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Brent knuffar undan WTI från topplatsen




The S&P GSCI 2015 Rebalance Preview markerar ett historiskt skifte i den globala oljehandeln. Enligt det tillkännagivande som nyligen kommunicerades avseende re-balanseringen av indexvikterna kommer råoljan Brent att överta rollen som det ledande referenspriset för oljehandeln från WTI, West Texas Intermediate, och får den tyngsta vikten i råvaruindexet S&P GSCI. Det är därmed den första gången sedan 1997 som WTI inte är den viktigaste råvaran i detta index. Under perioden 1994 till och med 1997 hade naturgas en tyngre vikt än WTI.

Oljorna brent och wti

År 1987 adderades WTI till S&P GSCI och fick då en vikt på cirka 35 procent, en vikt som reducerades till 32,6 procent i slutet av det året. Brent adderades till detta index så sent som 1999 och fick då vikten 7,5 procent. I slutet av 1999, i samband med den årliga översynen av indexet, ökade vikten för Brent till 10,9 procent, medan WTI fick se sin vikt reducerad till 26,3 procent.

I juni 2008 ökade vikten för WTI till 40,6 procent, men i samband med utgången av det tredje kvartalet 2014 rasade denna vikt till 25,5 procent medan vikten för Brent ökade till 22,9 procent. Pro forma-vikten för 2015 är 24,7, vilket är nästan dubbelt så stort som 2008 års nivåer och mer än tre gånger så stort som den vikt Brent hade när denna råolja introducerades i detta index.

Dynamiken i oljehandeln har förändrats, något som är speciellt märkbart sedan 2010 när vi fick se en explosiv produktionstillväxt från skifferoljefälten i Texas och North Dakota. Vid samma tidpunkt kom den kanadensiska importen av olja till USA att öka kraftigt. Det ökade utbudet ledde till flaskhalsar och ett överutbud i oljedepåerna i Cushing vilket satte en prispress på WTI. Vi har sedan dess vid ett flertal tillfällen sett hur WTI, som egentligen är en råolja av en finare kvalité än Brent, handlas med rabatt mot Brentoljan. Nu har rörledningskapaciteten ökats och transporterna förbättras för att minska Brent-premien.

Diagrammet nedan visar hur premien för Brent gått från närmare 20 USD per fat till att de två olika råoljorna handlas i paritet.

Brent-WTI index level spread

I Nordamerika, men också i viss mån Sydamerika, har WTI fortsatt att fungera som ett riktmärke för prissättningen av råolja, men allt fler USA-baserade aktörer har börjat använda Brent när de hedgar sin produktion på grund av den ökade globala och fundamentala betydelsen som denna råolja kommit att få på senare år. Det har även med den amerikanska lagstiftningen av oljeexport att göra. Det finns i dag ingen begränsning eller restriktioner av export eller import av Brent, något som gäller för WTI-oljan, vilket gör att Brent är ett effektivare instrument för att hedga oljeproduktion på den globala marknaden.

Nedan finns en karta som visar den ökade påverkan som Brentolja fått när det gäller att fungera som ett referenspris i prissättningen för oljehandeln.

Prissättning på olja i världen

Kan detta innebära en större möjlighet för producenterna att prissäkra sin produktion? Nyligen kollapsade Brent-kurvan som en följd av den negativa trenden för Atlantic Basin och den asiatiska importen från Västafrika. Detta har emellertid lett till en press på producenterna i Mellanöstern och kan komma att tvinga dessa att skära ned sin produktion. Det betyder att det finns både Bull- och Bear-tendenser när det gäller prissättningen av Brent. Detta gör det också troligt att vi kommer att få se hur denna råolja kommer att handlas i intervaller, sannolikt lägre intervaller.

På sikt är det sannolikt att vi kommer att få se fler utbudsstörningar i den globala oljeproduktionen. Den region som skulle kunna leverera en ökad produktion skulle kunna vara Mellanöstern, men frågan är om det kommer att ske i närtid. Även en ökad raffinaderikapacitet i Mellanöstern kan komma att spela en viktig roll för produktionsökningarna. På kort sikt ser vi att det är osannolikt att produktionen i Nigeria och Venezuela kan komma att öka så pass mycket att den kan ersätta utbudsstörningarna i Nigeria och Irak.


Brent prices slip on USD surge despite tight inventory conditions



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices dropped by USD 1.4 per barrel yesterday evening, sliding from USD 74.2 to USD 72.8 per barrel overnight. However, prices have ticked slightly higher in early trading this morning and are currently hovering around USD 73.3 per barrel.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Yesterday’s decline was primarily driven by a significant strengthening of the U.S. dollar, fueled by expectations of fewer interest rate cuts by the Fed in the coming year. While the Fed lowered borrowing costs as anticipated, it signaled a more cautious approach to rate reductions in 2025. This pushed the U.S. dollar to its strongest level in over two years, raising the cost of commodities priced in dollars.

Earlier in the day (yesterday), crude prices briefly rose following reports of continued declines in U.S. commercial crude oil inventories (excl. SPR), which fell by 0.9 million barrels last week to 421.0 million barrels. This level is approximately 6% below the five-year average for this time of year, highlighting persistently tight market conditions.

In contrast, total motor gasoline inventories saw a significant build of 2.3 million barrels but remain 3% below the five-year average. A closer look reveals that finished gasoline inventories declined, while blending components inventories increased.

