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SHB Råvarubrevet 12 april 2013



Handelsbanken - Råvarubrevet - Nyhetsbrev om råvaror

Handelsbanken - Råvarubrevet inklusive ädelmetallerRåvaror allmänt

Tilltagande makro-oro

Efter rädsla för den politiska processen kring Italien och Cypernröran i mars så har plötslig svaghet i både inköpschefsindex i EMU och USA gett motvind för sentimentet och de konjunkturhandlade råvarorna. Medan spridningseffekterna från Cypernstöket har blivit mycket modesta så oroar USA data oss. Amerikanska inköpschefsindex föll oväntat i mars, vilket lett till viss oro för att konjunkturdata kommer att upprepa resan vi sett under 2010-2012, då våren varit en tid med negativa överraskningar. Det oväntat låga sysselsättningsutfallet (payrolls) späder på denna oro. Även fredagens försäljningssiffror överraskade på nedsidan. Det intressanta är att den amerikanska börsen har skakat av sig denna plötsliga makrosvaghet helt och hållet medan räntemarknaden och råvaror har tagit den till sig med hull och hår.

Våra modeller antyder att USA inköpschefsindex bör stiga snarare än falla framöver. En stark börs brukar dessutom leda till förbättrad konsumtionstillväxt och högre investeringsefterfrågan. Finanspolitiken i USA har dock svängt om till åtstramning och kanske är detta vi nu ser i makro efter en oväntat stark inledning på året. Ännu vet vi inte vilken fot vi ska stå på men vi är klart försiktigare än tidigare under året. Kinadata har däremot varit bra under veckan med starkare import, lägre inflation och högre utlåning vilket fick de kinakänsliga basmetallerna att vända uppåt. Importen till Kina av de fyra viktigaste råvarorna, järnmalm, råolja, koppar och sojabönor var alla högre under mars än februari.

Handelsbankens index på råvaror - 12 april 2013


Kina stärker metallerna, USA tynger

Basmetaller har stigit under veckan och håller sina senaste stödnivåer efter att ökad optimism sprider sig kring utsikterna för ett starkare Q2 i Kina. Stark bankutlåning i mars och arbitragemöjligheter mellan kopparnoteringen på LME och Shanghai har ökat köpintresset hos kinesiska aktörer. Kopparpriset har följaktligen varit uppe och nosat på två veckors högsta under veckan, men föll tillbaka under fredagen och stänger veckan oförändrad.

Övriga metaller fick också se veckans tidigare uppgångar raderade efter sämre än väntade försäljningssiffror från USA. Störst nedgång noterades för tenn som under en timme föll med 3 %.

I tisdags gick 25 000 gruvarbetare i Chilenska koppargruvor ut i en 24 timmars strejk i ett försök att få bättre arbetsvillkor, säkerhetsregler och pensioner.

Kopparpris och nickelpris - 12 april 2013

Trots nedgången senaste tiden tror vi på högre priser på basmetaller framöver och ser istället att dagens nivåer som köpvärda. Vi tror på: BASMET H


Uppgång blev till nedgång

Efter att guldet har haft tillfälliga uppgångar drivit av Cypernoron och Japans QE aktion så tror vi åter att resan söderut fortsätter. Silver följer med som guldets spralliga lillebror medan vi behåller en långsiktig tro på högre pris på palladium och platina, givet deras betydelse som industrimetaller exponerade mot asiatisk fordonsindustri som går som tåget.

I förra veckan upprepade vi vår vy på fallande guld och bortsett ifrån en sväng uppe på nästan 1590, fick vi under veckan se resultatet av våra argument. Efter att ha brutit igenom stödnivån på 1550 föll guldet under fredag eftermiddag som lägst under 1500!

Diagram över silverpris och guldpris

Starkare dollar och högre räntor blir utmanande för guldet samtidigt som inflationen väntas vara låg under året. Vi tror på: GULD S H


USA data fick oljan på fall

Oljan lyckades återhämta sig något under veckans första dagar för återigen försvagas på oro för Cypern och försäljningssiffror från USA inte motsvarade förväntningarna. Retail sales kom in på niomånaderslägsta vilket fick oljan ner till 101 USD/fat – på en nivå vi inte sett sedan juli 2012. Vi fortsätter tro att oljan har ett starkt stöd omkring 100 USD, såsom varit fallet i snart 2,5 år. Allt svagare makrodata har helt enkelt satt sina spår i makroråvaran nummer ett; oljan.

För elen har de senaste två veckornas rally drivits av den försenade våren och torrare väderlek ser ut att kunna fortsätta. Väderprognoserna som ligger inför nästa vecka visar på ett lågtryck som slår om mot högtryck med kallare och torrare väder. Energibalansen som försvagats ytterligare under veckan skulle därmed kunna försämras till hela -22 TWh vilket ger stöd för prisbilden. I övrigt förväntas nästa vecka handla mycket om EU Parlamentets omröstning nu på tisdag den 16/4 kring en eventuell backloadingplan.

Brentpris och elpris (Nordpool)

Vi tror att både olja och el är fortsatt köpvärda. Vi tror på : ENERGI H


Stigande konsumtion stödjer kakaopriset

Vårt starka case på fallande priser för soja, majs och vete efter den amerikanska torkan har spelat ut efter att priserna har fallit tillbaka till nivåerna före torkan. Om normalt väder infaller i år finns det dock fortfarande en riskpremie i soja majs och vete som kommer prisas ur när dagens låga lagernivåer börjar normaliseras. För europeiskt vete som våra certifikat är kopplade till finns en större nedsida än i det amerikanska vetet då Europa och Ryssland har ett senare odlingsår. Därmed vet vi idag mindre om statusen på årets skörd och en högre riskpremie är därför befogad.

Världsmarknadspriset på kakao nådde årshögsta (2744 dollar/ton) under september förra året. Detta som en följd av uteblivet regn och temperaturer över normalen under odlingssäsongen i regioner kring Elfenbenskusten, världens största kakaoexportör. Det råder därför osäkerhet kring storleken och kvalitén på årets skörd och priskurvan har varit uppåtgående sen i början av mars. Under de senaste två åren har priset fallit ca 20 procent som en följd av goda väderförhållanden och höga skördar som har varit huvudorsaken till överskott på kakao. Men de låga kakaopriserna har lett till att fler och fler kakaoodlare överväger att odla andra tropiska råvaror samtidigt som kakaokonsumtionen utanför Europa och Nordamerika ökar. Med risk för minskad produktion och i takt med stigande konsumtion i tillväxtländerna tror vi på fortsatt uppgång av priset.

Kakaopris på ICE - Commodity

Då priserna har på de stora jordbruksråvarorna soja, majs och vete har fallit tillbaka till nivåer före torkan i USA, tror vi att en nedsida är begränsad på kort sikt och därför är vi neutrala till utvecklingen för denna sektor.

Handelsbankens Råvaruindex

Handelsbankens commodity index 12 april 2013

Handelsbankens råvaruindex består av de underliggande indexen för respektive råvara. Vikterna är bestämda till hälften från värdet av nordisk produktion (globala produktionen för sektorindex) och till hälften från likviditeten i terminskontrakten.

[box]SHB Råvarubrevet är producerat av Handelsbanken och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]


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Diesel concerns drags Brent lower but OPEC+ will still get the price it wants in Q3



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent rallied 2.5% last week on bullish inventories and bullish backdrop. Brent crude gained 2.5% last week with a close of the week of USD 89.5/b which also was the highest close of the week. The bullish drivers were: 1) Commercial crude and product stocks declined 3.8 m b versus a normal seasonal rise of 4.4 m b, 2) Solid gains in front-end Brent crude time-spreads indicating a tight crude market, and 3) A positive backdrop of a 2.7% gain in US S&P 500 index.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent falling back 1% on diesel concerns this morning. But positive backdrop may counter it later. This morning Brent crude is pulling back 0.9% to USD 88.7/b counter to the fact that the general backdrop is positive with a weaker USD, equity gains both in Asia and in European and US futures and not the least also positive gains in industrial metals with copper trading up 0.4% at USD 10 009/ton. This overall positive market backdrop clearly has the potential to reverse the initial bearish start of the week as we get a little further into the Monday trading session.

Diesel concerns at center stage. The bearish angle on oil this morning is weak diesel demand with diesel forward curves in front-end contango and predictions for lower refinery runs in response this down the road. I.e. that the current front-end strength in crude curves (elevated backwardation) reflecting a current tight crude market will dissipate in not too long due to likely lower refinery runs. 

But gasoline cracks have rallied. Diesel weakness is normal this time of year. Overall refining margin still strong. Lots of focus on weakness in diesel demand and cracks. But we need to remember that we saw the same weakness last spring in April and May before the diesel cracks rallied into the rest of the year. Diesel cracks are also very seasonal with natural winter-strength and likewise natural summer weakness. What matters for refineries is of course the overall refining margin reflecting demand for all products. Gasoline cracks have rallied to close to USD 24/b in ARA for the front-month contract. If we compute a proxy ARA refining margin consisting of 40% diesel, 40% gasoline and 20% bunkeroil we get a refining margin of USD 14/b which is way above the 2015-19 average of only USD 6.5/b. This does not take into account the now much higher costs to EU refineries of carbon prices and nat gas prices. So the picture is a little less rosy than what the USD 14/b may look like.

The Russia/Ukraine oil product shock has not yet fully dissipated. What stands out though is that the oil product shock from the Russian war on Ukraine has dissipated significantly, but it is still clearly there. Looking at below graphs on oil product cracks the Russian attack on Ukraine stands out like day and night in February 2022 and oil product markets have still not fully normalized.

Oil market gazing towards OPEC+ meeting in June. OPEC+ will adjust to get the price they want. Oil markets are increasingly gazing towards the OPEC+ meeting in June when the group will decide what to do with production in Q3-24. Our view is that the group will adjust production as needed to gain the oil price it wants which typically is USD 85/b or higher. This is probably also the general view in the market.

Change in US oil inventories was a bullish driver last week.

Change in US oil inventories was a bullish driver last week.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data, US EIA

Crude oil time-spreads strengthened last week

Crude oil time-spreads strengthened last week
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

ICE gasoil forward curve has shifted from solid backwardation to front-end contango signaling diesel demand weakness. Leading to concerns for lower refinery runs and softer crude oil demand by refineries down the road.

ICE gasoil forward curve
Source: Blbrg

ARA gasoline crack has rallied towards while Gasoil crack has fallen back. Not a totally unusual pattern.

ARA gasoline crack has rallied towards while Gasoil crack has fallen back. Not a totally unusual pattern.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Proxy ARA refining margin with 40% gasoil crack, 40% gasoline crack and 20% bunker oil crack.

Proxy ARA refining margin with 40% gasoil crack, 40% gasoline crack and 20% bunker oil crack.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

ARA diesel cracks saw the exact same pattern last year. Dipping low in April and May before rallying into the second half of the year. Diesel cracks have fallen back but are still clearly above normal levels both in spot and on the forward curve. I.e. the ”Russian diesel stress” hasn’t fully dissipated quite yet.

ARA diesel cracks
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Net long specs fell back a little last week.

Net long specs fell back a little last week.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

52-week ranking of net long speculative positions in Brent and WTI as well as 52-week ranking of the strength of the Brent 1-7 mth backwardation

52-week ranking of net long speculative positions in Brent and WTI as well as 52-week ranking of the strength of the Brent 1-7 mth backwardation
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data
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’wait and see’ mode



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

So far this week, Brent Crude prices have strengthened by USD 1.3 per barrel since Monday’s opening. While macroeconomic concerns persist, they have somewhat abated, resulting in muted price reactions. Fundamentals predominantly influence global oil price developments at present. This week, we’ve observed highs of USD 89 per barrel yesterday morning and lows of USD 85.7 per barrel on Monday morning. Currently, Brent Crude is trading at a stable USD 88.3 per barrel, maintaining this level for the past 24 hours.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Additionally, there has been no significant price reaction to Crude following yesterday’s US inventory report (see page 11 attached):

  • US commercial crude inventories (excluding SPR) decreased by 6.4 million barrels from the previous week, standing at 453.6 million barrels, roughly 3% below the five-year average for this time of year.
  • Total motor gasoline inventories decreased by 0.6 million barrels, approximately 4% below the five-year average.
  • Distillate (diesel) inventories increased by 1.6 million barrels but remain weak historically, about 7% below the five-year average.
  • Total commercial petroleum inventories (crude + products) decreased by 3.8 million barrels last week.

Regarding petroleum products, the overall build/withdrawal aligns with seasonal patterns, theoretically exerting limited effect on prices. However, the significant draw in commercial crude inventories counters the seasonality, surpassing market expectations and API figures released on Tuesday, indicating a draw of 3.2 million barrels (compared to Bloomberg consensus of +1.3 million). API numbers for products were more in line with the US DOE.

Against this backdrop, yesterday’s inventory report is bullish, theoretically exerting upward pressure on crude prices.

Yet, the current stability in prices may be attributed to reduced geopolitical risks, balanced against demand concerns. Markets are adopting a wait-and-see approach ahead of Q1 US GDP (today at 14:30) and the Fed’s preferred inflation measure, “core PCE prices” (tomorrow at 14:30). A stronger print could potentially dampen crude prices as market participants worry over the demand outlook.

