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SEB – Råvarukommentarer, 18 mars 2013



SEB Veckobrev med prognoser på råvaror


Analyser i veckans råvarubrev från SEB

*) Avkastningen avser 1:1 råvarucertifikat där de ingår i rekommendationen. I den aktuella tabellen ovan har jag tagit prisförändringen den senaste veckan sedan det förra veckobrevet publicerades.


Råvarumarknaden var ganska lugn och avvaktande förra veckan. Flera råvarumarknader har avslutat (?) en större prisrörelse och befinner sig i rekyl mot den tidigare trenden, som t ex majs, vete, ädelmetaller. Andra börjar närma sig psykologiskt viktiga nivåer, som t ex elektriciteten.

Den här veckan gör vi ett par ändringar av vår vy. Trots att det mesta fundamentalt pekar på att kaffepriset är lågt och borde kunna ligga högre går vi över till neutral rekommendation. Elmarknaden som vi haft köpt rekommendation på i flera månader väljer vi nu att också gå över till neutral rekommendation på. Priset börjar närma sig tidigare toppnotering och det tyska priset har fortsatt att falla.


I diagrammet nedan ser vi SEB:s råvaruindex (grön), OMX (svart) och DJUBS (röd), alla omräknade till svenska kronor. Vi ser att DJ UBS drabbats mycket av dess stora övervikt på jordbruksprodukter. SEB:s index har drabbats av detta också, men inte i lika stor utsträckning. Prisfallet på energi den senaste månaden har däremot tyngt indexet. Aktier har gått starkt sedan november. Den senaste månaden har råvaruindex sjunkit och aktier stigit.

SEB:s råvaruindex, OMX och DJ UBS

Den som vill investera i indexet och den investeringsstrategi som ligger bakom kan läsa mer certifikatet RAVAROR S.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


Råolja – Brent

Oljepriset har fortsatt att falla. I bankens senaste Oil Market report varnas för att den här svagheten kan komma att fortsätta

Teknisk prognos för oljepriset den 18 mars 2013

Lagren och lagerförändringarna i USA per den 8 mars ser vi nedan, enligt Department of Energy och American Petroleum Institute.

Lager och lagerförändringar av olja i USA

Nedan ser vi amerikanska råoljelager enligt DOE i tusen fat. Den svarta kurvan är 2012 års lagernivåer vecka för vecka och den lilla röda linjen är 2013 års nivå. Vi ser att lagernivåerna fortsätter att vara högre än de varit sedan 2007 för den här tiden på året.

Råoljelager i USA år 2013 och 5 år

Lagren ökar samtidigt som vi ser att importen av råolja till USA fortsätter att minska. I veckans statistik minskade importtakten ytterligare.

Import av råolja i USA

Vi rekommenderar köp av OLJA S, men inte av BULL OLJA S. Anledningen till denna skillnad och att vi rekommenderar köp av OLJA S är för att rabatten på terminerna innebär en stadig intäkt om ca 6% till 7% per år + ränta på kapitalet.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden



Underliggande för SEB:s certifikat på el är det tredje kvartalets terminskontrakt. Det avser alltså vad det genomsnittliga spotpriset kommer att bli under juli, augusti och september. Vi ser kursdiagrammet för det senaste året nedan.

Termin för elpris under tredje kvartalet

Nedanför ser vi prisutvecklingen för det tredje kvartalets tyska elpriskontrakt (röd) och Nord Pools tredje kvartalskontrakt (grön). Det tyska priset har fortsatt att falla och det nordiska att stiga. Det är nu bara 25 eurocent som skiljer priserna åt.

Elpris år 2013 i Tyskland respektive Sverige / Norden på Nord Pool

Det är en kall och torr vår gör sommaren kort, skrev Lars Wivallius år 1642. Den hydrologiska balansen för Nord Pools börsområde har sjunkit ytterligare från -14.66 TWh till -15.89 TWh.

