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David Hargreaves on The Gold Price and the Numbers Game



Fine guld bars for investmentAs we noted last week, the platinum market has become a parochial affair, centred on major producer South Africa with its surplus capacity, inter-union rivalries and escalating costs. Silver has become a lapdog which as ever, leaves gold as the pack leader. It has taken to registering daily swings of up to $50/oz which, against medium line of $1600, is a touch over 3%. Nice if you can get your timing right and we are tempted to think much of this trade is computer driven. It gives the perennial bulls a headache. At every bounce they warn us this is the start of the big push. Every fall is more consolidation.

Where lies reality? Facts:

  1. The average annual gold price has not fallen since 2001.
  2. Its average increase, year-on-year, has been 16% but is on an accelerating trend.
  3. The 5-year average has increased similarly, at 14%, also with a rigid acceleration since 2006.
  4. If the 5-year average continues to escalate at the recent rate of 20%, this would yield an average by 3016 of $2745/oz.
  5. Yet if we took the annual average increase of 16% since 2001, by 2016 gold should be $3087/oz.

The Gold Price 2001 - 2011 - Average price per ounce

That of course is how computers think. You cannot really programme them to factor in Libya, Syria, Iran or the Chinese economy. If they continue to be geared to short term trading, the rises will be much less spectacular, as we are presently seeing.

What of Central Bank Buying? We are tempted to say ‘what of it?’ Its only purpose can surely be if gold is to be remonetised. As we have demonstrated often, that would require a gold price north of $20,000/oz, simply to satisfy ongoing trade, as expressed by GDP. More likely would be a 15-20% gold backing for an exchangeable currency. On a straight GDP basis we find:

Major Countries - Gold versus GDP

The ratio of gold holdings to GDP is only one measure. Perhaps, in terms of currency value, external indebtedness is an equally relevant marker.

External indebtedness by total and percantage GDP

None of this translates into a drive for a gold standard, not even a partial one. We are left to ponder whether the impetus behind continued gold price rises will be left to private citizens, or governments. If it is to be the latter, a much higher metal price would have to be achieved since the supply is not there.

China’s Gold Demand: Don’t believe most of what you see, let alone what you hear. A bit late, but reported is China in April purchasing 100 tons of gold from Hong Kong. This complements 135 tons bought in Q1. The rumour mill asks if it could be Central Bank buying. So if it is? China has a long way to go before its 1054 tons officially held approaches that of the larger holders and signals a move towards its being meaningful. But any additions to PBOC holdings would create an upward knee jerk on the gold price. Newcrest, the world’s No 6 gold miner at 74 tons, is expanding operations at its Bonkro Gold Mine in the Ivory Coast looking to triple output from 4 to 12 tonnes by 2017. The little West African state needs all the help it can get. Gold it its lifeline and it hopes the current 7tpy will become 13 tons by 2013.

Standard Bank a Wee Bit Bearish on Gold. The close-to-the-action bank senses physical demand is weakening and could do more so above $1700 compared with a recent $1600-ish. It looks for it to be better beyond Q3 2012.

Silver in Decline? An in-depth article in the CPM Group Silver Yearbook, 2012 (May) thinks the price of silver will decline over the next couple of years but still remain above $20/oz. This needs to be put in an historic perspective. The silver price had a respectable relationship to gold over the years of 25:35 to 1.0. but stretched out to almost 60:10 when gold propelled itself towards $2000/oz. Then it reasserted itself to about 25:1.0 in a bubble or short duration. Now it thinks 50-60:1.0 is ok again. There is no shortage of either surface supplies or new production of the metal which is used almost 90% industrially and has a high scrap recovery percentage. Geographically, production is spread across 10 major countries of which the largest is Mexico with 17.5% world total. By company control, nobody has over 7%. Its periodic price spikes are mostly contrived.

Americans buy on dips. Sales of US gold eagle bullion coins rose 158%, May over April 2012 and silver eagles 89% in the same period. The metal prices softened too. But year-on-year sales of the gold coins were down 46.7% on May 2011. The dollar has firmed.


