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Gold: how we value the precious metal



Glänsande guldtacka

Gold is a unique asset class. Indeed, many investors even question whether it is an asset class. Is it a commodity, or a currency? What’s also interesting about gold is that even though it has been viewed as a form of investment for several millennia, there’s little consensus on how to actually value it. 

In this article, we’ll look at how we value gold at WisdomTree and explain how we use historic price behaviour to generate gold price forecasts for the future.  

The difficulty in valuing gold

It’s easy to understand why valuing gold is complex.

For a start, gold does not generate cash flow like other assets do, so traditional valuation techniques such as discounted cash flow (DCF) models don’t work.  

Another complication lies in the fact that there have been many regime shifts in relation to the precious metal over the years. For example, between 1933 and 1974, investment in gold bullion was all-but barred in the US after President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 61021. Similarly, in China, gold bullion investment was effectively prohibited between 1950 and 20042. Today, these two countries are among the largest bullion investing nations in the world. So, clearly, using extremely long timeseries of data to calibrate a gold valuation model is not appropriate.

With little consensus on valuation methods, financial commentators are often quite emotive in their projections for the metal. There are the ‘gold bugs,’ who tend to be perma-bulls, while there are also gold bears who believe that the metal has little value. 

The WisdomTree gold model

At WisdomTree, our goal has been to develop a robust, impartial gold model. 

We recognise that many factors affect the price of gold, so we have modelled the precious metal in a multivariate fashion. We have been able to build a basic model with four key explanatory variables and our gold price forecasts can be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on the direction of these underlying variables. Notably, our model describes gold as more of a monetary asset than a commodity. 

In our gold model, we show that changes in US Dollar gold prices are driven by (direction in parenthesis): 

  • Changes in the US Dollar basket (-)
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation (+)
  • Changes in nominal yields on 10-year US Treasuries (-)
  • Investor sentiment (measured by speculative positioning in the futures market) (+)

We chose to put both inflation and nominal yields into the model as a proxy for real yields, rather than real yields directly so that we could use a longer data set (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities have only been around since 1997), and our model goes back to 1995 when Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data on speculative futures market positioning first starts. 

Figure 1 shows forecasts when calibrating our model using data from April 1996 to April 2017. 

Figure 1. Gold price model in ”out of sample” test

Gold price model
Source: Bloomberg, WisdomTree, data available as of close 19 November 2019 Model calibration: April 1996 to April 2017. Out of sample period: May 2017 to October 2019.

As you can see, our model tracks the actual price of gold quite well. However, we have also added new variables to the model to see if they enhance its explanatory power. 

Additional variables

To this base model we added a number of extra variables over the April 1995 to April 2018 period. Here’s what we found: 

  • Equity markets: Year-on-year changes in gold prices were negatively related to year-on-year changes in the S&P 500 and including the equity market indicator in the model weakened the significance of nominal yields. So, we chose not to include an equity market factor in our final model.
  • Volatility: Changes in the option implied volatility of the S&P500 (CBOE Volatility Index, VIX) did not help explain gold prices. Many people regard gold as a hedge against surprises, but we found that the VIX didn’t have a significant impact in our model. This may have been related to the monthly frequency of our model as surprises are often too short-lived to be picked up in a monthly model.
  • ETP assets: Gold prices appeared to be negatively associated with changes in gold exchange traded product (ETP) assets under management (measured in ounces) and the results cast doubt on the popular assertion that rising gold ETP demand has been responsible for higher gold prices.
  • US Federal Reserve (Fed) balance sheet: Changes in the Fed’s balance sheet size and changes in US M2 money supply growth were also not a significant factor in explaining gold prices. This was a surprising result, given the focus on monetary expansion in the context of gold price movements. However, it could just be the case that the US Dollar basket picks up most of the relationship. Changes in the combined balance sheets of the Fed, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan and Swiss National Bank were also not significant. 

Does physical demand matter?

We also looked at whether non-ETP demand for gold (jewellery, technology, bullion, and central bank purchases) can explain gold price movements. To do this, we switched to a quarterly model of gold prices in order to incorporate the quarterly gold demand data from the World Gold Council, and shortened the span of the model to 2005 due to data limitations. 

Here, our research indicated that physical gold demand is also not a relevant factor in explaining gold prices. 

What has been the most important driver of gold prices in the past? 

This is a question that comes up regularly and unfortunately, it’s not a simple question to answer. This is because, as shown in Figure 2, at times a variable can have a large impact on the price of gold and at other times its impact can be minimal.