Distillate (diesel) fuel inventories experienced a substantial draw of 3.2 million barrels and are now approximately 7% below the five-year average. Overall, total commercial petroleum inventories recorded a net decline of 3.2 million barrels last week, underscoring tightening market conditions across key product categories.

Despite the ongoing drawdowns in U.S. crude and product inventories, global oil prices have remained range-bound since mid-October. Market participants are balancing a muted outlook for Chinese demand and rising production from non-OPEC+ sources against elevated geopolitical risks. The potential for stricter sanctions on Iranian oil supply, particularly as Donald Trump prepares to re-enter the White House, has introduced an additional layer of uncertainty.

We remain cautiously optimistic about the oil market balance in 2025 and are maintaining our Brent price forecast of an average USD 75 per barrel for the year. We believe the market has both fundamental and technical support at these levels.

Oil inventories
Oil inventories
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Oil falling only marginally on weak China data as Iran oil exports starts to struggle



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Up 4.7% last week on US Iran hawkishness and China stimulus optimism. Brent crude gained 4.7% last week and closed on a high note at USD 74.49/b. Through the week it traded in a USD 70.92 – 74.59/b range. Increased optimism over China stimulus together with Iran hawkishness from the incoming Donald Trump administration were the main drivers. Technically Brent crude broke above the 50dma on Friday. On the upside it has the USD 75/b 100dma and on the downside it now has the 50dma at USD 73.84. It is likely to test both of these in the near term. With respect to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) it is neither cold nor warm.

Lower this morning as China November statistics still disappointing (stimulus isn’t here in size yet). This morning it is trading down 0.4% to USD 74.2/b following bearish statistics from China. Retail sales only rose 3% y/y and well short of Industrial production which rose 5.4% y/y, painting a lackluster picture of the demand side of the Chinese economy. This morning the Chinese 30-year bond rate fell below the 2% mark for the first time ever. Very weak demand for credit and investments is essentially what it is saying. Implied demand for oil down 2.1% in November and ytd y/y it was down 3.3%. Oil refining slipped to 5-month low (Bloomberg). This sets a bearish tone for oil at the start of the week. But it isn’t really killing off the oil price either except pushing it down a little this morning.

China will likely choose the US over Iranian oil as long as the oil market is plentiful. It is becoming increasingly apparent that exports of crude oil from Iran is being disrupted by broadening US sanctions on tankers according to Vortexa (Bloomberg). Some Iranian November oil cargoes still remain undelivered. Chinese buyers are increasingly saying no to sanctioned vessels. China import around 90% of Iranian crude oil. Looking forward to the Trump administration the choice for China will likely be easy when it comes to Iranian oil. China needs the US much more than it needs Iranian oil. At leas as long as there is plenty of oil in the market. OPEC+ is currently holds plenty of oil on the side-line waiting for room to re-enter. So if Iran goes out, then other oil from OPEC+ will come back in. So there won’t be any squeeze in the oil market and price shouldn’t move all that much up.

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Brent crude inches higher as ”Maximum pressure on Iran” could remove all talk of surplus in 2025



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude inch higher despite bearish Chinese equity backdrop. Brent crude traded between 72.42 and 74.0 USD/b yesterday before closing down 0.15% on the day at USD 73.41/b. Since last Friday Brent crude has gained 3.2%. This morning it is trading in marginal positive territory (+0.3%) at USD 73.65/b. Chinese equities are down 2% following disappointing signals from the Central Economic Work Conference. The dollar is also 0.2% stronger. None of this has been able to pull oil lower this morning.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

”Maximum pressure on Iran” are the signals from the incoming US administration. Last time Donald Trump was president he drove down Iranian oil exports to close to zero as he exited the JCPOA Iranian nuclear deal and implemented maximum sanctions. A repeat of that would remove all talk about a surplus oil market next year leaving room for the rest of OPEC+ as well as the US to lift production a little. It would however probably require some kind of cooperation with China in some kind of overall US – China trade deal. Because it is hard to prevent oil flowing from Iran to China as long as China wants to buy large amounts.

Mildly bullish adjustment from the IEA but still with an overall bearish message for 2025. The IEA came out with a mildly bullish adjustment in its monthly Oil Market Report yesterday. For 2025 it adjusted global demand up by 0.1 mb/d to 103.9 mb/d (+1.1 mb/d y/y growth) while it also adjusted non-OPEC production down by 0.1 mb/d to 71.9 mb/d (+1.7 mb/d y/y). As a result its calculated call-on-OPEC rose by 0.2 mb/d y/y to 26.3 mb/d.

Overall the IEA still sees a market in 2025 where non-OPEC production grows considerably faster (+1.7 mb/d y/y) than demand (+1.1 mb/d y/y) which requires OPEC to cut its production by close to 700 kb/d in 2025 to keep the market balanced.

The IEA treats OPEC+ as it if doesn’t exist even if it is 8 years since it was established. The weird thing is that the IEA after 8 full years with the constellation of OPEC+ still calculates and argues as if the wider organisation which was established in December 2016 doesn’t exist. In its oil market balance it projects an increase from FSU of +0.3 mb/d in 2025. But FSU is predominantly part of OPEC+ and thus bound by production targets. Thus call on OPEC+ is only falling by 0.4 mb/d in 2025. In IEA’s calculations the OPEC+ group thus needs to cut production by 0.4 mb/d in 2024 or 0.4% of global demand. That is still a bearish outlook. But error of margin on such calculations are quite large so this prediction needs to be treated with a pinch of salt.

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Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden

