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A two currency oil market



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

SEB - Prognoser på råvaror - CommodityChina today launched its long awaited yuan denominated oil contract at the International Energy Exchange (INE) in Shanghai. Seven crude streams from UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen Iraq and China will define the pricing of the contract. There is substantial scepticism towards the contract. Most of the sceptical arguments will in our view dissipate over time as rules, regulations and capital controls are adapted and adjusted as time goes by. The Chinese government likely has plenty of leverage to make the contract a success making it into an Asian oil benchmark representing a vibrant and growing oil demand which today accounts for 27% of global demand.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities at SEB

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities

The launch of the contract will open up for international participation in China’s commodity market for the first time. International oil players will need to hold renminbi books reflecting an oil market which here onwards will roll on two currency wheels.

The rapidly rising risk that Donald, Mike and John will tear up the current Iranian nuclear deal in mid-May makes it likely that Iran will accept crude oil settlement in renminbi in not too long in order to avert the risk of renewed dollar sanctions which it experienced so painfully from 2012 to 2015.

Price action: Brent jumps while equities fall as Venezuela and Iran supply risk increases on John Bolton

The front month Brent crude oil contract jumped 2.2% on Friday to $70.45/bl on news that John Bolton was replacing Lt. Gen. H:R: McMaster as the US national security advisor. John Bolton is known to be abrasive, undiplomatic, deeply conservative and nationalistic with hawkish views on Iran and North Korea. As such he matches both Donald Trump and his new secretary of state Mike Pompeo. It is now difficult to see how the Iran Nuclear deal can survive beyond mid-May when a new round of US waivers is needed to carry the deal forward yet another quarter, unless of course the deal is significantly re-worked. Apparently however the non-US signatories to the Iran nuclear deal are still in the dark with respect to what and how Donald Trump want’s the deal to be re-written. The May waiver deadline is approaching rapidly and as far as we know there is no real work in progress in order to re-work the deal. The appointment of John Bolton also increases the risk for sanctions towards Venezuela. Venezuela’s oil production and export is already in free fall but hanging on a thread by US refineries who are supplying Venezuela with naphtha in exchange of heavy crude oil. Venezuela would not be able to export much oil without the naphtha or light crude which is critical for diluting its heavy crude to a quality which is exportable. Thus US oil sanctions towards Venezuela would cut the last thread.

A two currency oil market

After years and years of waiting the Chinese Yuan denominated oil contract quoted at the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) is finally here. China did try to launch an oil futures contract back in 1993 but it basically blew up due to uncontrollable price volatility. This time around China has taken good time to prepare the launch of its new oil contract in order to make sure that there is no second round flop like in 1993. China last year became the world’s top oil importer with an average import of 8.4 m bl/d. At the same time it is also the world’s sixth biggest oil producer with an average production last year of 3.8 m bl/d.

Seven crude streams in the INE contract with characteristics close to the Dubai crude slate

Seven deliverable crude streams in Shanghai will be used to settle the INE crude oil contract. They originate from UAE, Oman, Qatar, Yemen and China itself. The crude streams are distinctly different from the light, sweet crude benchmarks of Brent crude and WTI. The INE crude streams are on average (across the different grades) required to have an API gravity of more than 29.6 and a sulphur content of less than 2%. In comparison the WTI benchmark is very light with an API of 39.6 and only about 0.24% sulphur. As such the INE benchmark is distinctly different from both Brent crude and WTI. It is however very close to the Dubai crude oil marker which has an API of 31 and a sulphur content of 2%. As such one could say that the INE contract is the Dubai marker in Asia quoted in renminbi.

The new INE contract could be a representation of 27 m bl/d of vibrant Asian oil demand

The new Chinese oil contract will likely over time come to represent Asian oil demand in general. In 2018 Asian demand is set to average 27 m bl/d (IEA) or 27% of global consumption. It has been argued that the new benchmark will be a bad price hedge for oil deliveries in other places in Asia than Shanghai. This is based on the assumption that the oil price fundamentally is set either in the US (WTI), in the Gulf (Dubai marker) or in Europe (Brent). And as such it should mathematically be better to hedge with one of these three price points rather than the new Chinese INE contract. However, if the driver of the global oil market and thus oil price dynamics is instead really set by the vibrant oil demand in Asia rather than the three mentioned oil price benchmarks then it would clearly be better to hedge with the INE contract.

