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LME Week London 18 oktober 2012



Handelsbanken - Råvarubrevet inklusive ädelmetallerHemma efter årets LME-vecka sammanfattar vi diskussioner över middagar och presentationer. 135 år gammal står fortfarande Londons metallbörs för 85 % av handeln med basmetaller och handeln under september månad var den största någonsin. LME veckan är traditionellt metallhandlarnas tid att underhålla sina kunder. Industrin använder LME-veckan som förhandlingsstart för nästa års smält- och rafflöner. Tusentals metallhandlare samlas i London för att träffa industrirepresentanter med förhoppningen att öka förståelsen för vart marknaden ska ta vägen. Sällan har dock koncensus syn på marknaden varit så tight som i år.

Låga räntor skickar in pengar i metaller vilket gjort att nickel stiger när FeCr faller

Räntor, metaller, nickel, FeCr

Effekterna av lagerhusens köer

Den första lagerfrågan är tillgång till metall från LME:s lager. Frågan var högt på agendan redan förra året men situationen har eskalerat sedan dess. Lagernivåerna för LME metallerna har trendat uppåt under året men simultant har de fysiska premierna (den avgift man får betala ovanpå börspriset för att få ut fysisk metall) stigit. Nuvarande höga premier för zink, aluminium och bly indikerar att tillgången till fysisk metall är begränsad. Kötiden för att få ut metall ur vissa LME-hus är över ett år. Situationen har förvärrats i kölvattnet av QE och Fed policyn att hålla räntorna låga till 2015. Låga räntor gör det extremt billigt att finansiera metall i lager och mycket metall är bunden i finansiella positioner. Synen på hur detta påverkar prisbilden debatterades kraftfullt. LME:s Martin Abbott förekom frågorna med beskedet att man ”tillsatt en utredning” vilket fick mycket ljummen respons.

Låga lager i värdekedjan

Den enskilt viktigaste diskussionen för nästa års prisbild för metallerna var, i våra ögon, lagernivåerna i tillverkningskedjan. Flera rapporter har slagit fast att lagren av metallintensiva varor är höga i Kina men tillgänglig statistik och anekdotiska bevis från de som varit där i närtid tyder på att lagernivåerna är låga efter att ha nått sin topp under 2012 kring det kinesiska nyåret. Detta är speciellt påtagligt för koppar som är den metall som drivs mest av kinas utveckling. Lägre lönsamhet i de kinesiska bolagen och starka intressen att minska arbetande kapital har minskat lagernivåerna i Kina (och Europa) under året. Appropå Kina så diskuterades som vanligt det stundande ledarskapsskiftets inverkan på den kinesiska efterfrågan. Wang Qing från CICC adresserade problemet med kommentaren ”med mindre än en mer avslappnad policy kring fastighetssektorn så kommer återhämtningen att vara svag”

Nästa års smält- och rafflöner

Diskussionen om kommande smält och rafflöner var ursprunget till LME veckan. Numera får dessa diskussioner mycket lite utrymme. Åtminstone bland de finansiella aktörerna. På sidolinjen till konferenserna står dock fortfarande de fysiska aktörerna och diskuterar. Vårt intryck är att både koppar och zink kommer att se högre TC/RC under 2013. För koppar är det kommande överskottet på koncentrat skälet. För zink beror det på att Kina förväntas importera mindre koncentrat i spåren av en inbromsande ekonomi och expanderande gruvproduktion av zinkkoncentrat vilket skapar större överskott i väst samtidigt som de kinesiska smältverken förlorar pengar på nuvarande nivåer och behöver högre smält och rafflöner.

10 % högre TCRC för zink verkar vara koncensus.

Kontentan av årets LME är att alla väntar på vad som ska hända i Kina efter ledarskapsskiftet. De presentationer som gavs var alla slående lika till innehållet; Kina, Eurokrisen och USA:s fiscal cliff dominerade utan att ge något banbrytande på endera tema.


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Högst på agendan fanns lagerproblemen

Redan under förra årets LME vecka diskuterades problemet med längre och längre köer för att få ut metall ur LME:s lagerhus. Nu när situationen blivit ännu värre var frågan bland de mest diskuterade. (En industriell aktör säger sig ha fått beskedet att behöva vänta 1 år på att få ut aluminium ur LMEs lagerhus i Detroit). En annan het lagerfråga var de låga lagernivåerna av metall och metallvaror i värdekedjan under 2012. Vidare diskuterades den pågående euforin på finansmarknaden kontra de dystra utsikterna för den fysiska marknaden.

