Total’s message on Wednesday that it will pull out of the Iranian South Pars project unless it gets a project waiver for US Iranian sanctions rolled...
It is difficult to assess exactly how renewed US sanctions towards Iran will play out given many moving parts. But it goes without saying that this...
As always it is very difficult to know what Donald Trump is going to do: Reinstate sanctions or not? And today at 2 pm Washington time...
Brent crude traded much of the day yesterday on the weak side as API predicted US crude stocks to rise and president Macron placed a revised...
Råvarupriserna steg kraftigt i förra veckan, när omfattningen på USAs sanktioner mot ryska bolag togs in av marknaden. Dessutom stiger oljepriset på grund av oro för...
Donald’s tweet on Friday that the OPEC cartel is keeping oil prices artificially high sent Brent crude down to an intraday low of $72.88/bl. The market...
Brent crude oil is ticking higher by the day as OPEC+ cuts are intact, global oil demand growth is firm (though global economic growth rates seems...
Looking at Brent crude in euro terms captures both crude oil bakcwardation, euro inflation and dollar weakening. Looking only in dollar terms then you loose the...
Brent crude oil is trading up 0.2% this morning to $71.5/bl supported by Kuwait’s statement that OPEC will discuss extending production cuts to 2019 at its...
Ökande geopolitiska risker. MARKNADEN I KORTHET Turkiets aktiviteter i Syrien, hotet om ett handelskrig, USA’s hot om repressalier mot Assad-regimen (och dess allierade) samt de nya...