Den hydrologiska balansen för Nord Pools  börsområde har sjunkit ytterligare

Sammanfattningsvis. En lite otydlig situation. Priset för tredje kvartalet börjar närma sig den föregående toppen vid 37.60. Det brukar kunna locka fram säljordrar. Att det tyska priset samtidigt fortsätt att falla är också ett negativt tecken. Att priset på el skulle vara högre i vattenkraftsrika Norden än i Tyskland hör till ovanligheterna även om det förekommit. Det är svårt att rekommendera köp just nu, så vi går över till neutral i avvaktan på att se om priset tar ut toppen på 37.60.


Naturgasterminen på NYMEX (maj 2013) har handlats upp ordentligt och närmar sig 4 dollar, där priset vänt ner två gånger tidigare. Vi fortsätter att hålla oss neutralt till naturgasen.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


Naturgaspris - Neutral utveckling spås enligt prognos

Guld & Silver

Guldpriset rekylerade upp i veckan som gick. Frågan är nu om den senaste månadens konsolidering kommer att följas av ytterligare prisfall – förbi 1550 eller om marknaden kommer att söka över 1600 och upp mot 1650?

Guldpris, teknisk prognos den 18 mars 2013

Situationen liknar den från 2008/09, när placerare sålde guld och köpte aktier. Vi har stora utflöden ur fonder med fysiskt guld. Samtidigt verkar guld bli mer populärt bland centralbanker. I veckan kom uppgifter om att den japanska centralbanken ska köpa mer guld. Det har i och för sig inte entydigt ett positivt signalvärde. Centralbanker storsålde under hela 70-talets guldprisuppgång. När de blev nettoköpare på 80-talet var boomen förbi. Konservativa och följande organisationer ligger alltså sent i cykeln – kanske så sent att de blir något av kontraindikatorer.

Nedan ser vi kursdiagrammet för silver i dollar per troy ounce. Även här har priset rört sig ”sidledes” den senaste månaden och bygger upp fallhöjd om priset ska följa den inslagna trenden nedåt.

Kursdiagrammet för silver i dollar per troy ounce.

Platina & Palladium

Den sydafrikanska randen föll till nya bottennivåer mot dollarn i veckan som gick. Det ökar lönsamheten för de pressade gruvbolagen och tynger därmed priset på platina.

Priset på platina pressas av randen

Palladium som rusade förrförra veckan, har konsoliderat sin uppgång. Det är förmodligen ingen dum idé att köpa palladium nu.


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Palladium ser ut att vara en bra investering just nu


Kopparpriset stabiliserades i veckan och noteras i skrivandes stund ca 1 % högre från veckostarten. Vi har i de senaste veckobreven uttryckt en viss försiktighet gentemot koppar med hänvisning till ett förväntat skifte, från en ”kronisk” marknad i underskott, till mer balanserad. En del tecken tyder på att utbudet nu verkligen ökar. Vi har poängterad en ökad contango (terminspremie) på de närmsta terminerna, ökade smältlöner (till förmån för smältverken, vilket indikerar ökat gruvutbud). LME-lagret är en annan indikation (se grafen nedan) som nu uppgår till 525 tton, den högsta nivån på nästa 3 år. Lagerförändringarna samvarierar ganska väl med importen till Kina (som vi skrev om förra veckan), vilket således också är en negativ indikation.

Koppar pris/lager (pris blå linje/LME-lager röd linje)

Pris och lager av koppar

Den tekniska bilden ger stöd till vår neutrala position. Vi är positiva till basmetaller på sikt men avvaktar bättre köptillfällen på koppar, alternativt väljer någon annan basmetall. Den stora triangelformationen börjar spela ut sin roll. Stödnivåer noteras vid 7600 och 7400. Nivån 7800 fungerar nu som motstånd.

Kopparpris ger neutral position

Vi ser inte den stora potentialen på koppar på uppsidan just nu. Vi rekommenderar därför en fortsatt neutral position. För den som vill satsa på ett starkare tillväxtscenario (än konsensus) i Kina är koppar däremot alltid ett intressant alternativ.


