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SHB Trading Case Råvaror 15 mars 2012



SHB Handelsbanken tradingcase råvarorKöp Olja vs Ädelmetaller!

  • Köp OLJA H

Våra vyer just nu är positiva på Energi och Basmetaller, neutrala på Livsmedel och negativa på Ädelmetaller. Vår positiva syn på Energi är i huvudsak baserad på en tro om att oljepriset är på väg uppåt. Oljepriset har ju redan stigit en hel del (+ 18 % bara under 2012) och många tycker därför att det känns jobbigt att köpa här, om man ”missat tåget”, i tron att det riskerar att rekylera neråt.

Denna risk finns naturligtvis, framförallt om det skulle komma negativa konjunktursignaler eller om råvarupriserna skulle falla generellt. Vår vy är dock att alltför många ”sjunger från samma sånghäfte” när det gäller oljan, dvs. den borde gå ner för att den har gått upp så mycket. Detta är ett väldigt enkelt resonemang, och därmed farligt, oljan biter sig fast på höga nivåer. Vi handlar på årshögsta i Brentolja, och vi tror att även om det inte blir en väpnad konflikt i Mellanöstern så kommer det att fortsätta att stiga. Och om det smäller till på allvar med vapeninsatser så kommer oljepriset att stiga väldigt fort, och troligtvis också väldigt mycket.

Våra råvaruanalytiker har tittat lite på relationen olja/ guld, och denna har trendat väldigt snyggt de senaste två månaderna med en uppgång om över 16 %. Vi tror att detta kommer att fortsätta, guldmarknaden är lång, och oljemarknaden har inte tagit höjd för en upptrappning kring Hormuz-sundet. Därför tycker vi att en trade där man går lång olja (köp certifikatet OLJA H) mot ädelmetaller (köp certifikatet ADELMET S H) är perfekt i denna situation. Detta skapar en någorlunda marknadsneutral position – utan hävstång – där OLJA H stiger linjärt med Brentoljan, och där ADELMET S H kommer att röra sig linjärt ”tvärtemot” Handelsbankens Ädelmetallindex (där guld utgör 50 %, silver 26 %, platina 18 % och palladium 6 %). Med andra ord, om ädelmetallerna faller i pris så stiger ditt ADELMET S H, och bägge dessa certifikat är kvoterade i dollar vilket gör att den totala positionen har en valutarisk som är försumbar.

Dessa två certifikat tillsammans skulle skapa en position som vi tror kommer att trenda vidare åt rätt håll, och den skulle gå väldigt bra i händelse av en upptrappning kring Iran, och den skulle gå bra om vi får fler positiva konjunktursignaler.

Grafen nedan visar hur oljepriset har stärkts mot Ädelmetallindex under de senaste månaderna. Vi tror att denna utveckling kommer att fortsätta.

Hur oljepriset har stärkts mot Ädelmetallindex under de senaste månaderna.

[box]SHB Tradingcase är producerat av Handelsbanken och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]


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Rising with softer USD and positive markets but less bullish tailwind from nat gas



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Ticking higher along with softer USD and gains in metals and equities. Brent traded down marginally (-0.2%) yesterday to USD 72.02/b following a 2.4% decline on Wednesday. This morning it is ticking up 0.5% to USD 75.4/b, well aligned with a 0.4% softer USD and solid gains in equities and industrial metals. Technically it is neither overbought nor oversold with RSI at 45. Though it is flirting with the 100dma also being below both the 50dma and the 200dma. So, no obvious strength either. The bullish tailwind from nat gas is fading a bit with TTF nat gas falling sharply to below the price of ICE Gasoil (”diesel”).

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Longer-dated prices supported at USD 68/b. But looks like a process of fading strength. The longer-dated contracts for Brent keep trading down towards the high 60ies around USD 68/b but are rejected repeatedly. The pricing for these contracts looks like a process of fading strength. Just oozing closer to the USD 68/b level with smaller and smaller bounces each time. Very clear consumer buying interest for oil products when Brent crude prices move towards the USD 68-70/b level. This support level may thus to some degree come from the consumer side of the market. If oil consuming industry loses confidence in the economy, we might see the longer dated prices break below USD 68-70/b. But oil producers may also have limited interest in hedging downside risk at around the 68-mark. So, selling from that side of the market is probably also fading at that level. But also, sellers/producers may change if the global economy was to look shakier.

