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Kaffe – Special Edition



Handelsbanken - Råvarubrevet - Nyhetsbrev om råvaror

Kvartalsrapport för råvaror från HandelsbankenBakgrund

Det finns 100 olika arter av kaffebönor och de två främsta kaffesorterna är Arabica och Robusta. Arabica anses vara av den bättre kvalitén medan Robusta har en högre koffeinhalt. Brasilien och Vietnam är ledande kaffeproducenter följt av Colombia. Sydamerika odlar mest Arabicabönor medan sydost Asien producerar Robustabönor. Arabicabönorna är i allra högsta grad väderberoende och frodas bäst när det regnar jämt över hela året medan kraftigt regn, torka och frost kan skada bönorna. Andra faktorer som hotar kaffeodlingen är mögel och svamp som angriper bladen och som kan leda till stora bortfall under ett kaffeår. Normalt klarar sig Robusta bättre som är mer resistenta medan Arabica behöver mer omvårdnad.

Kaffe 2013

Trots ett volatilt år med mycket nederbörd i Brasilien och problem i Centralamerika med Roya (bladsvamp) så har terminspriset på kaffe fortsatt falla. Bakom den negativa trenden ligger flera år av rekordskördar. Produktionssiffror på de första 11 månaderna av kaffeåret 2012/13 visar på att produktionsbortfallet efter bladsvamp i Mexico och Centralamerica beräknas komma att bli 14,7 procent lägre än tidigare år och landar på 17.3 miljoner bags (1 bag=60 kg). Dock har förlusten kompenserats med mer motståndskraftiga kaffesorter och den totala produktionen för okt 12-aug 13 uppskattas bli 145,2 miljoner bags, 9,6 procent högre än föregående år. Av dessa 145,2 miljoner består 60 procent av Arabica (+8,5%) och resterande Robusta (+11,4%). Tittar man närmare på produktionen i Brasiliens, väldens största kaffeproducent under 2012/13, uppskattas den komma att stiga med 16,9 procent från föregående år. Lite mer osäkert är det i Vietnam, väldens näststörsta kaffeproducent, där det regnat en del senaste tiden och skörden ser ut att dröja ytterligare några veckor. Dock väntas inga större förändringar jämfört med tidigare år. Sammanfattningsvis kan man summera 2012/13 som ett bra kaffe-år. Dessvärre spås den totala produktionen på kaffe för säsongen 2013/-14 att komma minska, samtidigt som världskonsumtionen för kalenderåret 2012 väntas ligga kvar på 142 miljoner bags, vilket motsvarar en genomsnittlig årlig tillväxt på 2,4 procent för de senaste fyra åren.

Vår vy

Kaffe (SHB Coffee) är en av de femton råvaror som ingår i vårt råvaruindex och följer terminspriset på Arabicakaffe, som i skrivande stund handlas under 1,10 dollar/Ib. Vi kan mycket väl se priset backa ytterligare fram till att siffror för kaffeårets sista månad (sept) når marknaden. Men vi ser risken på nedsidan begränsad varför vi finner kaffe köpvärd på sikt.

Kaffeprisets utveckling år 2008-2013


Crude oil comment: Not so fragile yet. If it was it would have sold off more yesterday



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

If the oil market was inherently bearishly fragile it should have sold off much more yesterday. Brent crude fell 1.5% yesterday to USD 69.28/b amid an overall very bearish market sentiment where the SPX index fell 2.7% amid increasing concerns for the damages Trump is doing to the US economy and the increasing risks for a US recession with Trump himself saying that a recession is possible but that in the longer-term everything will be better. Amid such an overall bearish market sentiment one could argue that the 1.5% decline in Brent crude yesterday was a fairly limited decline. Maybe because Brent has sold off so extensively since mid-January and thus has taken out a lot of downside action already. This morning Brent is up 0.3% to USD 69.5/b. Though still below the magical USD 70/b, but not much. If the oil market was inherently bearishly fragile it should have sold off much more yesterday.