Aluminiumpriset har till stor del följt kopparn under veckan, som avslutas med en positiv veckoförändring på ca 1 %. Som vi skrivit tidigare ligger aluminium väldigt ”fast” i ett relativt stort handelsintervall. Nivåer kring $1800-1900 utgör ur ett kostnadsperspektiv starkt stöd. Samtidigt lägger det stora utbudet ett ”tak” på nivåer kring $2300. Den senaste uppgången i februari mötte stora säljordrar från producenter som passade på att ”låsa” framtida priser, vilket satte press på marknaden. Nu när priserna fallit tillbaka ser vi stora intressen från köpsidan (fysiska förbrukare). För den ”trading-benägne” utgör det stora spannet goda vinstmöjligheter.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


P.g.a. den låga prisnivån i relation till marginalkostnaden är aluminium köpvärd och vi ansluter den till köprekommendationerna.

Aluminiumpris - Diagram den 18 mars 2013


Även zinken återhämtade sig med övriga basmetaller under veckans inledning men slutar veckan i princip oförändrad. Tekniska fonder har varit säljare och tryckt tillbaka marknaden vid varje återhämtningsförsök. Priset är nu nere på nivåer då marknaden bör få stöd av förväntningar om minskat utbud. Priset skär ned i kostnadskurvan och producenterna med de högsta kostnaderna förväntas minska produktionen om priserna ligger kvar under en lägre tid. Frågan är hur lång tid det tar. Vid tidigare nedgångar har marknaden börjat diskontera utbudseffekten vilket ger stöd till priset.

Zinkpris - Teknisk prognos den 18 mars 2013

Tekniskt sett ser det svagt ut just nu och det finns risk för fortsatt press från tekniskt orienterade fonder. Det långsiktiga stödet kommer in kring $1900.

Placeringsförslaget från december med horisonten 3 månader kan summeras med en god utveckling inledningsvis. Under perioden steg priset till som högst $2250 (3 månaders LME). Vi är generellt positiva till basmetaller och återkommer eventuellt med ett nytt placeringsförslag på zink längre fram. Nu håller vi oss neutrala, och avvaktar i första hand utvecklingen nästa vecka.


Efter den stora tillbakagången ser vi en tydlig stabilisering av priset. Ur ett kostnadsperspektiv börjar nickel bli en väldigt intressant köpkandidat. Marknaden är fortsatt tveksam till den fundamentala situationen. Vi har tidigare bl.a. hänvisat till kommentarer från fysiska aktörer som indikerar att ”det finns gott om nickel”, samtidigt som rapporter gör gällande att exporten av nickelmalm från Indonesien till Kina ökar igen, vilket riskerar att öka utbudet av s.k. Nickel Pig Iron i Kina (vilket i sin tur minskar efterfrågan på nickelbärande skrot och primärnickel). Det senare håller nu på att ”svänga om” då kinesiska producenter är snabba att ställa om produktionen. Det ger ett naturligt stöd till nickelmarknaden. Den tekniska bilden är väldigt tydlig, och marknaden vände ”där den skulle”. Priset är upp ca 3 % i veckan. Kortsiktigt finns risk/möjlighet för en tillbakagång. Om priset kommer ned mot $16500 igen är det köpläge.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


Diagram på nickelpriset från Bloomberg

Vi rekommenderar köp av NICKEL S eller BULL NICKEL X2 / X4 S för den som vill ta mer risk. Vi varnade för en rekyl, och den kom. Priset har fallit mer än ”befarat”, men är nu på väldigt attraktiva nivåer.


Kaffepriset (maj 2013) bröt i fredags innan stängning under det tekniska stödet och stängde på 137.50 cent per pund. Den fallande trenden har alltså liksom vintern i Sverige, ännu övertaget. Många har liksom jag trott att priset skulle vända upp snabbare. Kortsiktigt kan de som tar sig ur positionerna för att inte små förluster ska utveckla sig till större, få priset att falla ytterligare. På längre sikt ”borde” priset finna en botten snart och handla högre. Osäkerheten gäller mer tajmingen på den botten.

