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The value of an EUA spot contract is at least EUR 80/ton



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A fight between short-term C-t-G differentials at EUR 40-60/ton and longer term values of EUR 100/ton already in 2026. The value of an EUA today is thus at least EUR 80/ton.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities at SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Low emissions, falling nat gas and C-t-G differentials and EUA prices falling along with that is all the range in current market dynamics. But it won’t last as the MSR will quickly remove surpluses and the steep decline in supply of EUAs from 2026 onward will quickly drive the EUA price back up and above C-t-G differentials. The EUA price will then stop relating to power market dynamics as C-t-G switching is maxed out. 

The EUA market is currently driven by front-end and front-year Coal-to-Gas dynamics and differentials with the EUA price in the balance between the two. At the very front-end (1-2-3 mths) the C-t-G differentials implies an EUA price close to EUR 40/ton while the front-year 2025 has a C-t-G differential of a little over EUR 60/ton. Thus the front-year is probably a better and stronger guide right now.

But C-t-G differentials holds wide ranges of values and are very sensitive to changes in coal and nat gas prices. So the simple rule of trading approach is probably: ”Sell EUAs if the nat gas price falls”.

The total capacity to switch between coal and gas and thus flex the total amount of emissions is quite limited with a capacity of maybe only 100 mt reduction potential. Thus as the number of allowances declines in the coming years the C-t-G differentials will stop to matter as the switch will max out. Implied by modeling (Blbrg) and also by market pricing of calendar 2026 and 2027 this looks set to happen over the coming 2-3 years. The consequence will be EUA prices which will be above C-t-G differential values and disjoint from power market dynamics.

The EU ETS market probably experienced an emission reduction shock in 2023 where total German emissions are estimated to have fallen by 73 mt YoY to 2023 or some 10%. If we assume that this also is true for the whole EU ETS sector and run Bloomberg’s Carbon Price Model we see that the consequence of this emission reduction shock is washed out by 2026 with the EUA price then back at EUR 100/ton and above. The reason for this is probably due to the Market Stability Reserve dynamics which quickly removes any surplus EUAs in the market and brings the TNAC quickly down below the 833 mt upper trigger level again.

The model runs tells us that no matter what happens to gas prices and EUA prices and emissions in 2023/24, it will all wash out withing three years with the EUA price back at EUR 100/ton in 2026. If we assume a cost of carry of 7% it implies that the value of an EUA today is minimum EUR 80/ton due to bankability (buy today and hold to 2026 and then sell).

The sell-off in natural gas prices has been the guiding light for the sell-off in EUAs. Accelerated decline in natural gas prices seems to be the guiding light for the EUA price. The decline in the front-year TTF nat gas price accelerated from late October 2023 and continues to trade lower and lower. The front-year 2025 yesterday closed at EUR 32/MWh (-1.1% on the day) while the year 2027 traded down 0.9% to EUR 27.1/MWh. In comparison the average nominal TTF nat gas price from 2010 to 2019 was EUR 20/MWh while the inflation adjusted price was EUR 26/MWh. The 2027 TTF nat gas contract is thus now trading very close to the historical inflation adjusted average.

The falling nat gas price is in part a fundamental driver and in part an associated driver for the EUA price. The fundamental dynamics of the EU ETS market are highly complex because there are so many different participants with different strategies and abatement cost curves. As such it is hard to base trading of EUAs on a complex fundamental bottom up model. The more robust and simple thinking which we think traders may follow is: ”Natural gas is a low CO2 emitting fossil fuel. If the price of nat gas falls then it gets cheaper to switch to a lower emitting fossil fuel. I.e. it gets cheaper to be semi-green.” The trading rule then becomes: ”Sell EUAs if the price of nat gas falls”. With little further in-depth analysis. It’s an associated trading strategy and we think this strategy has been hard at work sine October/November 2023.

The front-year TTF nat gas contract versus the front-month EUA price since Jan 2023. Accelerated selling from Oct/Nov last year.

The front-year TTF nat gas contract versus the front-month EUA price since Jan 2023.
Source: SEB graph, Blbrg data

The good old Coal-to-Gas abatement dynamics is the cornerstone to ”sell EUAs if gas prices fall”. Almost half of emissions in the EU ETS system stems from the power sector running on a mix of coal, gas and other non-emitting sources of power. There is an assumed flex between coal and gas power production and this flex is driven by relative prices in coal, gas and CO2. So if the nat gas price falls, the power sector will burn more gas because it is cheaper, emit less CO2 so the EUA price falls.

