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SHB Råvarubrevet 22 oktober 2011



Handelsbanken - RåvarubrevetVårt Råvaruindex backade med någon procentenhet under veckan men marknaden fann stöd och riskaptiten tilltog efter förhoppningar om att de europeiska ledarna närmar sig en lösning på skuldkrisen samtidigt som Fed indikerade ett möjligt QE3. Kraftigt fall på råoljelagren samtidigt som Libyens oljeproduktion börjar återhämta sig. Gaddafi´s död påskyndar tidsplanen kring oljeproduktionen något men vi tror att uppstart av oljefält och reparationer kommer att ta mycket tid och kraft. Detta bör upprätthålla oljemarknaden något. Statoil meddelade i slutet av veckan att fyndigheten vid Aldus Major South i Nordsjön kan vara en av de största i norsk historia. I övrigt var det kraftiga fall på metaller men marknaderna återhämtade delar av rörelsen mot slutet av veckan.

Det är makroekonomisk oro som styr råvarumarknaden just nu och det är väl ingen överraskning att marknaden förväntar sig mycket långsam tillväxt i Europa, mycket långsam tillväxt i USA och avtagande tillväxt i Kina. Detta har inneburit att en stor del av analytikerkåren har reviderat ned sina prognoser på framför allt metaller. Vi har dock aldrig sett en sådan delad analytikerkår eftersom potentialen för dominoeffekt från enskilda händelser är mycket stor och ökar risken. På Koppar exempelvis pekar prognoserna på allt mellan 7,500 dollar och 10,500 dollar för den kommande 24 månaders perioden.

En hel del osäkerhet och en marknad som anpassat till en kraftig volatilitet kommer naturligtvis bjuda på möjligheter att komma in i råvarumarknaden på gynnsamma nivåer. Det är därför viktigt att belysa en längre placeringshorisont och råvaror ur ett diversifieringsperspektiv. Vi har studerat under vilka perioder sedan 1995 man INTE hade uppnått en lägre risk genom att inkludera råvaror i portföljen. Föga förvånande så har ett inkluderande av råvaror i sparportföljen under samtliga kvartal under denna period lett till en lägre risk. Med andra ord, det har undantagslöst förbättrat den riskjusterade avkastningen, det som är det absolut viktigaste sättet att generera avkastning.

Om vi då ser till det längre perspektivet kan vi inte komma runt det faktum att efterfrågan växer på en ändlig resurs. Om vi väljer att bryta ner vårt råvaruindex i underkomponenter skulle jag se det så här:

1) Ädelmetaller: Guld och silver har stigit kraftigt under nuvarande finanskris, drivet av sin status som värdebevarare i orostider. På kort sikt anser vi att denna våg är över, men att på lägre sikt så utgör ädelmetaller en bra försäkring i en diversifierad sparportfölj.

2) Basmetaller: Dessa höll sig höga långt in i årets börsfall och konjunkturoro, för att nyligen falla 15 % på en vecka. Här anser vi att det både på kort och lång sikt är bra köpläge, Kina och övriga tillväxtmarknader kommer att driva på efterfrågan, och fler aktörer hoppas på prisfall än vad som fruktar detsamma. Faller priset så dras utbud bort från marknaden då utvinning inte blir lönsam.

3) Livsmedel: Även här pekar både konsumtionsmönster och befolkningstillväxt på en ekvation som är svår att få ihop på sikt, fler människor ska äta och fler anammar västerländska konsumtionsmönster vilket leder till högre efterfrågan på kött och protein. Vi hoppas att mer spannmål kan produceras, och framför allt distribueras, till de som behöver, utan att kostnaderna stiger. Men risken är att det bara är högre priser som leder till ökade investeringar i jordbruk och spannmålsproduktion.

4) Energi: Ännu en omöjlig ekvation att lösa, efterfrågan på fossila bränslen stiger trots miljömedvetenhet, och de ”billiga” tillgångarna på råolja utarmas. All ny oljeutvinning sker till betydligt högre kostnader, vilket återspeglas i priset. Oljepriset samvarierar ganska väl med kortsiktiga konjunkturförväntningar, men kommer på sikt inte att kunna gå annat än upp som vi ser det.

Sammanvägt går det inte att dra någon annan slutsats än att råvaror kommer att stiga i pris. Kortsiktigt kommer de att vara fortsatt volatila och riskfyllda, särskilt i dessa finansiella orostider, men på längre sikt kommer de att stiga. Skulle dessutom börsen repa mod under återstoden av året så kommer råvarupriserna att stiga även kortsiktigt.