A weakening of the 1-3mth time-spreads probably needed for Brent 1M to move lower. The 1-3mth time-spreads are holding quite steady. No rapid deterioration to be seen yet. And the flat price Brent 1mth contract is trading weakly versus the average 1-3mth time-spread of Brent, WTI and Dubai with Dubai the strongest. To see further aggressive downside price action, we probably need to see further deterioration in the front-end time-spreads.

A period of industry disruption ahead says US Energy secretary. The US Energy secretary Chris Wright has told the Financial Times that we’ll likely see a period of industry disruption ahead similar to the price war between OPEC and US shale oil producers in 2014. But that the US shale oil industry will come out stronger and with much lower costs than before. This is definitely not what the market is pricing in today. It can only take place if either OPEC+ or US shale oil producers boosts production or if we get a global recession. OPEC+ looks set for a controlled and gradual lifting of production and US shale oil players looks set for a very careful production growth. With such signals from Crish Wright one should think that US shale oil players will play an even more defensive game in fear of possibly tumbling prices. The signals from Crish Wright are chilling to say the least, but it is highly unclear how he is going to pull it off.

Brent 1mth has taken out the USD 68.68/b but has still not followed through to yet lower levels than the recent USD 68.33/b.

Brent 1mth has taken out the USD 68.68/b but has still not followed through to yet lower levels than the recent USD 68.33/b.
Source: Bloomberg

1-3mth time spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai have recovered since mid-Feb and are holding out quite strongly. No deterioration to been seen at the moment.

1-3mth time spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai have recovered since mid-Feb and are holding out quite strongly. No deterioration to been seen at the moment.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

The average 1-3mth time-spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai versus the Brent 1mth contract.

The average 1-3mth time-spreads of Brent, WTI and Dubai versus the Brent 1mth contract.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

The average Brent 1mth price at current 1-3mth time-spreads at current level historically.

The average Brent 1mth price at current 1-3mth time-spreads at current level historically.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data
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OPEC+ can probably stomach a flat to slight contango market during a period where they lift production



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent fell 3.9% as OPEC+ will produce more in April. Brent crude fell 3.9% last week to USD 70.36/b. Following a low of USD 68.33/b, the lowest since December 2021, it rebounded on Friday with an intraday high that day of USD 71.4/b. The message from OPEC+ at the end of February that they will start to lift production from April was the main bearish driver.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Net long specs are folding their cards as bullish prospects fade. Net long speculative positions in Brent and WTI fell 73.8 mb to 344 mb over the week to Tuesday April 4. It is still well above the 162 mb length on 10 Sep when Brent bottomed at USD 68.68/b. I.e. we came to a lower price level this time around with higher specs than on 10 Sep. Speculators thus has potential to shed more length if the bearish sentiment continuous.

Weakening of the crude curve – how far? OPEC+ preference is flat to backwardated. But the group can probably stomach flat to slight contango during a period where they lift production. The Brent crude structure has been in steady decline since the Brent 1mth to 60mth price spread peaked at USD 47.4/b on 10 June 2022. The latest signal from OPEC+ of more oil supply into a period of projected surplus calls for yet softer crude curve structure as rising inventories naturally should drive it into contango with front-end discount to longer dated prices. But OPEC+ has a natural distaste for a contango market as they then sell their oil at a discount to assumed non-OPEC+ marginal costs.

The 1mth to 60mth time spread has gone into deep contango three times over the past 20 years. Negative macro shocks in 2008/09 and in 2020 were countered by OPEC(+). But it took some time to drive the Brent curve back to flat/backwardated. In 2014/15 it was deliberate action by OPEC in order to ”kill US shale oil producers” but OPEC policy was reversed in 2016, and OPEC+ was created.

OPEC+ is unlikely to repeat 2014/15. The group is still in full control. It can probably accept a flat curve and stomach a little contango for a while. But deep contango like in 2008/09 and in 2020 will require a negative macro-shock. A flat curve implies a Brent 1mth at USD 67/b (= five year contract). But longer dated contracts have a tendency to weaken a little when the front-end weakens.

Brent crude 1mth down to USD 68.33/b last week and lowest since Dec 2021.

Brent crude 1mth down to USD 68.33/b last week and lowest since Dec 2021.
Source: Bloomberg

A substantial weakening of the Brent crude oil curve since July 2024. Still front-end backwardation. Longer dated price holding steady around USD 67/b. But it was closer to USD 70/b in July 2024.