Figure 2. The impact of each variable: attribution of fitted results vs. actual price

Gold variables
Source: Bloomberg, WisdomTree data available as of close 19 November 2019. Speculative positioning as reported by Commmodity Futures Trading Commisssion, Treasury yields are based on US 10 year government bonds, US Dollar basket is based on fixed weights against major trading partners, inflation is based on the US consumer price index, actual gold prices from Bloomberg. The fitted gold price is the price the model would have forecast. The constant does not have economic meaning, but is used in econometric modeling to capture other terms. It can be thought of as how much gold prices would change if all other variables are set to zero (although that would be unrealistic).

How we use our gold model

Ultimately, understanding gold’s historic behaviour allows us to make future gold price forecasts, as long as we have a view on the explanatory variables. 

By analysing key macroeconomic factors, including Federal Reserve policy, Treasury yields, and exchange rates, our gold model can be used to produce gold price forecasts. 

For those interested, we will shortly be releasing our updated outlook for gold prices up to Q2 2020.

By: Nitesh Shah, Director, Research, WisdomTree

This material is prepared by WisdomTree and its affiliates and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed are as of the date of production and may change as subsequent conditions vary. The information and opinions contained in this material are derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources. As such, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility arising in any other way for errors and omissions (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence) is accepted by WisdomTree, nor any affiliate, nor any of their officers, employees or agents. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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Oljan letar efter en högre botten



Teknisk analys på brent blend-olja av Ingemar Carlsson

Ingemar Carlsson har gjort en teknisk analys på oljepriset, närmare bestämt på brentolja. Just nu letar oljan fortfarande efter en ny lågpunkt, som dock ligger högre än den tidigare. Lågpunkten bör hittas innan kristi himmelsfärdshelgen i början av maj och till dess är det avvakta som gäller.

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Börsveckan ger en köprekommendation till aktien i oljeservicebolaget Beerenberg



Börsveckan ger en köprekommendation till Beerenberg-aktien som noterades på Euronext Growth Oslo i slutet av förra året. Beerenberg är ett norskt servicebolag inom olje- och gassektorn med låg värdering och hög utdelning. Bolaget erbjuder olika tjänster för olje- och gasfält samt andra tekniska produkter och service för krävande miljöer.

Historiken är inte den bästa, där fjolårets omsättning på 2 343 miljoner NOK faktiskt är snäppet lägre än 2015. Sedan 2019, när en stor återhämtning skedde, har tillväxten inte varit högre än en dryg procentenhet årligen. Bolaget fokuserar på service och har stabila kundrelationer, vilket bidrar till en stadig kassaflödesgenerering.

Trots en nedgång i orderingången förväntas Beerenberg ha hygglig tillväxt de kommande åren med förbättringar i lönsamheten. Även om marknaden är osäker på lång sikt, kan bolaget använda sina kassaflöden för att diversifiera sig mot andra hållbara sektorer.

Beerenberg får anses vara ett stabilt bolag med goda framtidsutsikter, trots att det inte förväntas ha höga multiplar. Deras strategi att använda stabila kassaflöden för att diversifiera sig mot hållbara sektorer kan vara långsiktigt lovande. I bokslutsrapporten för 2023 ökade omsättningen med 5 procent till 2 343 miljoner NOK, och rörelsemarginalen förbättrades till 5,6 procent.

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AI ökar det totala elbehovet i USA med 100 % kommande 15 år



Stad med elektricitet

De stora tech-företagen i USA har varit drivande i att utveckla marknaden för fossilfri energi. De vill ha fossilfri energi och har inte bara pratat utan skrivit många storskaliga avtal och lagt pengar på att det byggts mer produktion. Men nu står tech-bolagen och elproducenterna inför enorma utmaningar, för AI kräver stora mängder elektricitet.

Om vi går tillbaka till 2021 så var elbolagens prognoser att efterfrågan på elektricitet i USA under kommande 15 år skulle öka med några få procent. Inte per år, utan några få procent över hela perioden på 15 år.

Stora elbolag har planeringscykler på 10 år, de har ingen vana av att plötsligt i högt tempo dubblera produktionen.

Men vid 2023 förändrades prognosen helt och hållet, då blev prognosen att efterfrågan på elektricitet skulle öka med 100 procent på 15 år.

Bloomberg-podden Odd Lots har bjudit in Brian Janous för ett samtal om situationen. Han är medgrundare och chefsstrateg på Cloverleaf Infrastructure och var tidigare 12 år på Microsoft som företagets första anställd med fokus på energi och har därför på nära håll sett utvecklingen inom datacenter och deras elbehov.

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