In our view the new INE contract is not an effort to replace the existing global crude oil benchmarks. It is instead filling a needed vacuum in the global oil market: A marker for the Asian market. It has been argued that the existing crude benchmarks are successful since they are located at hubs with both large production and consumption. But this is also actually true for the new benchmark with China being the sixth largest oil producer in the world as well as the biggest oil importer in the world.

The INE contract has several disadvantages but these are likely to dissipate over time

To start with the INE contract seems to have several disadvantages. It will have limited trading hours with the last trading slot ending at 0700 am GMT and thus just before the London market opens. The Chinese government has also set crude oil storage costs at twice the global average level in order to avoid excessive price volatility due from potential games between the physical market and the new INE contract. Such high storage costs will be negative for the necessary interplay and price discovery between the local physical market (derived from storage economics) and the INE financial instruments. Another reason for the very high storage cost may be to avoid commodity storage games used for shadow financing and circumvention of capital controls which has flourished for other commodities traded in China. The quotation of the INE contract in renminbi will also be a negative as seen by most current oil market participants in the current dollar dominated oil market. And lastly Chinese capital controls and unpredictable regulations will also be a concern for many potential participants.

Many of these negatives will however dissipate over time. Trading hours will expand, storage costs will normalize, general capital controls will ease and rules and regulations will stabilize. And lastly the renminbi will be more and more accepted currency world-wide. The Chinese government does have time to adjust and the current mode of the INE market is launch phase with some trail and error. The front month INE contract is actually the September 2018 contract allowing plenty of time for adjustment. So we do not think that one should judge the contract in the early phase on the many negative traits which have been highlighted.


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Plenty of participants ready to transact – Open interest will be the measure of success

More than 6,000 trading accounts have been opened for the INE contract including China’s largest oil companies and 150 brokerage firms. Larger foreign financial institutions like J.P.Morgan have also opened accounts. To further attract foreign participants the Chinese Government has waived income taxes for foreign investors for the first three years. An addition attraction of the INE oil contract is that it will be the first time foreigners will be able to trade commodities in China.

We agree that over time it will be the size of the number of open contracts and not turnover per se which will be the sign of success for the contract. So the open interest in the INE contract will be the parameter to watch. It will be the fingerprint showing that the INE contract fills a need and is actively used as a hedging tool.

The Chinese government has power to tilt the market towards the new contract

The Chinese government has a lot of power in order to ensure that the INE contract becomes a success with widespread use. The easy way is of course to demand that all domestic crude oil purchasing is done with settlement versus the INE contract benchmark. In that way any oil producer who would like to sell oil to China would have to accept the INE contract and settlement in renminbi. China could of course also lean on the countries who cooperate with China on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with six major infrastructure projects in overdrive this year. Asking the involved countries in these BRI projects to use or support the new INE oil contract could be a natural request.

We think that the launch of the INE contract in China is a natural development reflecting that China is the world’s top oil importer, the sixth largest oil producer and a natural benchmark for oil prices in Asia. However, essentially what it all boils down to is that China wants to be able to purchase its oil in renminbi. There are several countries already on-board: Russia, Venezuela, Nigeria and Angola are all already selling oil to China in renminbi. We assume that UAE, Oman, Qatar, Yemen and Iraq also are accepting renminbi as payment for crude delivered to China since six of the seven crude streams in the INE contract originates from them.

No Iranian crude slates in the INE contract yet but Iran should be a natural participant

It is surprising to see that there are no crude oil streams from Iran in the new INE contract. The Iran Heavy crude stream with API = 30.2 and Sulphur = 1.8% should be a natural match the INE crude slate profile.