Kaffepriset fortsätter att falla

Vi går därmed över till neutral rekommendation på kaffe, eftersom vi befarar att det kan bli ytterligare prisnedgångar på kort sikt.


Sockerpriset (maj 2013) som brutit den nedåtgående trenden rent tekniskt fortsätter att testa 19 cent. I fredags försökte marknaden handla upp priset, men när dagen var slut stängde priset på 18.89 cent per pund. Vi har tidigare skrivit att priset på etanol i Brasilien har gått upp – vilket drar med sig priset på socker. Under majs (nedan) ser vi också att priset på etanol i USA har stigit stadigt, vilket är en faktor bakom stödet för majspriset. Det är också en stödjande faktor för sockerpriset.

Pris på socker nr 11

Brasiliens regering vill öka användningen av etanol som drivmedel i landet. Många bilar i landet går att köra på både bensin och etanol, men priserna har varit sådana att folk har valt att tanka med bensin. Den ökade fokuseringen på etanol har fått priset att stiga, som vi ser i nedanstående diagram, som visar etanolpriset i Sao Paulo i USD per liter. Den blå linjen är priset på socker i samma delstat.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


Etanolpriset i Sao Paulo i USD per liter

Vi ser att de två linjerna tenderar att hänga ihop och en uppgång i priset på etanol kan signalera att priset på socker också kommer att stiga framöver.

Finns tecken på att priset på socker är nära botten, men än så länge är pristrenden så stark att vi väljer att behålla neutral rekommendation ytterligare en vecka.

Vi tror att en trendvändning kan vara på gång. Prisuppgången till 19 cent, ett motstånd, är ett observandum.

[box]SEB Veckobrev Veckans råvarukommentar är producerat av SEB Merchant Banking och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]



Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


The information in this document has been compiled by SEB Merchant Banking, a division within Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (“SEB”).

Opinions contained in this report represent the bank’s present opinion only and are subject to change without notice. All information contained in this report has been compiled in good faith from sources believed to be reliable. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the completeness or accuracy of its contents and the information is not to be relied upon as authoritative. Anyone considering taking actions based upon the content of this document is urged to base his or her investment decisions upon such investigations as he or she deems necessary. This document is being provided as information only, and no specific actions are being solicited as a result of it; to the extent permitted by law, no liability whatsoever is accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from use of this document or its contents.

About SEB

SEB is a public company incorporated in Stockholm, Sweden, with limited liability. It is a participant at major Nordic and other European Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities (as well as some non-European equivalent markets) for trading in financial instruments, such as markets operated by NASDAQ OMX, NYSE Euronext, London Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse, Swiss Exchanges, Turquoise and Chi-X. SEB is authorized and regulated by Finansinspektionen in Sweden; it is authorized and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of designated investment business in the UK, and is subject to the provisions of relevant regulators in all other jurisdictions where SEB conducts operations. SEB Merchant Banking. All rights reserved.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden



Brent crude inching higher on optimism that US inflationary pressures are fading



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Brent crude price inching higher on optimistic that US inflationary pressures are fading. Brent crude closed up 1.1 USD/b ydy to a close of USD 86.39/b which was the highest close since the end of April. This morning it is trading up another half percent to USD 86.9/b along with comparable gains in industrial metals and Asian equities. At 14:30 CET the US will publish its preferred inflation gauge, the PCE figure. Recent data showed softer US personal spending in Q1. Expectations are now high that the PCE inflation number for May will show fading inflationary pressures in the US economy thus lifting the probability for rate cuts later this year which of course is positive for the economy and markets in general and thus positive for oil demand and oil prices. Hopes are high for sure.