A substantial weakening of the Brent crude oil curve since July 2024. Still front-end backwardation.
Source: Bloomberg

The Brent 1mth still holds a small premium of USD 3.2/b over the 60mth contract. But clear fading since 2022.

The Brent 1mth still holds a small premium of USD 3.2/b over the 60mth contract. But clear fading since 2022.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data

The Brent 1mth to 60mth price spread. Deep contango three times over past 20 years. Deliberate by OPEC in 2014/15. But negative macro shock in 2008/09 and 2020. OPEC+ can probably accept a flat curve and stomach a light contango over a little period while they place some of their volumes back into the market. But deep contango requires a sharp, negative macro shock.

The Brent 1mth to 60mth price spread.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data

Net long speculative positions fell 73.8 mb last week. Still some length to shed if bearish sentiment persists.

Net long speculative positions fell 73.8 mb last week. Still some length to shed if bearish sentiment persists.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data

52 week ranking of Brent 1 to 7 mth curve structure and net long speculative positions in Brent + WTI.

52 week ranking of Brent 1 to 7 mth curve structure and net long speculative positions in Brent + WTI.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data
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Oversold. Rising 1-3mth time-spreads. Possibly rebounding to USD 73.5/b before downside ensues



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent was shaken ydy by the sharp selloff on Wednesday but ticking above the 70-line today. Brent crude inched up 0.2% to USD 69.46/b yesterday following the sharp selloff on Wednesday. The market was clearly still shaken by the sharp selloff on Wednesday when it then traded all the way down to USD 68.33/b and the lowest since Dec 2021. Market ydy didn’t quite dare to make any bets on the upside and basically stayed put. Brent is rising 0.8% this morning to USD 70/b staging a bit more confidence that the recent selloff was a little too much and a little too soon as surplus is not here quite yet. Stronger 1-3mths time-spreads today is also indicating the same. The Brent 1mth price is currently trading very soft versus the 1-3mth time-spreads. So, more rebound is definitely possible given both time-spreads and technically oversold market.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

The current average 1-3mth time-spread of Brent, WTI and Dubai is rising to USD 1.06/b this morning. Looking at the relationship between the Brent 1M and these time-spreads so far this year we could possibly see the Brent 1M price rebound to USD 73.5/b given the level of the current time-spread and the fact that Brent is currently technically oversold.

Consolidation around the 70-line for a period, but message from OPEC+ is clear: lower oil price. The message from OPEC+ when they now have decided to lift production in April and into a period of surplus, is explicitly clear: lower oil prices. But the group is still acting in a highly controlled way. This is not a flash-crash but an adjustment. This is probably starting to dawn on the market today as it trades up above the 70-line again today following technically oversold territory. But back down below the 70-line again in the coming weeks and months seems the natural conclusion to draw following what OPEC+ now has decided to do. But given the current oversold state of Brent crude it seems likely that we’ll see some more consolidation around the 70-line before renewed bearish action ensues. Trump Tariff Turmoil of course adds a lot of bearish concerns for the US economy which naturally flavors over to crude oil as well.

Brent crude still very much in oversold territory. So, more consolidation around the 70-line seems likely before more bearish action continuous.

Brent crude still very much in oversold territory. So, more consolidation around the 70-line seems likely before more bearish action continuous.
Source: Bloomberg graph and calculations

The 1-3 months time-spreads are rebounding a little today. Again, highlighting the fact that surplus is not here quite yet.

The 1-3 months time-spreads are rebounding a little today. Again, highlighting the fact that surplus is not here quite yet.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

Brent 1M flat price is trading very soft vs. the 1-3mth time-spreads.

Brent 1M flat price is trading very soft vs. the 1-3mth time-spreads.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

The average Brent 1M price so far this year when the 1-3mth time-spread has been in the current range is USD 73.6/b. Brent M1 rising to that level would be kind of neutral territory given the level of the time-spreds.

The average Brent 1M price so far this year when the 1-3mth time-spread has been in the current range is USD 73.6/b. Brent M1 rising to that level would be kind of neutral territory given the level of the time-spreds.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data
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