Iran is one of the countries which have been heavily hit by the weaponized USD. In 2012 the US applied pressure through the SWIFT system. It blocked clearing for every Iranian bank, froze $100 billion of Iranian assets which together with other measures helped to block Iranian oil exports which roughly dropped 1 m bl/d due to this.

US pressure is building up against the Iran nuclear deal – should naturally drive Iran towards the INE contract

Now pressure is rising rapidly towards Iran. In the US forces are gathering to tear apart the Iran nuclear deal with the recent appointment of Mike Pompeo as US secretary of state and John Bolton as the US national security advisor. Donald Trump together with these two now looks ready to tear apart the current Iran nuclear deal as waivers are up for renewal in mid-May. The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman also seemed to apply pressure against Iran at his meeting with Donald Trump. Thus Saudi Arabia seems like it is sticking with the US while Iran, Iraq, Oman, UAE, Qatar and Yemen are drifting over towards China. China and the US are at the same time drifting apart amid increasing trade tensions with political tensions in the South China Sea being the icing on the cake so to speak. It seems highly plausible in our view that Iran in not too long with explicitly state that they also accept payment in renminbi for oil sales to China.

Saudi Arabia however seems for the time being to stick even tighter to the dollar-oil deal which the House of Saud presumably struck with Nixon and Kissinger back in 1974 in exchange for protection and geopolitical support.

Crude slates in the INE contract


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Crude slates in the INE contract

Ch1: Yes, the INE September contract started to trade first time on 26 March 2018

INE September contract started to trade first time on 26 March 2018

Ch2: Brent crude went opposite of equities last week

Brent crude went opposite of equities last week

Ch3: Weekly US, EU, Singapore and Floating stocks lower 2nd week

Weekly US, EU, Singapore and Floating stocks lower 2nd week


Crude oil comment: A little sideways with new tests towards the 80-line likely



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent moves into sideways trading around USD 81.5/b with new tests to the 80-line likely. Brent crude traded down 0.9% yesterday to a close of USD 81.29/b and traded as low as USD 80.39/b within the day. This morning it is gaining 0.3% to USD 81.6/b. No obvious major driver for that and the move in oil is well in line with higher industrial metals this morning. The technical picture for Brent 1M is still overbought in terms of RSI at 70.2. But as Brent now has traded a bit sideways for some days the overbought bearish calculus has started to ease a bit. But new tests towards the 80-line seems likely with current RSI at 70.2.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Scott Bessent says he fully supports harder sanctions on Russian oil exports if Donald Trump wishes to use such a tool in the coming negotiations with Russia over Ukraine. That may add some support to oil this morning. The latest US sanctions towards Russia clearly have an effect with one example being the tanker Bhilva which has made a U-turn back towards Russia after having been on course to India (Bloomberg).

US EIA projects US liquids growth of 538 kb/d/y in 2025. The US EIA released its monthly STEO report earlier this week. What is clear is that the boom-years in US oil production are behind us for now. But exactly pinning down at what level US oil production will grow in 2025 is hard. The EIA forecast for US hydrocarbon liquids looks the following:

Oil data

Estimated US crude oil production growth is projected to be virtually zero in 2026. But including all sources of liquids it still sums up to 312 kb/d y/y in growth. A lot or a little? If global oil demand in 2026 only grows with 1 mb/d in 2026, then the US will cover 30% of global demand growth. That is a lot. For 2025 the EIA expects a total growth in US liquids of 538 kb/d y/y. 

Smaller losses in existing shale oil production. If we instead look at EIA estimates for US shale oil production right here and now and how its components are changing, we see that 1) New monthly production is 666 kb/d, 2) Losses in existing production is 622 kb/d and thus 3) Net monthly growth is 44 kb/d m/m which equals 4) A net marginal annualized growth of 12*44 of 523 kb/d/y. What stands out here is that the EIA in its December report estimated that this marginal annualization only equated to 378 kb/d/y. So, it has been lifted markedly in the latest report. It is however on a downward trajectory and as such the EIA estimate in the table above of y/y growth for US crude oil of 331 kb/d/y may be sensible.

