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Argonaut Gold – Initiating coverage new supporting company



Argonaut Gold company coverage

from 14,000 ozs in 2008 to 90,000+ ozs in 2012 to more in 2013 and 2014

– TSX:AR – September 19, 2012: C$10.33, warrants C$5.80
– shares outstanding 92.5 million – fully diluted 118.5 million

The above figures are already impressive by themselves but they also are the basis for what the company means to say with its slogan “Value Creation Beyond Gold”.

Argonaut Gold - Map of resources in MexicoAs management has shown since they commenced their involvement with the company two and a half years ago, Argonaut Gold is not only designed to be about gold but also about the benefit of the shareholders. For investors that participated in the IPO at C$3,00, the shares have turned out to be a very rewarding investment, outperforming gold itself and the averages of gold mining shares in general. Management is dedicated to continue to accomplish this through growth of production, growth of resources, growth of margins, controlling the cast cost of production, and returning a yield to the shareholders by paying a dividend.

In my heading, I mentioned the growth of production from the estimated 90,000+ ounces of gold to more in 2013 and 2014. In its company presentation, Argonaut Gold’s management included graphics of its “Future Value Drivers” where they mention about 300,000 to 500,000 ounces of gold production per year as target. This production has to come from the company’s primary El Castillo heap leach mine, situated in Durango State, the past producing La Colorada mine in Sonora State, which came on stream again this year, and the San Antonio gold project on the Baja California Peninsula, all in MEXICO. The total gold resource currently exceeds 6.2 million ounces in the M&I category and 213,000 ounces Inferred. The La Colorada project holds a notable silver resource as well.

Argonaut Gold share priceThe share capital of Argonaut Gold is very tightly held with institutional holdings accounting for 86% and management for 6% of the total. The company has the intention to build a larger group of individual shareholdership, reason to bring the quality and potential of the company and its projects to a wider and more international audience. I am very pleased welcoming Argonaut Gold as a new Supporting Company because it is a true and promising exponent of the new generation of gold producers. Looking at a future of continued and growing attention for gold and silver and in particular for mining and exploration shares from international investor audiences, I am confident that the shares of Argonaut Gold will find their way into quite many international portfolios. They indeed have a lot of good to offer! In a few weeks time, you will get more information in my Initiating Coverage Report.

This concludes this issue with the review of my impressions of the two events I attended in Beaver Creek and Denver, Colorado in the last two weeks. Because I feel we are in a time that gold has started a new upward leg of the long-term bull market which is likely to last over the next few years, a time that will allow the mining companies to experience and enjoy very profitable margins and will stimulate the exploration companies to find and develop their prospective projects, I decided to share not only the positive feelings I found at the events but also the names of the several companies that I got to know better and found interesting. Consider it as my stimulus to you to position your investment portfolios to properly benefit from what, in my opinion, is coming!


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Henk J. Krasenberg


European Gold Centre

European Gold Centre analyzes and comments on gold, other metals & minerals and international mining and exploration companies in perspective to the rapidly changing world of economics, finance and investments. Through its publications, The Centre informs international investors, both institutional and private, primarily in Europe but also worldwide, who have an interest in natural resources and investing in resource companies.

The Centre also provides assistance to international mining and exploration companies in building and expanding their European investor following and shareholdership.


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Henk J. Krasenberg

After my professional career in security analysis, investment advisory, porfolio management and investment banking, I made the decision to concentrate on and specialize in the world of metals, minerals and mining finance. From 1983 to 1992, I have been writing and consulting about gold, other metals and minerals and resource companies.

The depressed metal markets of the early 1990’s led me to a temporary shift. I pursued one of my other hobbies and started an art gallery in contemporary abstracts, awaiting a new cycle in metals and mining. That started to come in the early 2000’s and I returned to metals and mining in 2002 with the European Gold Centre.

With my GOLDVIEW reports, I have built an extensive institutional investor following in Europe and more of a private investor following in the rest of the world. In 2007, I introduced my MINING IN AFRICA publication, to be followed by MINING IN EUROPE in 2010 and MINING IN MEXICO in 2012.

For more information: www.europeangoldcentre.com


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En 25 år lång megatrend för järnmalm är över – konsekvenserna kommer bli många och kraftiga



Graf över Världens stålproduktion sedan år 1950.

Priset på järnmalm har fallit kraftigt och har den senaste tiden handlats kring 100 USD per ton och var idag till och med nere under 90 USD. Felix Lindberg, VD på familjeföretaget Lindberg & Son som handlar med skrot ger en fantastiskt intressant och tydlig genomgång. Vi får både veta vad som hänt med järnmalm och stål, samt vad det får för konsekvenser framåt i tiden.

Kinas utveckling de senaste 25 åren är helt central. Landet har inte haft något något skrot att använda och har därför behövt använda järnmalm för att skapa stål för att bygga infrastruktur och hus för ett land på 1,4 miljarder personer. Nu taktar Kinas utveckling av och dessutom kan landet börja använda skrot för att göra nytt stål. Det här kommer att få stora följdeffekter på flera sätt i hela världen.

Felix Lindberg, VD på familjeföretaget Lindberg & Son förklarar marknaden för järnmalm och stål.
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Italien satsar på ny kärnkraft




Italien tog 1987 i en folkomröstning beslut om att lägga ner kärnkraften och landets sista två reaktorer stängdes ner år 1990. År 2011 hölls en ny folkomröstning då man bekräftade ett nej till kärnkraft.

Precis som i många länder som inte bygger kärnkraft så har Italien gjort sig beroende av naturgas. Koldioxidutsläppen har tidigare inte uppfattats som något problem och är fortfarande inte något huvudnummer. Men kombinationen av att vara beroende av storskalig energiimport i en geopolitiskt orolig värld och ett något större fokus på att koldioxidutsläpp har fått Italien att försöka tänka om.

Italien satsar nu åter på kärnkraft och ska skapa ett nytt företag i partnerskap med en utländsk investerare. Landets industriminister säger att landet ska sätta upp ett nytt företag med en utländsk teknikpartner för att bygga avancerad, tredje generationens kärnkraftverk. Regeringen ska se över lagstiftningen för att möjliggöra satsningen.

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Christian Kopfer kommenterar vad som händer med oljepriset




Oljepriset har är på sin lägsta nivå för hela året då flera faktorer sammanfaller som tynger priset på råvaran. Christian Kopfer kommenterar vad som händer.

Christian Kopfer kommenterar vad som händer med oljepriset.
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