Inbromsningen och ledarskapsskifte i Kina, debaclet i Europa och den ovanligt tysta fysiska marknaden var stående samtalsämnen. Sist men inte minst fick den verkliga huvudfrågan fokus: TC/RC för koppar väntas stiga något under 2013 i spåren av begynnande koncentrat- överskott från stigande gruvproduktion medan zinkgruvor och smältverk verkar stå ganska nära varandra och endast små justeringar uppåt för TC/RC är att vänta för 2013.

Har finansmarknaden prisat in för mycket i metallerna?

Ännu en gång är avvikelsen mellan den fysiska och finansiella marknaden för basmetaller påtaglig, när en svag fysisk marknad står i kontrast till det rally som ägt rum på LME sedan QE annonserades. Fler pengar jagar nu samma tillgångar och en del av QE pengarna söker sig in i basmetaller. Särskilt uppenbart är det på marknaden för rostfritt stål där den finansiellt handlade legeringsmetallen nickel dragit i väg med 10 % under september medan den icke finansiellt handlade krom har fallit i pris.


Anticipated demand weakness sends chills



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude stabilized around USD 73 per barrel yesterday and this morning, following U.S. inventory data that showed significant draws for yet another week, along with OPEC’s decision to delay output hikes for two months. However, the shift in OPEC+ strategy wasn’t enough to offset the sharp losses in crude prices witnessed over the past few weeks, with Brent falling by USD 8.5 per barrel (10.3%) since late August. This recent decline has largely been driven by concerns over fragile demand.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Looking ahead, despite the bullish U.S. inventory report (detailed below), the market’s focus remains on the anticipated weakness in crude and product demand, which is overshadowing positive signals. Deep concerns persist, especially regarding China, which typically accounts for roughly 40% of annual global demand growth.

Moreover, the current change in OPEC+ strategy does not guarantee stability moving forward. There is still uncertainty around how OPEC+ will proceed: whether it will continue to delay production or release more volumes to the market. Historically, OPEC+ has maintained a ”price floor” at USD 80+ per barrel, stepping in to support prices. However, this floor may now be shifting. Lastly, the Russia-Ukraine diesel shock has mostly dissipated, leading to a decline in the diesel crack and global diesel prices, which in turn is reducing stress on crude markets.

U.S. crude oil refinery inputs averaged 16.9 million barrels per day last week, reflecting a slight increase from the prior week, with refineries operating at 93.3% capacity. U.S. commercial crude inventories dropped by 6.9 million barrels, bringing the total to 418.3 million barrels—about 5% below the five-year average for this time of year, signaling a clear tightness in supply.

Since June, U.S. crude inventories have consistently shown substantial draws (see page 12), underscoring strong implied demand (see page 15) and slower-than-expected production growth. U.S. crude production appears to have plateaued, and its trajectory for the rest of the year will be crucial to monitor.

Gasoline inventories rose by 0.8 million barrels but remained 2% below the five-year average, while distillate (diesel) inventories fell by 0.4 million barrels, standing a significant 10% below their historical average.


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On the import side, U.S. crude oil imports averaged 5.8 million barrels per day last week, down by 768,000 barrels from the previous week, further contributing to the supply draw. With China’s weakening economy now a focal point for commodities markets, pushing industrial commodities lower, the energy sector remains vulnerable but resilient for now.

Gasoline production reached 9.7 million barrels per day, and diesel production hit 5.2 million barrels per day, both reflecting steady output. Additionally, overall petroleum inventories fell by 8.0 million barrels (see page 14).

Earlier this week, we released our updated Oil and Gas Price Outlook, which provides detailed projections and insights into market trends through 2027. In the report, we forecast lower oil prices in 2025 as the market shifts to surplus, driven by tepid demand growth – particularly from China – and rising production both within and outside of OPEC+. We expect OPEC+ to tolerate some price declines in exchange for higher volumes, which could lead to increased price volatility. Yet, a market deficit is likely to return in 2026, setting the stage for a price rebound. In the natural gas market, tight LNG supply conditions are expected to sustain upward price pressure through 2024 and 2025, despite high EU inventories, with relief coming in late 2026 as new production capacity becomes available.

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Brent crude will fluctuate more as OPEC+ loosens market control



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Market focuses on China weakness and more supply from OPEC+ while the sound of Israeli rockets in Lebanon one weak ago are fading. Following a high of USD 80.53/b on Monday last week (following Lebanon – Israel rocket exchange on Sunday 25 Aug.) the Brent November contract traded downhill and ended the week at USD 76.93/b. On a Friday to Friday basis however, the November contract was down by only 1.6%. So not at all a total route. This morning the Brent Nov. contract is down 0.7% at USD 76.4/b on combined concerns for the Chinese economy and increasing signs that OPEC+ will indeed lift production in Q4-24 as earlier signaled. The current disturbances in Libya’s oil production could provide room for added supply from OPEC+. But fluctuations in Libya’s oil production has become quite normal over the latest years and any outages will probably be short lived. And to what we can understand from the news flow there has been given signals for restart of production already.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Softer towards the end of the year? The Brent crude oil price has a historical tendency for weakness in the latter part of the year. With continued deterioration in China and added barrels from OPEC+ in Q4-24 this could very well be the case also this year.