US shale oil new production, losses in existing production, net new production and marginal, annualized production growth in kb/d/y.

US shale oil new production, losses in existing production, net new production and marginal, annualized production growth in kb/d/y.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, EIA data

Change in EIA STEO forecast from Dec-24 to Jan-25. What stands out is that estimated losses in existing production is adjusted lower by 16.8 kb/d since November. That is the marginal monthly change. In other words, production in existing production is falling less agressively than estimated in December. But a monthly decline of 622 kb/d/m is of course still massive.

Change in EIA STEO forecast from Dec-24 to Jan-25.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, EIA data
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Crude oil comment: The rally has legs, but it takes time to wash out ingrained bearish sentiment from H2-24



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude jumped jet another 2.7%. Brent crude jumped 2.7% yesterday to USD 82.03/b following a pull-back on Tuesday. Intraday it reached USD 82.63/b and its highest level since 26 July last year. Bullish US oil inventory data was a key reason for the jump higher yesterday coming on top of a steady tightening market since early December and fresh US sanctions on Russia last week.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

US crude stocks down 17.6 mb since mid-November and total US commercial stocks down 65 mb since mid-July. US crude stocks fell 2 mb last week to its lowest level since April 2022. US crude stocks have declined every week since mid-November with a total of 17.6 mb. Total US commercial oil inventories fell 3.4 mb last week and have been in steady decline of close to 300 kb/d since early July. These declines in US oil stocks are the proof of the pudding in terms of the balance of the global oil market and explains well the rising oil prices since early December.

The IEA estimates a 400 kb/d deficit in H2-24. If so, then all global draws took place in the US. The IEA released its monthly Oil Market Report (OMR) yesterday with an estimate that the global oil market ran a deficit of about 400 kb/d through H2-24. If so, then close to all inventory draws in the whole world solely took place in US inventories which drew down by around 300 kb/d. That is hard to believe.

If we assume that US inventory draws were proportional to the US demand share of the world (about 20%), then global inventory draws in H2-24 probably was closer to 0.3/20% which equals 1.5 mb/d. Maybe a bit high but estimates by FGE indicates that global inventory draws were close to 1.0 mb/d in H2-24 depending on whether you equate on apparent demand or real demand. Higher if equated on real demand.

IEA surplus in 2025 is adjusted down by 200 kb/d. In reality it is now only a surplus of 400 kb/d. We think this surplus estimate will erode further as demand will be adjusted yet higher and supply will be adjusted yet lower going forward. The IEA adjusted 2024 demand higher by 100 kb/d with base effect to 2025 with the same. It also adjusted its non-OPEC production estimate for 2025 down by 100 kb/d. The effect was that call-on-OPEC rose by 200 kb/d for 2025. The IEA still estimates that OPEC must reduce its production by 0.6 mb/d in 2025 to keep market balanced and prices steady. But within that estimate it assumes that FSU increases production by 200 kb/d as if it is not a part of OPEC+. IEA estimate for call-on-OPEC+ thus only declines by 400 kb/d y/y in 2025. We think that this surplus will evaporate as: 1) US production will likely deliver a bit lower than expected. 2) Supply will also disappoint here and there around the world. 3) Global demand estimates will be revised higher for 2024 and 2025.

The rally thus has legs, but the technical picture is still in overbought territory so there will be some pullbacks on the way higher. Unless of course we rally all the way to USD 95/b and THEN we get the technical pullback. The market still seems to have bearish skepticism deeply ingrained in its back following H2-24 doom and gloom and is partially reluctant to trade higher. But that is attitude and not fundamentals.

The Dubai 1-3 mth time-spread is going through the roof as Asian buyers scrambles for supply from the Middle East.

The Dubai 1-3 mth time-spread is going through the roof as Asian buyers scrambles for supply from the Middle East.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

The average 1-3 mth time-spread of Dubai, Brent and WTI is now way up. Lots of room for Brent 1M to move USD 90-95/b

The average 1-3 mth time-spread of Dubai, Brent and WTI is now way up. Lots of room for Brent 1M to move USD 90-95/b
Source: Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data

US crude stocks declined by 2 mb last week and total commercial stocks by 3.4 mb.

US crude stocks declined by 2 mb last week and total commercial stocks by 3.4 mb.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data feed, US EIA

US commercial crude and product stocks in steady decline since June/July last year. Down 65 mb since mid-July.

US commercial crude and product stocks in steady decline since June/July last year. Down 65 mb since mid-July.
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Bloomberg data feed, US EIA

US crude stocks at lowest level since 2022.

US crude stocks at lowest level since 2022.
Source: Bloomberg graph and data. SEB highlight

Brent 1M still overbought with RSI at 72.5. So, pullbacks will happen but from what level. On the upside the next targets are probably USD 87.95/b and USD 92.18/b.

Brent 1M still overbought with RSI at 72.5. So, pullbacks will happen but from what level. On the upside the next targets are probably USD 87.95/b and USD 92.18/b.
Source: SEB highlights, Bloomberg graph
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Crude oil comment: Fundamentally very tight, but technically overbought



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Technical pullback this morning even as the dollar weakens. Brent crude gained another 1.6% yesterday with a close at USD 81.01/b and an intraday high of USD 81.68/b which was the highest level since mid-August. The gain yesterday was supported by strong, further gains in the 1-3 mth time-spreads. This morning Brent is pulling back 0.6% to USD 80.5/b even though the USD is weakening 0.4% while time-spreads are strengthening even further. This makes it look like a technical pullback.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent is trading very weak versus current time-spreads. The current price of Brent crude at USD 80.6/b is very low versus where the 1-3 mth time spreads are trading. Brent should typically have traded somewhere between USD 80-95/b with current time-spreads when we compare where this relationship has been trading since the start of 2023. Brent is now trading in the absolute lower range of that with lots of room on the upside.

How long will the new sanctions last? Natural questions are: How long will Donald Trump leave the new sanctions operational? How strictly will they be enforced? How easily could Russia circumvent them?

A bullish H1-25 if Donald Trump leaves sanctions intact to negotiate over Ukraine. If Brent continues to trade around USD 80/b and not much higher, then the underlying assumptions must be that the new sanctions will not be enforced harshly and that they will be lifted by Donald Trump within a couple of months max. Donald Trump could however keep them in place as a leverage versus Putin in the upcoming negotiations over Ukraine. If so, they could stay intact for maybe 6 months or more which would put H1-2025 on a very bullish footing.

Fundamentally very tight, but technically overbought. Market right now looks technically overbought with RSI at 72 but also fundamentally very tight with the Dubai 1-3 mth time-spread at USD 2.74/b, its highest level since September 2023. As such the Brent crude oil price has the potential to coil up for further gains following some washing out of technically overbought dynamics. But maybe the current Asian panic over access to medium sour crude oil fades a bit over time and time-spreads ease with it.

Brent has been on a strengthening path well before the new sanctions. Worth remembering though is that Brent crude has been on a rising trend along with tightening time-spreads since early December. The latest bullishness from new US sanctions comes on top of that. Brent moving higher into the 80ies thus seems highly likely following a near term washout of technical overbought dynamics.

1-3 mth time-spread (average of Dubai, Brent and WTI spreads) versus the Brent 1M price. Very strong, bullish signals from the time-spreads, but Brent 1M is trading at the very lower level of where this relationship has been since the start of 2023. So, plenty of room for Brent 1M to move higher.

1-3 mth time-spread (average of Dubai, Brent and WTI spreads) versus the Brent 1M price.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Bloomberg data feed.

Brent 1M is technically overbought with RSI at 73. Pullbacks are likely near term to wash that out. On the low side the USD 70/b line has given solid support since mid-2023.

Brent 1M is technically overbought with RSI at 73.
Source: Bloomberg graph
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