If the EU ETS market is massively oversupplied as it was from 2008 to 2019 it hands no constraints at all on the emitters. The result is no dynamical price interaction between the EUA price and Coal-to-Gas differentials. But if the EU ETS market is nicely balanced then C-t-G dynamics kicks in and the EUA price will start to trade on the balance ”Coal+CO2 = Nat gas + CO2” where nat gas of course has a much lower carbon emitting intensity.

But there is not one switching balance as there are many coal and gas plants with different efficiencies. If we choose three different sets of coal and nat gas power plant efficiency combinations and graph them back in time with focus on front-end power market dynamics we typically get the following.

Coal-to-Gas switching price bands given by front-end power market dynamics are basically saying: ”What should the CO2 price have been for coal and nat gas power plants to be equally competitive.” Here compared with the actual front-month EUA price.

Coal-to-Gas switching price bands
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

The same graph but starting in 2023. These implied Coal-to-Gas switching bands are highly sensitive to changes in coal and nat gas prices. This probably makes them partially difficult to trade on on a daily basis. Thus trading strategies typically end up with a simpler rule: ”Sell EUAs if the nat gas price falls”.

Coal-to-Gas switching price bands given by front-end power market dynamics are basically saying: ”What should the CO2 price have been for coal and nat gas power plants to be equally competitive.” Here compared with the actual front-month EUA price.


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Coal-to-Gas switching price bands
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

But the possible combination of efficiencies between coal and nat gas is much wider. Coal power plant efficiencies in Europe are assumed to have a range of 35% to 46% while nat gas power plants have an assumed range of 49% to 58%. The following graph has made all the combinatoric crosses in 1% incremental steps. All for the same given set of coal and gas price which here was chosen as the front-year ARA coal price of USD 94/ton versus the front-year (2025) nat gas price of EUR 31.5/MWh. Then all these outcomes are sorted from low to high.

What this distribution shows is that if the ”fair” EUA price stemming from C-t-G differentials can be very wide depending on how loose or tight the EUA market is. If it is quite loose, but just tight enough for C-t-G differentials to matter then the fair EUA price for this given set of coal and gas prices could be as low as EUR 30/ton. Conversely, if the EUA market is so tight that C-t-G differentials are on the verge to not matter any more, then the fair price could be as high as EUR 100/ton.

But the average of all these cross-combinations is EUR 59.1/ton which is quite close to where the front-year EUA is trading today.

Distribution of front-year implied EUA prices given by C-t-G differentials based on front-year coal and nat gas prices

Distribution of front-year implied EUA prices given by C-t-G differentials based on front-year coal and nat gas prices
Source: SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

In the following graph we have done the same cross-calculations but for calendar 2027. What we see here is that the current EUA Dec-2027 is trading far up in the distribution of switches to the level where switching is maxed out completely to the point where C-t-G differentials do not matter any more

Distribution of calendar 2027 implied EUA prices given by C-t-G differentials based on Y2027 coal and nat gas prices and compared to the current Dec-27 EUA price. It may be random, but interpretation here is that by 2027, the power market dynamics will start to matter little for the EUA price as the capacity to switch to nat gas has maxed out completely.

Distribution of calendar 2027 implied EUA prices given by C-t-G differentials based on Y2027 coal and nat gas prices and compared to the current Dec-27 EUA price.
Source:  SEB calculations and graph, Blbrg data

This is also visible when we calculate the cost of coal+CO2 and gas+CO2 for the nearest three years to 2027 and compare them to German power prices for these years. What we see is that coal power plants are completely price out of the stack and are no longer competitive. Unless of course they are located in a place where they cannot be out-competed by nat gas power plants due to grid restrictions. The result is high, local power prices instead.

The market price of German power for 2025/26/27 versus the cost of production by coal and gas with CO2 market prices included.

The market price of German power for 2025/26/27 versus the cost of production by coal and gas with CO2 market prices included.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Blbrg data

Sharp reduction in emissions due to the energy crisis has a maximum three year impact before the EUA price is back to EUR 100/ton. Early in January it was reported by Agora Energiewende and then further by Blbrg that German emissions dropped YoY by 73 mt to 70-year low in 2023. That is roughly a 10% YoY reduction in emissions. But it is for the whole economy and not just for the part of German emissions which are compliant under the EU ETS. Further it was stated that only 15% of the 73 mt YoY reduction was of permanent nature while 85% was deemed temporary. I.e. they will kick back over time.

We have used Blbrgs Carbon Price Model to run different scenarios with emission reduction shocks. We have assumed that what happened with emissions in Germany in 2023 is representative for the whole EU ETS to a lesser and larger degree. The model is of course a simplified, stylistic representation of the world so result must be treated with caution.