Brent will likely move over a wider range with softer market control by OPEC+. OPEC+ looks set to move to a softer price control regime. Shifting from a strict ”price” focus regime to some kind of hybrid ”price/volume” market control. This should allow the Brent crude oil price to fluctuate more. The difference between the highest and the lowest Brent crude oil price over the past 400 days is only USD 27.6/b. The median since 2009 is USD 50/b.

Bearish concerns for the future. But market looks tight here and now and Mid-East is very unstable. Lots of bearish talk and concerns, but physical signals are still tight. US oil inventories have been falling steadily and counter seasonally over the past 6 weeks and floating global crude stocks have fallen sharply and by more than 50 m barrels since a peak in June. Combine this with the very unstable situation in the Middle East and it is not so easy to sit with large short positions in oil.

The Brent crude November contract in USD/b

The Brent crude November contract in USD/b
Source: Bloomberg

52 week ranking of Net long specs in Brent + WTI and ranking of Brent crude curve backwardation

52 week ranking of Net long specs in Brent + WTI and ranking of Brent crude curve backwardation
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed.

Net long spec for Brent + WTI in million barrels

Net long spec for Brent + WTI in million barrels
Source:  SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed.

Historical average Brent crude oil prices per month since 2008 in nominal USD/b

Historical average Brent crude oil prices per month since 2008 in nominal USD/b
Source:  SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed.

Brent crude 400 day rolling High-Low price spread in USD/b difference

Brent crude 400 day rolling High-Low price spread in USD/b difference
Source:  SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed.

Total US commercial crude and product stocks in million barrels

Total US commercial crude and product stocks in million barrels
Source:  SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed, US EIA data

Global, floating crude oil stocks in million barrels.

Global, floating crude oil stocks in million barrels.
Source:  SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data feed.
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Fear of coming weakness trumps current tightness



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude has continued its decline from earlier this week, dropping USD 2 per barrel since yesterday’s high in the afternoon, a decline of approximately 2.6%. It is currently trading at USD 75.9 per barrel, nearing its lowest level since early August and approaching the yearly low of USD 74.8 per barrel from early January.

Looking ahead, despite a bullish U.S. inventory report (detailed below), the fear of future weakness is overshadowing this positive news.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

As highlighted in Tuesday’s crude oil comment, at the top of our “worry list” is the deteriorating economic outlook in China, which is worsening more rapidly than previously anticipated. Recent data from July indicates that bank loans to the real economy contracted for the first time in 19 years. Despite lower interest rates, corporations are not borrowing due to a loss of confidence. Fewer loans equate to reduced economic activity, which is evident in the decline in factory output. This situation intensifies concerns about Chinese oil demand, as the market increasingly believes that the weakness in Chinese oil imports may not be a temporary blip but a more sustained issue.

Additionally, yesterday’s sharp crude sell-off was influenced by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) adjustment, which revealed 818,000 fewer jobs than expected—the largest downward revision since 2009. While the Fed’s July meeting minutes had already reflected doubts about previous job data, making the revision less surprising, it nonetheless reinforces the view that the labor market is cooling, strengthening the case for a potential rate cut in September.

It is also worth noting that when crude oil prices were at current levels earlier in the year, the ’dated to front’ line was negative, whereas it is now positive. This shift suggests a fairly tight physical market, further evidenced by continuous inventory drawdowns.

U.S. commercial crude oil inventories (excl. SPR) dropped by 4.6 million barrels, bringing the total to 426 million barrels, which is approximately 5% below the five-year average for this time of year. Gasoline inventories fell by 1.6 million barrels and are 3% below the five-year average. Distillate (diesel) inventories also saw a drawdown of 3.3 million barrels, leaving them 10% below the five-year average. Overall, total commercial petroleum inventories declined by 5.9 million barrels last week—a clear indication of current market tightness.


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Looking ahead to other potential weaknesses, the normalization of refinery margins suggests significantly less demand from refineries compared to the very strong margins seen in 2022, most of 2023, and the beginning of 2024. Consequently, we can expect reduced crude demand for refining in the future, reinforcing the expectation of “coming weaknesses.” Against this backdrop, a retest of the yearly low remains a possibility.

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