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The most important data point in the global oil market will be published on Friday 28 June



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB
Bjarne Schieldrop, Chief analyst commodities, SEB

US crude oil production has been booming for more than a decade. Interrupted by two setbacks in response to sharp price declines. The US boom has created large waves in the global oil market and made life very difficult for OPEC(+). Brent crude has not traded below USD 70/b since Dec-2021 and over the past year, it has averaged USD 84/b. US shale oil production would typically boom with such a price level historically. However, there has been zero growth in US crude oil production from Sep-2023 to Mar-2024. This may be partially due to a cold US winter, but something fundamentally seems to have changed. We recently visited a range of US E&P and oil services companies in Houston. The general view was that there would be zero growth in US crude oil production YoY to May 2025. If so and if it also is a general shift to sideways US crude oil production beyond that point, it will be a tremendous shift for the global oil market. It will massively improve the position of OPEC+. It will also sharply change our perception of the forever booming US shale oil supply. But ”the proof is in the pudding” and that is data. More specifically the US monthly, controlled oil production data is to be published on Friday 28 June.

The most important data point in the global oil market will be published on Friday 28 June. The US EIA will then publish its monthly revised and controlled oil production data for April. Following years of booming growth, the US crude oil production has now gone sideways from September 2023 to March 2024. Is this a temporary blip in the growth curve due to a hard and cold US winter or is it the early signs of a huge, fundamental shift where US crude oil production moves from a decade of booming growth to flat-lining horizontal production?

We recently visited a range of E&P and oil services companies in Houston. The general view there was that US crude oil production will be no higher in May 2025 than it is in May 2024. I.e. zero growth.

It may sound undramatic, but if it plays out it is a huge change for the global oil market. It will significantly strengthen the position of OPEC+ and its ability to steer the oil price to a suitable level of its choosing.

The data point on Friday will tell us more about whether the companies we met are correct in their assessment of non-growth in the coming 12 months or whether production growth will accelerate yet again following a slowdown during winter.

The US releases weekly estimates for its crude oil production but these are rough, temporary estimates. The market was fooled by these weekly numbers last year when the weekly numbers pointed to a steady production of around 12.2 m b/d from March to July while actual monthly data, with a substantial lag in publishing, showed that production was rising strongly.

The real data are the monthly, controlled data. These data will be the ”proof of the pudding” of whether US shale oil production now is about to shift from a decade of booming growth to instead flat-line sideways or whether it will drift gradually higher as projected by the US EIA in its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook.

US crude oil production given by weekly data and monthly data. Note that the monthly, controlled data comes with a significant lag. The market was thus navigating along the weekly data which showed ”sideways at 12.2 m b/d” for a significant period last year until actual data showed otherwise with a time-lag.

US crude oil production given by weekly data and monthly data.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, EIA data

If we add in Natural Gas Liquids and zoom out to include history back to 2001 we see an almost uninterrupted boom in supply since Sep 2011 with a few setbacks. At first glance, this graph gives little support to a belief that US crude oil production now suddenly will go sideways. Simple extrapolation of the graph indicates growth, growth, growth.

US crude and liquids production has boomed since September 2011

US crude and liquids production has boomed since September 2011
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA data

However. The latest actual data point for US crude oil production is for March with a reading of 13.18 m b/d. What stands out is that production then was still below the September level of 13.25 m b/d.

The world has gotten used to forever growing US crude oil production due to the US shale oil revolution, with shorter periods of sharp production declines as a result of sharp price declines.

But the Brent crude oil price hasn’t collapsed. Instead, it is trading solidly in the range of USD 70-80-90/b. The front-month Brent crude oil contract hasn’t closed below USD 70/b since December 2021.

Experiences from the last 15 years would imply wild production growth and activity in US shale oil production at current crude oil prices. But US crude oil production has now basically gone sideways to lower from September to March.

The big, big question is thus: Are we now witnessing the early innings of a big change in US shale oil production where we shift from booming growth to flat-lining of production?

If we zoom in we can see that US liquids production has flat-lined since September 2023. Is the flat-lining from Sep to Mar due to the cold winter so that we’ll see a revival into spring and summer or are we witnessing the early signs of a huge change in the global oil market where US crude oil production goes from booming growth to flat-line production.