About David Hargreaves

David Hargreaves

David Hargreaves

David Hargreaves is a mining engineer with over forty years of senior experience in the industry. After qualifying in coal mining he worked in the iron ore mines of Quebec and Northwest Ontario before diversifying into other bulk minerals including bauxite. He was Head of Research for stockbrokers James Capel in London from 1974 to 1977 and voted Mining Analyst of the year on three successive occasions.

Since forming his own metals broking and research company in 1977, he has successfully promoted and been a director of several public companies. He currently writes “The Week in Mining”, an incisive review of world mining events, for stockbrokers WH Ireland. David’s research pays particular attention to steel via the iron ore and coal supply industries. He is a Chartered Mining Engineer, Fellow of the Geological Society and the Institute of Mining, Minerals and Materials, and a Member of the Royal Institution. His textbook, “The World Index of Resources and Population” accurately predicted the exponential rise in demand for steel industry products.

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Oljan letar efter en högre botten



Teknisk analys på brent blend-olja av Ingemar Carlsson

Ingemar Carlsson har gjort en teknisk analys på oljepriset, närmare bestämt på brentolja. Just nu letar oljan fortfarande efter en ny lågpunkt, som dock ligger högre än den tidigare. Lågpunkten bör hittas innan kristi himmelsfärdshelgen i början av maj och till dess är det avvakta som gäller.

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Börsveckan ger en köprekommendation till aktien i oljeservicebolaget Beerenberg



Börsveckan ger en köprekommendation till Beerenberg-aktien som noterades på Euronext Growth Oslo i slutet av förra året. Beerenberg är ett norskt servicebolag inom olje- och gassektorn med låg värdering och hög utdelning. Bolaget erbjuder olika tjänster för olje- och gasfält samt andra tekniska produkter och service för krävande miljöer.

Historiken är inte den bästa, där fjolårets omsättning på 2 343 miljoner NOK faktiskt är snäppet lägre än 2015. Sedan 2019, när en stor återhämtning skedde, har tillväxten inte varit högre än en dryg procentenhet årligen. Bolaget fokuserar på service och har stabila kundrelationer, vilket bidrar till en stadig kassaflödesgenerering.

Trots en nedgång i orderingången förväntas Beerenberg ha hygglig tillväxt de kommande åren med förbättringar i lönsamheten. Även om marknaden är osäker på lång sikt, kan bolaget använda sina kassaflöden för att diversifiera sig mot andra hållbara sektorer.

Beerenberg får anses vara ett stabilt bolag med goda framtidsutsikter, trots att det inte förväntas ha höga multiplar. Deras strategi att använda stabila kassaflöden för att diversifiera sig mot hållbara sektorer kan vara långsiktigt lovande. I bokslutsrapporten för 2023 ökade omsättningen med 5 procent till 2 343 miljoner NOK, och rörelsemarginalen förbättrades till 5,6 procent.

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AI ökar det totala elbehovet i USA med 100 % kommande 15 år



Stad med elektricitet

De stora tech-företagen i USA har varit drivande i att utveckla marknaden för fossilfri energi. De vill ha fossilfri energi och har inte bara pratat utan skrivit många storskaliga avtal och lagt pengar på att det byggts mer produktion. Men nu står tech-bolagen och elproducenterna inför enorma utmaningar, för AI kräver stora mängder elektricitet.

Om vi går tillbaka till 2021 så var elbolagens prognoser att efterfrågan på elektricitet i USA under kommande 15 år skulle öka med några få procent. Inte per år, utan några få procent över hela perioden på 15 år.

Stora elbolag har planeringscykler på 10 år, de har ingen vana av att plötsligt i högt tempo dubblera produktionen.

Men vid 2023 förändrades prognosen helt och hållet, då blev prognosen att efterfrågan på elektricitet skulle öka med 100 procent på 15 år.

Bloomberg-podden Odd Lots har bjudit in Brian Janous för ett samtal om situationen. Han är medgrundare och chefsstrateg på Cloverleaf Infrastructure och var tidigare 12 år på Microsoft som företagets första anställd med fokus på energi och har därför på nära håll sett utvecklingen inom datacenter och deras elbehov.

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