SHB Råvarubrevet 31 augusti 2012
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Risksentimentet har i princip stått och stampat i två veckor, hopp om ytterligare stimulanser från Federal Reserve ger stöd medan ökad konjunkturoro i Asien och nervositet inför ECB:s nya obligationsprogram agerat sänke. Det inofficiella kinesiska inköpschefsindexet var svagare än väntat, och tydde på en lageruppbyggnad i industrin. Viktiga infrastrukturella indikatorer pekar dock uppåt och monetära stimulanser talar fortfarande för återhämtning. Protokollet från Federal Reserve visade att den amerikanska centralbanken är närmare ytterligare större stimulanser än vad marknaden tidigare bedömt. Som minimum kommer Fed leverera nollränta till 2015 vid sitt möte den 12:e september. Sannolikheten är dock hög för att ytterligare ett QE-program sjösätts, något som flera tillgångsslag tagit fasta på. Tidigare erfarenhet från Feds stimulansprogram talar starkt för stigande råvarupriser. Ben Bernanke gav dock inga löften vid fredagens uttalande.
Stora rörelser på oljemarknaden till följd av orkanen Isak, minskat kapacitetsutnyttjande bland raffinaderier, ökade amerikanska oljelager (+4.7 miljoner), Ben Bernanke tal och blandade signaler kring USAs strategiska reserver. Inga större skador på oljeanläggningarna i den mexikanska golfen och en stor del av den nedstängda kapaciteten förväntas tillbaka i början av nästa vecka. Den delen av riskpremien har således försvunnit men underhållssstopp i Nordsjön och risk för strejk inom den Norska oljesektorn ger stöd. Elmarknaden (Q412) backade närmare 4 procent som ett resultat av det våta vädret. Prognoserna är fortfarande bearish men vi ser ut att gå mot torrare väder vilket resulterar i att vi är neutrala
Från stigande priser föregående vecka stänger basmetallerna denna vecka på minus. Lageruppbyggnad och Kinas inköpschefsindex är två av orsakerna. Förväntningar på stimulansåtgärder ger fortsatt stöd åt priserna (efter talet föll priserna snabbt men återhämtades sig något). Vårt basmetallsindex har tappat 1,6 % under veckan, men ser fortfarande ljust på utvecklingen under hösten och tror på högre priser för denna sektor.
Efter Ben Bernankes uttalande idag föll guldpriset initialt men återhämtade sig snabbt igen, resonemanget verkar vara att även om inget hände nu, så kan det komma vid nästa Fed-möte som bara är två veckor bort. Vi tror att ädelmetallerna kommer att handla ganska vilset under närmaste tiden, med viss gravitation uppåt i förväntan om att stimulanserna ändå kommer.
Terminspriser på vete har gått upp något under veckan i både Chicago och Paris. Skörden av vårvete i USA går framåt utan några större problem att rapportera om, glädjande för de amerikanska lantbrukarna är att USA:s höstveteregioner fått en del regn inför sådden, men mer behövs. I Argentina uppges allt vara ok, gott om regn den senaste tiden har gjort att grödan är i bra skick. I Australien har det kommit en del regnskurar, vilket i alla fall gjort att situationen inte förvärrats sedan förra veckan, mer regn behövs dock för att oron ska försvinna helt. I Europa har en del regn fortsatt att fördröja skördearbetet längst i norr, inte minst i Storbritannien varifrån det rapporteras om en hel del kvalitetsproblem – vilket dock inte är något ovanligt. Norra Europa ser dock ut att få lite torrare väder nästa vecka, vilket gynnar det sista skördearbetet. Vad gäller Ryssland fortsätter de flesta i marknaden att justera ned sina förväntningar för den pågående skörden, vilket ger ytterligare skäl att vänta sig någon form av exportrestriktioner under säsongen – många tror att det sker i slutet av oktober månad, bland annat beroende på om nuvarande snabba exporttakt håller i sig. Det finns i dagsläget få skäl till att se sjunkande vetepriser på kort sikt.
Fortsatta oroligheter på elfenbenskusten (6 st. beväpnade attacker där åtminstone 14 personer mist livet ), samt något mindre nederbörd än normalt för årstiden i Ghana står bakom den gångna veckans prisrörelser för kakao. Kakaopriset har stärkts avsevärt och handlar nu på nivåer vi inte sett sedan november 2011. Priset på apelsinjuice följde orkanen Isaacs framfart i veckan. Priset klättrade något då vindstyrkan för Isaac tilltog men i samband med ändrad riktning på orkanen och att den därmed heller inte utgjorde något större hot för apelsinodlingarna dalade priset neråt. Marknaden för apelsinjuice är dock påmind om att varje orkan i området utgör en risk för odlingarna och följer utvecklingen av stormarna Kirk och Leslie som i dagsläget inte ser ut att nå land.
[box]SHB Råvarubrevet är producerat av Handelsbanken och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Rå[/box]
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Large drop in total commercial petroleum inventories

Brent crude prices have risen by USD 0.8 per barrel so far this week since Monday’s opening. However, prices touched a weekly low of USD 68.6 per barrel on Tuesday before reaching a weekly high of USD 71.20 per barrel this morning.

Last week, U.S. crude oil refinery inputs averaged 15.7 million barrels per day, up by 321 thousand barrels per day compared to the previous week. Refineries operated at 86.5% of their total operable capacity during this period. Gasoline production declined to an average of 9.6 million barrels per day, while distillate fuel production also fell, averaging 4.5 million barrels per day.
U.S. crude oil imports averaged 5.5 million barrels per day, a decrease of 343 thousand barrels from the prior week. Over the past four weeks, imports have averaged 5.8 million barrels per day, reflecting a 10.6% year-on-year decline compared to the same period last year.
Total commercial petroleum inventories fell by a large 6.0 million barrels, contributing to some positive price movements observed yesterday evening and this morning. Although commercial crude oil inventories (excluding the SPR) increased by 1.4 million barrels, this was notably lower than the 4.3-million-barrel build forecasted by the API on Tuesday. With the most recent build included, U.S. crude oil inventories now stand at 435.2 million barrels, down by 12 million barrels compared to the same week last year.
Gasoline inventories decreased by 5.7 million barrels, exceeding the API’s reported decline of 4.6 million barrels. Despite this, gasoline stocks remain 1% above the five-year average. Distillate (diesel) inventories dropped by 1.6 million barrels, compared to the API’s forecast of a 0.4-million-barrel increase, and are currently about 5% below the five-year average.
Over the past four weeks, total products supplied, a proxy for U.S. demand, averaged 20.7 million barrels per day, a 3.9% increase compared to the same period last year. Gasoline supplied averaged 8.7 million barrels per day, showing a modest increase of 0.1% year-on-year. Diesel supplied averaged 4.1 million barrels per day, up by 9.5% from the same period last year. Additionally, jet fuel supplied saw a 1.5% year-on-year increase.
Crude oil comment: Unable to rebound as the US SPX is signaling dark clouds on the horizon

Held in check within a tight range. Brent managed to stage a small 0.4% gain yesterday. It closed at USD 69.56/b and traded within a range of USD 68.63 – 7.44/b. This morning it is adding another 0.4% to USD 69.8/b. Since 4 March it has closed within a tight range of USD 69.28 – 70.36/b and traded within a slightly wider range of USD 68.33 – 71.4/b.

Depressed by US equity market sell-off saying dark clouds are on the horizon. When we look at the dips to the 70-line and below since late 2021 we see that they have been very brief with little staying power at that level. Bouncing back up very quickly. Just a quick touch. This time however we have been staying down around the 70-line for 6-7 days. Despite the fact that the front-end 1-3mth time-spreads have held up and have not fallen off a cliff.
What stands out with the current selloff versus the previous selloffs is the sharp decline in the S&P 500 index. (SPX) Down 9.3% since 19 Feb. The SPX index is the ”canary in the coal mine”. It is all about the negative fallout from Trump-Tariff-Turmoil and all the other erratic and disrupting actions from Trump. The US equity market is saying that this is BAD for the US economy. And if so, it is usually also bad for the rest of the world in the old sense that ”when the US sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold”.
The implication of this is that if we now get an equity market rebound, then we are likely to get an oil price rebound as well since that is what seems to hold back the Brent crude oil price at the current level.
To all we can see however, Donald Trump does not seem to back off. He is steamrolling ahead. Drugged by his own power and assumed infallibility. The fear by investors which the SPX index is signaling aren’t going to go away except for temporary rebounds. Instead, we are likely to see increasing negative readings in a range of macro variables going forward as a consequence of what Trump is currently doing. The single reason for why we at all doubt that this will be the case is because we have never, ever seen anything like this out of the US in some 100 years or more.
US EIA says, ”all is good” while US oil veteran says, ”prepare for USD 50-60/b”. The US EIA ydy published its monthly oil market report (STEO). It projects a smaller surplus in 2025 with Brent crude averaging USD 74/b this year and USD 68/b next year. Fundamental to this forecast is that all is good and well with global oil demand growing by 1.4 mb/d this year and by 1.6 mb/d in 2026. No negative fallout with respect to global oil demand there reflecting the potential negative economic fallout from Trump-Turmoil.
The US shale oil pioneer Scott Sheffield on the other hand says that ”you’ve really got to hunker down” and prepare for oil to drop to USD 50-60/b as non-US production grows while China demand peaks. That is even without taking any note on possible negative fallout from current Trump actions. What Scott is saying here is echoed by the US Energy Secretary Chris Wright, the previous CEO of Liberty Energy, North America’s second largest hydraulic fracturing company, who has recently said that we’ll likely see a period of industry disruption ahead similar to the price war between OPEC and US shale oil producers in 2014.
These statements from US shale oil veterans in combination with the current vote of no confidence by US equity investors should be taken very seriously.
But then OPEC+ is always a wildcard and can counter oil price declines due to global macro weakness quite quickly as the group today meets on a regular monthly basis.

The Brent 1mth contract has been trading in a very tight range and for significant longer than the previous dips to the 70-line since late 2021 which lasted for only a day or two.

The Brent crude 1mth contract is probably currently held down and in check just below the 70-line because of the ”canary in the coal mine” SPX selloff signaling dark clouds on the horizon.

Crude oil comment: Not so fragile yet. If it was it would have sold off more yesterday

If the oil market was inherently bearishly fragile it should have sold off much more yesterday. Brent crude fell 1.5% yesterday to USD 69.28/b amid an overall very bearish market sentiment where the SPX index fell 2.7% amid increasing concerns for the damages Trump is doing to the US economy and the increasing risks for a US recession with Trump himself saying that a recession is possible but that in the longer-term everything will be better. Amid such an overall bearish market sentiment one could argue that the 1.5% decline in Brent crude yesterday was a fairly limited decline. Maybe because Brent has sold off so extensively since mid-January and thus has taken out a lot of downside action already. This morning Brent is up 0.3% to USD 69.5/b. Though still below the magical USD 70/b, but not much. If the oil market was inherently bearishly fragile it should have sold off much more yesterday.
A weakening of the 1-3mth time-spreads probably needed for Brent 1M to move lower. The 1-3mth time-spreads are holding quite steady. No rapid deterioration to be seen yet. And the flat price Brent 1mth contract is trading weakly versus the average 1-3mth time-spread of Brent, WTI and Dubai with Dubai the strongest. To see further aggressive downside price action, we probably need to see further deterioration in the front-end time-spreads.
A period of industry disruption ahead says US Energy secretary. The US Energy secretary Chris Wright has told the Financial Times that we’ll likely see a period of industry disruption ahead similar to the price war between OPEC and US shale oil producers in 2014. But that the US shale oil industry will come out stronger and with much lower costs than before. This is definitely not what the market is pricing in today. It can only take place if either OPEC+ or US shale oil producers boosts production or if we get a global recession. OPEC+ looks set for a controlled and gradual lifting of production and US shale oil players looks set for a very careful production growth. With such signals from Crish Wright one should think that US shale oil players will play an even more defensive game in fear of possibly tumbling prices. The signals from Crish Wright are chilling to say the least, but it is highly unclear how he is going to pull it off.
Brent 1mth has taken out the USD 68.68/b but has still not followed through to yet lower levels than the recent USD 68.33/b.

1-3mth time spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai have recovered since mid-Feb and are holding out quite strongly. No deterioration to been seen at the moment.

The average 1-3mth time-spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai versus the Brent 1mth contract.

The average Brent 1mth price at current 1-3mth time-spreads at current level historically.

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