Geopolitical “risk premiums” have decreased from last week, although concerns persist, highlighted by Ukraine’s strikes on two Russian oil depots in western Russia and Houthis’ claims of targeting shipping off the Yemeni coast yesterday.

With a relatively calmer geopolitical landscape, the market carefully evaluates data and fundamentals. While the supply picture appears clear, demand remains the predominant uncertainty that the market attempts to decode.

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Also OPEC+ wants to get compensation for inflation



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude has fallen USD 3/b since the peak of Iran-Israel concerns last week. Still lots of talk about significant Mid-East risk premium in the current oil price. But OPEC+ is in no way anywhere close to loosing control of the oil market. Thus what will really matter is what OPEC+ decides to do in June with respect to production in Q3-24 and the market knows this very well. Saudi Arabia’s social cost-break-even is estimated at USD 100/b today. Also Saudi Arabia’s purse is hurt by 21% US inflation since Jan 2020. Saudi needs more money to make ends meet. Why shouldn’t they get a higher nominal pay as everyone else. Saudi will ask for it

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent is down USD 3/b vs. last week as the immediate risk for Iran-Israel has faded. But risk is far from over says experts. The Brent crude oil price has fallen 3% to now USD 87.3/b since it became clear that Israel was willing to restrain itself with only a muted counter attack versus Israel while Iran at the same time totally played down the counterattack by Israel. The hope now is of course that that was the end of it. The real fear has now receded for the scenario where Israeli and Iranian exchanges of rockets and drones would escalate to a point where also the US is dragged into it with Mid East oil supply being hurt in the end. Not everyone are as optimistic. Professor Meir Javedanfar who teaches Iranian-Israeli studies in Israel instead judges that ”this is just the beginning” and that they sooner or later will confront each other again according to NYT. While the the tension between Iran and Israel has faded significantly, the pain and anger spiraling out of destruction of Gaza will however close to guarantee that bombs and military strifes will take place left, right and center in the Middle East going forward.

Also OPEC+ wants to get paid. At the start of 2020 the 20 year inflation adjusted average Brent crude price stood at USD 76.6/b. If we keep the averaging period fixed and move forward till today that inflation adjusted average has risen to USD 92.5/b. So when OPEC looks in its purse and income stream it today needs a 21% higher oil price than in January 2020 in order to make ends meet and OPEC(+) is working hard to get it.

Much talk about Mid-East risk premium of USD 5-10-25/b. But OPEC+ is in control so why does it matter. There is much talk these days that there is a significant risk premium in Brent crude these days and that it could evaporate if the erratic state of the Middle East as well as Ukraine/Russia settles down. With the latest gains in US oil inventories one could maybe argue that there is a USD 5/b risk premium versus total US commercial crude and product inventories in the Brent crude oil price today. But what really matters for the oil price is what OPEC+ decides to do in June with respect to Q3-24 production. We are in no doubt that the group will steer this market to where they want it also in Q3-24. If there is a little bit too much oil in the market versus demand then they will trim supply accordingly.

Also OPEC+ wants to make ends meet. The 20-year real average Brent price from 2000 to 2019 stood at USD 76.6/b in Jan 2020. That same averaging period is today at USD 92.5/b in today’s money value. OPEC+ needs a higher nominal price to make ends meet and they will work hard to get it.

Price of brent crude
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Inflation adjusted Brent crude price versus total US commercial crude and product stocks. A bit above the regression line. Maybe USD 5/b risk premium. But type of inventories matter. Latest big gains were in Propane and Other oils and not so much in crude and products

Inflation adjusted Brent crude price versus total US commercial crude and product stocks.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Total US commercial crude and product stocks usually rise by 4-5 m b per week this time of year. Gains have been very strong lately, but mostly in Propane and Other oils

Total US commercial crude and product stocks usually rise by 4-5 m b per week this time of year. Gains have been very strong lately, but mostly in Propane and Other oils
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Last week’s US inventory data. Big rise of 10 m b in commercial inventories. What really stands out is the big gains in Propane and Other oils

US inventory data
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

Take actual changes minus normal seasonal changes we find that US commercial crude and regular products like diesel, gasoline, jet and bunker oil actually fell 3 m b versus normal change. 

Take actual changes minus normal seasonal changes we find that US commercial crude and regular products like diesel, gasoline, jet and bunker oil actually fell 3 m b versus normal change.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data
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