

Crude oil comment: Price reaction driven by intensified sanctions on Iran

Brent crude prices bottomed out at USD 74.20 per barrel at the close of trading on Friday, following a steep decline from USD 77.15 per barrel on Thursday evening (February 20th). During yesterday’s trading session, prices steadily climbed by roughly USD 1 per barrel (1.20%), reaching the current level of USD 75 per barrel.

Yesterday’s price rebound, which has continued into today, is primarily driven by recent U.S. actions aimed at intensifying pressure on Iran. These moves were formalized in the second round of sanctions since the presidential shift, specifically targeting Iranian oil exports. Notably, the U.S. Treasury Department has sanctioned several Iran-related oil companies, added 13 new tankers to the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions list, and sanctioned individuals, oil brokers, and terminals connected to Iran’s oil trade.
The National Security Presidential Memorandum 2 now calls for the U.S. to ”drive Iran’s oil exports to zero,” further asserting that Iran ”can never be allowed to acquire or develop nuclear weapons.” This intensified focus on Iran’s oil exports is naturally fueling market expectations of tighter supply. Yet, OPEC+ spare capacity remains robust, standing at 5.3 million barrels per day, with Saudi Arabia holding 3.1 million, the UAE 1.1 million, Iraq 600k, and Kuwait 400k. As such, any significant price spirals are not expected, given the current OPEC+ supply buffer.
Further contributing to recent price movements, OPEC has yet to decide on its stance regarding production cuts for Q2 2025. The group remains in control of the market, evaluating global supply and demand dynamics on a monthly basis. Given the current state of the market, we believe there is limited capacity for additional OPEC production without risking further price declines.
On a more bullish note, Iraq reaffirmed its commitment to the OPEC+ agreement yesterday, signaling that it would present an updated plan to compensate for any overproduction, which supports ongoing market stability.
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