Globally about 15% of the world’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions come from the transportation sector. Despite improving fuel efficiency in cars over the past seven decades, the fact that...
20% PRISRAS OMSÄTTNINGEN TILLBAKA PRISKOMMENTAR Marknaden är inte förvånad över prisfallet, vi uppfattar att marknaden väntat sig detta. I absoluta mått är det små rörelser men...
NEDÅTGÅENDE TREND FORTSÄTTER KVARTALSRAPPORT 2 UTE PRISKOMMENTAR Sakta men säkert rör sig priserna fortsatt nedåt, hur långt ner är det ingen som vet. Var går smärtgränsen...
On Tuesday, 11 August, gold fell by over 5% and silver retreated nearly 15% prompting investors to wonder if there had been a material shift in...
LÅG OMSÄTTNING OBEFINTLIG PRISRÖRELSE! PRISKOMMENTAR Obefintliga prisrörelser och ungefär samma omsättning som i förra veckan. Omsättningen kan nog förklaras med att många av elcerthandlarna fortfarande är...
Gold Passes Two Important Sign-Posts The gold bull market passed two important sign-posts in July. The strength of the market is impressive as it blew through...
Gold is the only major commodity to post year-to-date gains in the first half of 2020. The COVID-19 crisis has ripped apart the playbook for 2020....
OPEC+ (-Mexico) has agreed to extend more aggressive oil production cuts into July. In an earlier than originally scheduled meeting over the weekend (6-7th June 2020), most...
The Brent crude oil August contract traded briefly above the $40/bl line yesterday but has now pulled back again as the market is awaiting a decision...
The green industrialised precious metals – platinum and palladium have started 2020 on a weak footing owing to the spread of the COVID–19 pandemic globally. The...