Brent crude is trading at the highest since the end of April

Brent crude is trading at the highest since the end of April
Source: Blbrg

The rally in Brent crude since early June is counter to rising US oil inventories and as such a bit puzzling to the market.

US commercial crude and oil product stocks excluding SPR. 

US commercial crude and oil product stocks excluding SPR. 
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA data

Actual US crude oil production data for April will be published later today. Zero growth in April is likely. Later today the US EIA will publish actual production data for US crude and liquids production for April. Estimates based on US DPR and DUC data indicates that there will indeed be zero growth in US crude oil production MoM in April. This will likely driving home the message that there is no growth in US crude oil production despite a Brent crude oil price of USD 83/b over the past 12 mths. The extension of this is of course rising expectations that there will be no growth in US crude oil production for the coming 12 months either as long as Brent crude hoovers around USD 85/b.

US production breaking a pattern since Jan 2014. No growth at USD 83/b. What stands out when graphing crude oil prices versus growth/decline in US crude oil production is that since January 2014 we have not seen a single month that US crude oil production is steady state or declining when the Brent crude oil price has been averaging USD 70.5/b or higher.

US Senate looking into the possibility that US shale oil producers are now colluding by holding back on investments, thus helping to keep prices leveled around USD 85/b.

Brent crude 12mth rolling average price vs 4mth/4mth change in US crude oil production. Scatter plot of data starting Jan 2014. Large red dot is if there is no change in US crude oil production from March to April. Orange dots are data since Jan 2023. The dot with ”-1.3%” is the March data point. 


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Brent crude 12mth rolling average price vs 4mth/4mth change in US crude oil production.
Source:  SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA

Brent crude 12mth rolling average price vs 4mth/4mth change in US crude oil production. Data starting Jan 2014. The last data point is if there is no change in US crude oil production from March to April.

Brent crude 12mth rolling average price vs 4mth/4mth change in US crude oil production.
Source:  SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA
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Price forecast update: Weaker green forces in the EU Parliament implies softer EUA prices



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

We reduce our forecast for EUA prices to 2030 by 10% to reflect the weakened green political agenda in the EU Parliament following the election for the Parliament on 6-9 June. The upcoming election in France on 7 July is an additional risk to the political stability of EU and thus in part also to the solidity of the blocks green agenda. Environmental targets for 2035 and 2040 are most at risk of being weakened on the margin. EUA prices for the coming years to 2030 relate to post-2030 EUA prices through the bankability mechanism. Lower post-2030 climate ambitions and lower post-2030 EUA prices thus have a bearish impact on EUA prices running up to 2030. Actual softening of post-2030 climate ambitions by the EU Parliament have yet to materialize. But when/if they do, a more specific analysis for the consequences for prices can be carried out.

EUA prices broke with its relationship with nat gas prices following the EU Parliament election. The EUA price has dutifully followed the TTF nat gas price higher since they both bottomed out on 23 Feb this year. The EUA front-month price bottomed out with a closing price of EUR 50.63/ton on 23 Feb. It then reached a recent peak of EUR 74.66/ton on 21 May as nat gas prices spiked. Strong relationship between EUA prices and nat gas prices all the way. Then came the EU Parliament election on 6-9 June. Since then the EUA price and TTF nat gas prices have started to depart. Bullish nat gas prices are no longer a simple predictor for bullish EUA prices.

The front-month EUA price vs the front-year TTF nat gas price. Hand in hand until the latest EU Parliament election. Then departing.

The front-month EUA price vs the front-year TTF nat gas price. Hand in hand until the latest EU Parliament election. Then departing.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data

The EU Parliament election on 6-9 June was a big backlash for the Greens. The Greens experienced an euphoric victory in the 2019 election when they moved from 52 seats to 74 seats in the Parliament. Since then we have had an energy crisis with astronomic power and nat gas prices, rampant inflation and angry consumers being hurt by it all. In the recent election the Greens in the EU Parliament fell back to 53 seats. Close to where they were before 2019.

