“Drilling has gone well”, says Clive Sinclair-Poulton of Beowulf Mining. “We started drilling in May and put a second rig in place in June.”. The subject...
Lotta Lauritz, lawyer (jurist) at Bergsstaten, has confirmed that the Office of the Public Prosecutor (Åklagarmyndigheten) has closed the preliminary investigation against Beowulf Mining, i.e. the...
John Prior of the Brittish brokerfirm Collins Stewart have been looking into a company called Ferrex. We have used Mr Priors Ferrex calculations and have come...
On Wednesday 14 December, there have been a lot of rumors that have questioned the survey state that the British exploration company Beowulf in Jokkmokk in...
Det brittiska järnmalmsföretaget Beowulf Mining genomförde under november en minst sagt kuppartad presentation när bolagets styrelseordförande bara minuter innan han gick upp och talade på Raw...