We reduce our forecast for EUA prices to 2030 by 10% to reflect the weakened green political agenda in the EU Parliament following the election for...
EUA price action: The seeds of the rally may have come from Red Sea troubles, higher freight rates and higher ARA coal prices. Add in record short...
The EUA market rallied 3.4% ydy and is adding another 0.5% this afternoon with EUA Dec-24 at EUR 54.2/ton. Despite the current bounce in prices we...
The EUA price is dropping hard along with a sharp decline in the front-year TTF nat gas contract. The typical last-round sell-off in EUA prices have...
There are certainly bearish forces at work in the EUA market currently. Spot-wise, yes, but current forward price curve dynamics also creates a bearish pressure. Not...
A fight between short-term C-t-G differentials at EUR 40-60/ton and longer term values of EUR 100/ton already in 2026. The value of an EUA today is...
Priset på utsläppsrätter steg något efter explosionen i en fransk kärnbränsleanläggning samtidigt som ett par analysrapporter pekade på att priset på utsläppsrätter är för lågt. Den...