While green politics and CO2 prices may have gotten a lot of blame for the pain from energy prices over the latest 2-3 years, the explosion in nat gas prices are largely to blame. But German green policies to replace gas and oil heaters with heat pumps and new environmental regulations for EU farmers are also to blame for the recent pullback in green seats in the Parliament.

Green deal is still alive, but it may not be fully kicking any more. Existing Green laws may be hard to undo, but targets for 2035 and 2040 will be decided upon over the coming five years and will likely be weakened.

At heart the EU ETS system is a political system. As such the EUA price is a politically set price. It rests on the political consensus for environmental priorities on aggregate in EU.


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The changes to the EU Parliament will likely weaken post-2030 environmental targets. The changes to the EU Parliament may not change the supply/demand balance for EUAs from now to 2030. But it will likely weaken post-2030 environmental targets and and thus projected EU ETS balances and EUA prices post-2030. And through the bankability mechanism this will necessarily impact EUA prices for the years from now to 2030.

Weaker post-2030 ambitions, targets and prices implies weaker EUA prices to 2030. EUA prices are ”bankable”. You can buy them today and hold on to them and sell them in 2030 or 2035. The value of an EUA today fundamentally rests on expected EUA prices for 2030/35. These again depends on EU green policies for the post 2030 period. Much of these policies will be ironed out and decided over the coming five years. 

Weakening of post-2030 targets have yet to materialize. But just talking about it is a cold shower for EUAs. These likely coming weakenings in post-2030 environmental targets and how they will impact EUA prices post 2030 and thus EUA prices from now to 2030 are hard to quantify. But what is clear to say is that when politicians shift their priorities away from the environment and reduce their ambitions for environmental targets post-2030 it’s like a cold shower for EUA prices already today.

On top of this we now also have snap elections in the UK on 4 July and in France on 7 July with the latter having the potential to ”trigger the next euro crisis” according to Gideon Rachman in a recent article in FT.

What’s to be considered a fair outlook for EUA prices for the coming five years in this new political landscape with fundamentally changed political priorities remains to be settled. But that EUA price outlooks will be lowered versus previous forecasts is almost certain.


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We reduce our EUA price forecast to 2030 by 10% to reflect the new political realities. To start with we reduce our EUA price outlook by 10% from 2025 to 2030 to reflect the weakened Green agenda in the EU parliament.

SEB’s EUA price forecast, BNEF price forecasts and current market prices in EUR/MWh

SEB's EUA price forecast, BNEF price forecasts and current market prices in EUR/MWh
Source: SEB graph and highlights and forecast, BNEF data and forecasts
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The most important data point in the global oil market will be published on Friday 28 June



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

US crude oil production has been booming for more than a decade. Interrupted by two setbacks in response to sharp price declines. The US boom has created large waves in the global oil market and made life very difficult for OPEC(+). Brent crude has not traded below USD 70/b since Dec-2021 and over the past year, it has averaged USD 84/b. US shale oil production would typically boom with such a price level historically. However, there has been zero growth in US crude oil production from Sep-2023 to Mar-2024. This may be partially due to a cold US winter, but something fundamentally seems to have changed. We recently visited a range of US E&P and oil services companies in Houston. The general view was that there would be zero growth in US crude oil production YoY to May 2025. If so and if it also is a general shift to sideways US crude oil production beyond that point, it will be a tremendous shift for the global oil market. It will massively improve the position of OPEC+. It will also sharply change our perception of the forever booming US shale oil supply. But ”the proof is in the pudding” and that is data. More specifically the US monthly, controlled oil production data is to be published on Friday 28 June.

The most important data point in the global oil market will be published on Friday 28 June. The US EIA will then publish its monthly revised and controlled oil production data for April. Following years of booming growth, the US crude oil production has now gone sideways from September 2023 to March 2024. Is this a temporary blip in the growth curve due to a hard and cold US winter or is it the early signs of a huge, fundamental shift where US crude oil production moves from a decade of booming growth to flat-lining horizontal production?