Microscopic changes in IEA forecast. OPEC(+) still needs to cut in 2025 to balance market. The IEA made only microscopic adjustments to its oil market balance yesterday. Adjusting production in OECD Europe and FSU production slightly lower resulting in call-on-OPEC going up by 0.2 mb/d versus the previous report. Call-on-OPEC is still set to decline from 27.1 mb/d in 2024 to 26.7 mb/d in 2025. A y-y decline of 0.4 mb/d implying that the group will have to cut production comparably in 2025. OPEC+ is of course planning to lift production by 120 kb/d/month from April onwards. Nope, says the IEA. It has to reduce supply instead.

Front-month and longer dated Brent crude oil prices in USD/b bouncing off the USD 68-70/b level.

Front-month and longer dated Brent crude oil prices in USD/b bouncing off the USD 68-70/b level.
Source: SEB graph, Bloomberg data

European TTF front-month price trading sharply lower following signals that nat gas inventories in Europe may not need to mandatory fill to 90% by 1 November anyhow.

European TTF front-month price trading sharply lower following signals that nat gas inventories in Europe may not need to mandatory fill to 90% by 1 November anyhow.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data
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Climbing crude inventories in line with seasonal patterns



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Yesterday’s report from the US DOE revealed an increase of 4.1 million barrels in US crude oil inventories for the previous week. This build exceeded the consensus estimate of 2.5 million barrels whilst less than the API forecast of 9 million barrels reported on Tuesday. As of last week, total US crude inventories stand at 428 million barrels, which represents a decrease of 12 million barrels compared to the same week last year.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

In addition, gasoline inventories decreased by 3.0 million barrels, surpassing the consensus estimate of a 0.5-million-barrel drawdown. Conversely, distillate (diesel) inventories saw an increase of 0.135 million barrels, contrary to the expected decline of 1.5 million barrels. In total, commercial inventories (excluding the SPR) – which include crude oil, gasoline, and diesel – rose by 1.2 million barrels.

Refinery utilization improved by 0.5 percentage points, reaching 85% last week. Meanwhile, total products supplied (a proxy for implied demand) over the past four-week period averaged 20.3 million barrels per day, reflecting a 2.8% increase compared to the same period last year.

Additionally, gasoline demand averaged 8.3 million barrels per day over the past four weeks, up by 0.9% from the same period in 2024. Diesel demand averaged 4.2 million barrels per day, showing a significant increase of 13.6% year-on-year. Jet fuel demand also saw an increase of 4.4% compared to the same four-week period in 2024.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) will be releasing its monthly report today at 10:00 CET.

Oil inventories
Oil inventories
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Crude oil comment: Tariffs spark small reactions, but price gains hold steady



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices bottomed out at USD 74.10 per barrel on Thursday evening (February 6th) after a continuous decline since mid-January. Since then, prices have climbed uninterruptedly by USD 2.5 per barrel, reaching the current level of USD 76.50 per barrel.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Since the beginning of 2025, price movements have been more volatile compared to the fourth quarter of 2024. Additionally, the market has broken the firm range-bound levels of USD 70–75 per barrel that prevailed from mid-October 2024 to January 2025.

Brent crude rose by nearly USD 1.50 per barrel yesterday (February 10th), driven by a tighter supply outlook. This has been credited to stricter sanctions resulting in Russia producing below its quota. Meanwhile, the US President recently ordered a 25% tariff on all aluminum and steel imports, including from Canada and Mexico, the country’s top two foreign suppliers. The tariffs are set to take effect on March 12, according to the White House.

At present, Brent crude appears to be holding onto its price gains, with little reaction so far to the latest tariff news, as markets await key US CPI data scheduled for tomorrow (February 12th).

As we highlighted last week (link), there has recently been a significant build-up in US crude inventories, with Canadian crude flows increasing rapidly to meet the tariff deadline, which was originally set for March. However, US industry-based inventory data (API) is due to be released later today, and we expect a slowdown, as Canada negotiated a 30-day delay in the imposition of US tariffs. A 10% import tariff on Canadian oil had been proposed.

On top of that, there is an increasing risk to the Gaza ceasefire deal, as both parties have accused each other of violating the terms of the agreement. The US President has stated that Israel should call off its ceasefire agreement with Hamas if hostages are not returned by this weekend, further contributing to heightened geopolitical tensions, as well as the US’ tougher stance on Iran.

Stay tuned. This week, monthly oil market reports from the EIA (this evening), IEA (Thursday, February 13th), and OPEC (tomorrow, February 12th) will be released.

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