In the first set of scenarios we assume that the market ”only has 1-year forward vision” and then knows nothing about the future tightening. I.e. it is consistently front-end or front-year spot market balance and dynamics which dictates the prices. What these runs indicates is that the whole emission reduction shock from the recent energy crisis will by wiped away by 2026 with EUA prices then again trading back at EUR 100/ton. One likely reason for this is the MSR dynamic which quickly removes surplus EUAs from the market and brings TNAC (Total Number of Allowances in Circulation) back below the upper trigger level of 833 mt.

Since EUAs are bankable anyone can borrow money today and buy an EUA and carry it on an account for three years for three years to 2026 when the price will be back to EUR 100/b. Depending on what cost of carry you assume the implied value of an EUA today is thus at least EUR 80/ton.

The following model runs have only one year forward vision and as such cannot ”see” future coming tightness. As such the EUA price can crash for a single year as it is constantly the front-end fundamentals which dictates the price dynamics rather than longer-term fundamentals.

Scenarios on Blbrgs Carbon Price Model assuming emission reduction shock in 2023. All price paths are back to EUR 100/ton by 2026. This implies a value of an EUA spot today of at least EUR 80/ton

Scenarios on Blbrgs Carbon Price Model assuming emission reduction shock in 2023.
Source: SEB graph and scenarios with Blbrgs Carbon Price Model


Saudi won’t break with OPEC+ to head calls for more oil from Trump



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Rebounding after yesterday’s drop but stays within recent bearish trend. Brent crude sold off 1.8% yesterday with a close of USD 77.08/b. It hit a low on the day of USD 76.3/b. This morning it is rebounding 0.8% to USD 77.7/b. That is still below the 200dma at USD 78.4/b and the downward trend which started 16 January still looks almost linear. A stronger rebound than what we see this morning is needed to break the downward trend.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Saudi won’t break with OPEC+ to head calls for more oil from Trump. OPEC+ will likely stick to its current production plan as it meets next week. The current plan is steady production in February and March and then a gradual, monthly increase of 120 kb/d/mth for 18 months starting in April. These planned increases will however highly likely be modified along the way just as we saw the group’s plans change last year. When they are modified the focus will be to maintain current prices as the primary goal with production growth coming second in line. There is very little chance that Saudi Arabia will unilaterally increase production and break the OPEC+ cooperation in response to recent calls from Trump. If it did, then the rest of OPEC+ would have no choice but to line up and produce more as well with the result that the oil price would totally collapse.

US shale oil producers have no plans to ramp up activity in response to calls from Trump. There are no signs that Trump’s calls for more oil from US producers are bearing any fruits. US shale oil producers are aiming to slow down rather than ramp up activity as they can see the large OPEC+ spare capacity of 5-6 mb/d sitting idle on the sideline. Even the privately held US shale oil players who account for 27% of US oil production are planning to slow down activity this year according to Jefferies Financial Group. US oil drilling rig count falling 6 last week to lowest since Oct 2021 is a reflection of that.

The US EIA projects a problematic oil market from mid-2025. Stronger demand would be the savior. Looking at the latest forecast from the US EIA in its January STEO report one can see why US shale oil producers are reluctant to ramp up production activity. If EIA forecast pans out, then either OPEC+ has to reduce production or US shale oil producers have to if they want to keep current oil prices. The savior would be global economic acceleration and higher oil demand growth.

Saudi Arabia to lift prices for March amid tight Mid-East crude market. But right now, the market is very tight for Mid-East crude due to Biden-sanctions. The 1-3mth Dubai time-spread is rising yet higher this morning. Saudi Arabia will highly likely lift its Official Selling Prices for March in response.

US EIA January STEO report. Global demand and supply growth given as 3mth average y-y diff in mb/d and the outright 3mth average demand diff to 3mth average supply in mb/d. Projects a surplus market where either US shale oil producers have to produce less, or OPEC+ has to produce less.

Global demand and supply growth given as 3mth average y-y diff in mb/d and the outright 3mth average demand diff to 3mth average supply in mb/d.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, US EIA data

Forward prices for ICE gasoil swaps in USD/ton. Deferred contracts at very affordable levels.