Handelsbankens Råvaruindex

Handelsbankens Råvaruindex - 22 oktober 2011

Handelsbankens råvaruindex består av de underliggande indexen för respektive råvara. Vikterna är bestämda till hälften från värdet av global produktion och till hälften från likviditeten i terminskontrakten.


[box]SHB Råvarubrevet är producerat av Handelsbanken och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]


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Finansiellt instruments historiska avkastning är inte en garanti för framtida avkastning. Värdet på finansiella instrument kan både öka och minska och det är inte säkert att du får tillbaka hela det investerade kapitalet.


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Strategic delay in retaliation: a prime time to buy on the dips



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have declined for a third consecutive session, now plummeting by a substantial USD 3.1 per barrel since Monday’s close. Prices fell from USD 77.7 in the evening to the current USD 74.5. This decrease primarily reflects the easing tensions in the Middle East and the reduced likelihood of impacts on critical Iranian oil infrastructure.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Retaliation from Israel remains highly anticipated, yet its potential effect on energy infrastructure is now being questioned. Reports suggest that Israel may avoid targeting Iran’s oil facilities, alleviating concerns over major supply disruptions. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has shown a preference for striking military sites rather than oil or nuclear facilities, as part of ongoing discussions with the Biden administration amidst the current turmoil.

The oil market has been notably volatile due to escalating tensions in the Middle East, exacerbated by the pending Israeli response to the Iranian missile attack on October 1. However, the anticipated non-disruptive retaliation against Iranian oil infrastructure is shifting market focus back to economic slowdown concerns in major economies, including China, thereby exerting downward pressure on oil prices.

Moreover, the absence of new stimulative measures from China’s Finance Ministry has tempered expectations for a boost in crude consumption in the world’s largest oil importer.

Complicating the market landscape, OPEC recently adjusted its demand growth projections downward for this year and the next, marking the third consecutive cut. OPEC now forecasts oil demand in 2024 and 2025 to be 104.1 million barrels per day and 105.7 million barrels per day, respectively, a decrease from previous estimates of 104.2 million and 105.8 million barrels per day.

Despite these projections, OPEC+ remains committed to increasing production by 180,000 barrels per month starting December 2024, culminating in an increase of 2.2 million barrels per day by December 2025. Nonetheless, we anticipate that the cartel will continue to closely monitor market conditions and perform monthly evaluations, potentially adjusting the production scale to stabilize prices within the mid-70-to-80-dollar range. We maintain confidence in the planned December 2024 production increase of 180,000 barrels, which currently places downward pressure on global oil prices as winter approaches.

However, it’s important to note that the risk of price spikes has not been entirely eliminated. Ongoing geopolitical risks, particularly concerning Iran, remain central to the market. The potential for Israeli retaliation continues to mitigate any significant downside in oil prices. Israel’s strategic calculations could be influenced by the upcoming US election on November 5th, as geopolitical alignments could shift, potentially impacting the timing and nature of military actions (read more: Benign macro fundamentals, geopolitical risks). Despite US discouragements against striking Iranian oil infrastructure, recent dialogues between Netanyahu and Biden do not guarantee the avoidance of such actions.

With this context, we continue to perceive substantial upside risks if the conflict escalates further and affects energy infrastructure. Although prices have declined, the potential for upside risks far outweighs the downside, supporting our recommendation to buy on these dips.

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Crude oil comment: cautious watching



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have declined by slightly above USD 4 per barrel since Monday’s close, dropping from a high of USD 81.2 on Monday evening to the current price of USD 77. This decrease reflects the market’s nervous anticipation of Israel’s response to Iran’s missile attack last Tuesday is slowly fading. The attack, which, despite involving approximately 200 ballistic missiles, reportedly caused limited damage – a fact still under verification.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

While retaliation from Israel is anticipated, the heightening tensions appear to be slowly subsiding, and the market is gradually less tilted to factor in potential escalations in the Middle East.

Historically, despite prolonged conflicts in regions like Russia-Ukraine and the Middle East, the global oil market has not experienced a loss of supply. This continued availability has contributed to a reduction in the geopolitical risk premium, prompting a more immediate focus on the market fundamentals and leading to the recent price retreat.

The drop in oil prices was further influenced by the disappointing lack of details regarding Chinese economic stimulus and was accompanied by a notable build in commercial crude inventories, reported at 5.81 million barrels. However, the latter was less of a price driver as the API figures released on Tuesday evening indicated a substantial increase in US crude stocks by 11 million barrels – the largest build in over eight months if confirmed by the DOE.