We recently visited a range of E&P and oil services companies in Houston. The general view there was that US crude oil production will be no higher in May 2025 than it is in May 2024. I.e. zero growth.

It may sound undramatic, but if it plays out it is a huge change for the global oil market. It will significantly strengthen the position of OPEC+ and its ability to steer the oil price to a suitable level of its choosing.

The data point on Friday will tell us more about whether the companies we met are correct in their assessment of non-growth in the coming 12 months or whether production growth will accelerate yet again following a slowdown during winter.

The US releases weekly estimates for its crude oil production but these are rough, temporary estimates. The market was fooled by these weekly numbers last year when the weekly numbers pointed to a steady production of around 12.2 m b/d from March to July while actual monthly data, with a substantial lag in publishing, showed that production was rising strongly.


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The real data are the monthly, controlled data. These data will be the ”proof of the pudding” of whether US shale oil production now is about to shift from a decade of booming growth to instead flat-line sideways or whether it will drift gradually higher as projected by the US EIA in its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook.

US crude oil production given by weekly data and monthly data. Note that the monthly, controlled data comes with a significant lag. The market was thus navigating along the weekly data which showed ”sideways at 12.2 m b/d” for a significant period last year until actual data showed otherwise with a time-lag.

US crude oil production given by weekly data and monthly data.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, EIA data

If we add in Natural Gas Liquids and zoom out to include history back to 2001 we see an almost uninterrupted boom in supply since Sep 2011 with a few setbacks. At first glance, this graph gives little support to a belief that US crude oil production now suddenly will go sideways. Simple extrapolation of the graph indicates growth, growth, growth.

US crude and liquids production has boomed since September 2011

US crude and liquids production has boomed since September 2011
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA data

However. The latest actual data point for US crude oil production is for March with a reading of 13.18 m b/d. What stands out is that production then was still below the September level of 13.25 m b/d.

The world has gotten used to forever growing US crude oil production due to the US shale oil revolution, with shorter periods of sharp production declines as a result of sharp price declines.

But the Brent crude oil price hasn’t collapsed. Instead, it is trading solidly in the range of USD 70-80-90/b. The front-month Brent crude oil contract hasn’t closed below USD 70/b since December 2021.


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Experiences from the last 15 years would imply wild production growth and activity in US shale oil production at current crude oil prices. But US crude oil production has now basically gone sideways to lower from September to March.

The big, big question is thus: Are we now witnessing the early innings of a big change in US shale oil production where we shift from booming growth to flat-lining of production?

If we zoom in we can see that US liquids production has flat-lined since September 2023. Is the flat-lining from Sep to Mar due to the cold winter so that we’ll see a revival into spring and summer or are we witnessing the early signs of a huge change in the global oil market where US crude oil production goes from booming growth to flat-line production.

US liquids production has flat-lined since September 2023.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA data

The message from Houston was that there will be no growth in US crude oil production until May 2025. SEB recently visited oil and gas producers and services providers in Houston to take the pulse of the oil and gas business. Especially so the US shale oil and shale gas business. What we found was an unusually homogeneous view among the companies we met concerning both the state of the situation and the outlook. The sentiment was kind of peculiar. Everybody was making money and was kind of happy about that, but there was no enthusiasm as the growth and boom years were gone. The unanimous view was that US crude oil production would be no higher one year from now than it is today. I.e. flat-lining from here.

The arguments for flat-lining of US crude oil production here onward were many.

1) The shale oil business has ”grown up” and matured with a focus on profits rather than growth for the sake of growth.


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2) Bankruptcies and M&As have consolidated the shale oil companies into larger, fewer public companies now accounting for up to 75% of total production. Investors in these companies have little interest/appetite for growth after having burned their fingers during a decade and a half of capital destruction. These investors may also be skeptical of the longevity of the US shale oil business. Better to fully utilize the current shale oil infrastructure steadily over the coming years and return profits to shareholders than to invest in yet more infrastructure capacity and growth.

3) The remaining 25% of shale oil producers which are in private hands have limited scope for growth as they lack pipeline capacity for bringing more crude oil from field to market. Associated nat gas production is also a problem/bottleneck as flaring is forbidden in many places and pipes to transport nat gas from field to market are limited.

4) The low-hanging fruits of volume productivity have been harvested. Drilling and fracking are now mostly running 24/7 and most new wells today are all ”long wells” of around 3 miles. So hard to shave off yet another day in terms of ”drilling yet faster” and the length of the wells has increasingly reached their natural optimal length.

5) The average ”rock quality” of wells drilled in the US in 2024 will be of slightly lower quality than in 2023 and 2025 will be slightly lower quality than 2024. That is not to say that the US, or more specifically the Permian basin, is quickly running out of shale oil resources. But this will be a slight headwind. There is also an increasing insight into the fact that US shale oil resources are indeed finite and that it is now time to harvest values over the coming 5-10 years. One company we met in Houston argued that US shale oil production would now move sideways for 6-7 years and then overall production decline would set in.

The US shale oil revolution can be divided into three main phases. Each phase is probably equally revolutionary as the other in terms of impact on the global oil market.


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1) The boom phase. It started after 2008 but didn’t accelerate in force before the ”Arab Spring” erupted and drove the oil price to USD 110/b from 2011 to 2014. It was talked down time and time again, but it continued to boom and re-boom to the point that today it is almost impossible to envision that it won’t just continue to boom or at least grow forever.

2) The plateau phase. The low-hanging fruits of productivity growth have been harvested. The highest quality resources have been utilized. The halfway point of resources has been extracted. Consolidation, normalization, and maturity of the business has been reached. Production goes sideways.

3) The decline phase. Eventually, the resources will have been extracted to the point that production unavoidably starts to decline.

Moving from phase one to phase two may be almost as shocking for the oil market as the experience of phase 1. The discussions we had with oil producers and services companies in Houston may indicate that we may now be moving from phase one to phase two. That there will be zero shale oil production growth YoY in 2025 and that production then may go sideways for 6-7 years before phase three sets in.

US EIA June STEO report with EIA’s projection for US crude oil production to Dec-2025. Softer growth, but still growth.


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US EIA June STEO report with EIA's projection for US crude oil production to Dec-2025. Softer growth, but still growth.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with YoY outlook growth for 2025. Projects that US crude production will grow by 0.47 m b/d YoY in 2025 and that total liquids will grow by 720 k b/d YoY.

US EIA June STEO report with YoY outlook growth for 2025. Projects that US crude production will grow by 0.47 m b/d YoY in 2025 and that total liquids will grow by 720 k b/d YoY.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with outlook for production growth by country in 2025. This shows how big the US production growth of 0.7 m b/d YoY really is compared to other producers around the world

US EIA June STEO report with outlook for production growth by country in 2025. This shows how big the US production growth of 0.7 m b/d YoY really is compared to other producers around the world
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with projected global growth in supply and demand YoY in 2025. Solid demand growth, but even strong supply growth with little room for OPEC+ to expand. Production growth by non-OPEC+ will basically cover global oil demand growth. 

US EIA June STEO report with projected global growth in supply and demand YoY in 2025. Solid demand growth, but even strong supply growth with little room for OPEC+ to expand. Production growth by non-OPEC+ will basically cover global oil demand growth.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

But if there instead is zero growth in US crude oil production in 2025 and the US liquids production only grows by 0.25 m b/d YoY due to NGLs and biofuels, then suddenly there is room for OPEC+ to put some of its current production cuts back into the market. Thus growth/no-growth in US shale oil production will be of huge importance for OPEC+ in 2025. If there is no growth in US shale oil then  OPEC+ will have a much better position to control the oil price to where it wants it.

US crude production
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US crude oil production and drilling rig count

US crude oil production and drilling rig count
Source: SEB graph, Blbrg data, EIA data
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