Forward prices for ICE gasoil swaps in USD/ton.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Bloomberg data
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Brent rebound is likely as Biden-sanctions are creating painful tightness



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Bearish week last week and dipping lower this morning on China manufacturing and Trump-tariffs. Brent crude traded down 4 out of five days last week and lost 2.8% on a Friday-to-Friday basis with a close of USD 78.5/b. It hit the low of USD 77.8/b on Friday while it managed to make a small 0.3% gain at the end of the week with a close that was marginally below the 200dma. This morning it is trading down 0.4% at USD 78.2/b amid general market bearishness. China manufacturing PMI down to 49.1 for January versus 50.1 in December is pulling copper down 1.3%. Trump threatening Colombia with tariffs.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

Rebound in crude prices likely as Dubai time-spreads rises further. The Dubai 1-3mth time-spread is rising to a new high this morning of USD 3.7/b. It is a sign that the Biden-sanctions towards Russia is making the medium sour crude market very tight. Brent crude is unlikely to fall much lower as long as these sanctions are in place. Will likely rebound.

Asian buyers turning to the Mid-East to replace Russian barrels. Amin Nasser, CEO of Saudi Aramco, said that the new sanctions are affecting 2 out of 3.4 mb/d of Russian seaborne crude oil exports. Strong bids for Iraqi medium and heavy crudes are sending spot prices to Asia to highest premiums versus formula pricing since August 2023. And Europe is seeing spot premiums to formula pricing at highest since 2021 (Argus).  

Strong rise in US oil production is a losing hand. A lot of Trump-talk about a 3 mb/d increase in US oil production. Occidental Petroleum CEO Vicki Hollub commented in Davos that it is possible given the US resource base, but it is not the right thing to do since the global market is oversupplied (Argus). Everyone knows that OPEC+ has a spare capacity of 5-6 mb/d on hand. The comfort zone is probably to have a spare capacity of around 3 mb/d. FIRST the group needs to re-deploy some 3 mb/d of its current spare capacity and THEN the US and the rest of non-OPEC+ can start to think about acceleration in supply growth again. Vicki Hollub understands this and highly likely all the other oil CEOs in the US understands this as well. Donald Trump calling for more US oil will not be met before market circumstances allows it. Even sanctions on Iran forcing 1.5-2.0 mb/d of its crude exports out of the market will first be covered by existing surplus spare capacity within OPEC6+ and not the US.

US oil drilling rig count fell by 6 to 472 last week and lowest since October 2021. Current decline could be due to winter weather in the US but could also be like Hollub commented in Davos arguing that US oil production growth is not the right thing to do.

1-3mth time-spreads in USD/b. Dubai to yet higher level this morning. Even Brent and WTI are rebounding. Could be some extra spike since we are moving towards the end of the month. But it is still indicating a very tight market for medium sour crude as a result of the latest Biden-sanctions.

1-3mth time-spreads in USD/b. Dubai to yet higher level this morning. Even Brent and WTI are rebounding.
Source: SEB graph, calculations and highlights, Bloomberg data

US oil drilling rig count down 6 last week to lowest level since October 2021

US oil drilling rig count down 6 last week to lowest level since October 2021
Source: Bloomberg

Non-OPEC, non-FSU production to grow 1.4 mb/d in 2025. Third weakest in 4 years. Though still a bit more than total expected global oil demand growth of 1.1 mb/d/y (IEA)

Non-OPEC, non-FSU production to grow 1.4 mb/d in 2025.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, IEA data
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Brent testing the 200dma at USD 78.6/b with API indicating rising US oil inventories



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent touching down to the 200dma. Brent crude traded down for a fifth day yesterday with a decline of 0.4% to USD 70/b.  This morning it has traded as low as USD 78.6/b and touched down and tested the 200dma at USD 78.6/b before jumping back up and is currently trading up 0.2% on the day at USD 79.1/b.

Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

The Dubai 1-3mth time-spread is holding up close to recent highs. The 1-3mth time spreads for WTI and Brent crude have eased significantly. The Dubai 1-3mth spread is however holding up close to latest high. Indian refiner Bharat is reported to struggle to get Russian crude for March delivery (Blbrg). The Biden-sanctions are clearly having physical market effects. So, the Dubai 1-3mth time-spread holding on to recent high makes a lot of sense. I.e. it was not just a spike on fears.

US oil inventories may have risen 6 mb last week (API). Actual data later today. The US DOE will release US oil data for last week later today. The US API last night indicated that US crude and product stocks may have risen close to 6 mb last week. This may be weighing on the oil price today.

Brent and WTI 1-3mths time-spreads have fallen back while Dubai is holding up

Brent and WTI 1-3mths time-spreads have fallen back while Dubai is holding up
Source: SEB graph and calculations, Bloomberg data

Brent crude is no longer overbought. Down touching the 200dma before bouncing back up a lilttle.

Brent crude is no longer overbought. Down touching the 200dma before bouncing back up a lilttle.
Source: Bloomberg graph
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