Additionally, the OPEC+ deal remains unchanged, with plans to increase production by 180,000 barrels per month starting December 2024, resulting in an increase of approximately 2.2 million barrels per day over the next 12 months. This strategy continues to exert downward pressure on global oil prices.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that the risk of price spikes has not been completely mitigated. The ongoing geopolitical risks, especially concerning Iran, continue to be a focal point. With Brent crude currently at USD 77 per barrel – returning to the robust price levels seen in late August – a significant and forceful Israeli response could jeopardize Iranian oil exports, potentially driving prices higher.

Despite US discouragement of Israeli strikes on Iranian oil infrastructure, recent discussions between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden do not guarantee that such actions will be avoided.

Given this backdrop, the market remains in a ”wait and see” mode, with considerable upside risks if the conflict escalates further and impacts energy infrastructure in the Persian Gulf. The nature of Israel’s impending retaliatory actions will likely dictate the conflict’s trajectory. We advise maintaining caution, yet suggest buying on dips(!), as the potential for upside risks outweighs the downside in the current volatile environment.

For more information of a potential worst-case scenario, read Tuesday’s crude oil comment: Brace for impact!

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Crude oil comment: Brace for impact!



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have soared by nearly USD 10 per barrel in just one week, escalating from a low of USD 69.9 on September 1st to the current USD 79.4 per barrel. Yesterday, Brent traded as high as USD 81.2 before retreating slightly in today’s session, reaching levels not seen since late August.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Despite Saudi Arabia’s focus on volume over price and its intention to abandon the unofficial oil price target of USD 100 per barrel, the Kingdom is likely to increase production gradually by 180,000 barrels per month, amounting to a +2.2 million barrels per day increase over the next 12 months starting from December 2024. This bearish strategy led to plummeting prices in late September.

Price support has also come from China’s recent implementation of stimulus measures aimed at achieving its 5% growth target, primarily focusing on the stressed property market. In the short term, this stimulus is unlikely to translate into significant demand growth for Chinese oil. For context, the latest data on Chinese refinery utilization shows a slight improvement, though still well below the levels of 2023. Additionally, Chinese oil demand in August was down by approximately 6% year-over-year.

Setting aside Saudi Arabia’s defense of its market share and China’s economic measures, the spotlight is now on geopolitics – specifically, the escalating tensions in the Middle East, which are putting Iranian oil exports at risk and boosting Brent prices.

The market is holding its breath, awaiting Israel’s response to Iran’s missile attack last Tuesday. Approximately 200 ballistic missiles were launched, reportedly causing limited damage. However, retaliation is expected, and the market is pricing in the potential escalation of conflicts in the Middle East.

Leading up to the attack, speculative positions in Brent crude were at record lows, setting the stage for a sharp rebound following the missile strike on October 1st. Despite managed money purchasing 120 million barrels in the past three weeks from the September 10th low, this still marks the fourth-lowest position since 2011, according to ICE. This record bearish positioning was driven by deteriorating outlooks for major economies since the summer and the resulting subdued oil consumption growth.

Yet, these significant bearish positions also primed prices for a sudden surge following a shift in supply and demand. For instance, potential Israeli retaliation targeting Iran’s oil fields, refineries, and export terminals has driven prices dramatically higher. With this backdrop, there are substantial upside risks to both speculative positions and global oil prices if the conflicts escalate further and affect energy infrastructure in the Arabian Gulf.

Israeli retaliation could range from a limited strike, which might not provoke severe Iranian retaliation, allowing Iran to continue its crude exports to China at approximately 2 million barrels per day, to more severe attacks potentially provoking Iran to target oil infrastructures in the UAE and Saudi Arabia and to attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz which transports 18 million barrels per day of crude to the global market (20% of global oil consumption). This blockade could severely constrain supply, spiking oil prices given the already low US crude inventories.

Although the worst-case scenario of a severe escalation is unlikely, the region has been managing serious and escalating conflicts for some time. Just yesterday marked one year since the October 7th attack on Israel, and thus far, the global market has not lost any oil. The most severe market impact to date has been the rerouting of oil around Africa due to Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Additionally, should Iran’s entire oil export capacity be disabled, the global market would lose roughly 2 million barrels per day of Iranian crude and condensate. Yet, with OPEC+ holding a spare capacity of nearly 6 million barrels per day – with Saudi Arabia alone able to boost production by nearly 3 million barrels per day – the global oil supply is robust. However, a significant reduction in spare capacity would naturally elevate oil prices, diminishing the global balancing buffer.

Despite the low probability of a worst-case scenario, the global markets remain on edge following the unexpected events like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Markets are exceedingly nervous about future developments. The upcoming retaliatory attack by Israel will likely set the tone for the conflict moving forward. Prepare for potentially higher prices and increased volatility!

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Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden