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US liquids production has flat-lined since September 2023.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, Blbrg data feed, US EIA data

The message from Houston was that there will be no growth in US crude oil production until May 2025. SEB recently visited oil and gas producers and services providers in Houston to take the pulse of the oil and gas business. Especially so the US shale oil and shale gas business. What we found was an unusually homogeneous view among the companies we met concerning both the state of the situation and the outlook. The sentiment was kind of peculiar. Everybody was making money and was kind of happy about that, but there was no enthusiasm as the growth and boom years were gone. The unanimous view was that US crude oil production would be no higher one year from now than it is today. I.e. flat-lining from here.

The arguments for flat-lining of US crude oil production here onward were many.

1) The shale oil business has ”grown up” and matured with a focus on profits rather than growth for the sake of growth.

2) Bankruptcies and M&As have consolidated the shale oil companies into larger, fewer public companies now accounting for up to 75% of total production. Investors in these companies have little interest/appetite for growth after having burned their fingers during a decade and a half of capital destruction. These investors may also be skeptical of the longevity of the US shale oil business. Better to fully utilize the current shale oil infrastructure steadily over the coming years and return profits to shareholders than to invest in yet more infrastructure capacity and growth.

3) The remaining 25% of shale oil producers which are in private hands have limited scope for growth as they lack pipeline capacity for bringing more crude oil from field to market. Associated nat gas production is also a problem/bottleneck as flaring is forbidden in many places and pipes to transport nat gas from field to market are limited.

4) The low-hanging fruits of volume productivity have been harvested. Drilling and fracking are now mostly running 24/7 and most new wells today are all ”long wells” of around 3 miles. So hard to shave off yet another day in terms of ”drilling yet faster” and the length of the wells has increasingly reached their natural optimal length.

5) The average ”rock quality” of wells drilled in the US in 2024 will be of slightly lower quality than in 2023 and 2025 will be slightly lower quality than 2024. That is not to say that the US, or more specifically the Permian basin, is quickly running out of shale oil resources. But this will be a slight headwind. There is also an increasing insight into the fact that US shale oil resources are indeed finite and that it is now time to harvest values over the coming 5-10 years. One company we met in Houston argued that US shale oil production would now move sideways for 6-7 years and then overall production decline would set in.

The US shale oil revolution can be divided into three main phases. Each phase is probably equally revolutionary as the other in terms of impact on the global oil market.

1) The boom phase. It started after 2008 but didn’t accelerate in force before the ”Arab Spring” erupted and drove the oil price to USD 110/b from 2011 to 2014. It was talked down time and time again, but it continued to boom and re-boom to the point that today it is almost impossible to envision that it won’t just continue to boom or at least grow forever.

2) The plateau phase. The low-hanging fruits of productivity growth have been harvested. The highest quality resources have been utilized. The halfway point of resources has been extracted. Consolidation, normalization, and maturity of the business has been reached. Production goes sideways.

3) The decline phase. Eventually, the resources will have been extracted to the point that production unavoidably starts to decline.

Moving from phase one to phase two may be almost as shocking for the oil market as the experience of phase 1. The discussions we had with oil producers and services companies in Houston may indicate that we may now be moving from phase one to phase two. That there will be zero shale oil production growth YoY in 2025 and that production then may go sideways for 6-7 years before phase three sets in.

US EIA June STEO report with EIA’s projection for US crude oil production to Dec-2025. Softer growth, but still growth.

US EIA June STEO report with EIA's projection for US crude oil production to Dec-2025. Softer growth, but still growth.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with YoY outlook growth for 2025. Projects that US crude production will grow by 0.47 m b/d YoY in 2025 and that total liquids will grow by 720 k b/d YoY.

US EIA June STEO report with YoY outlook growth for 2025. Projects that US crude production will grow by 0.47 m b/d YoY in 2025 and that total liquids will grow by 720 k b/d YoY.
Source: SEB graph and calculations, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with outlook for production growth by country in 2025. This shows how big the US production growth of 0.7 m b/d YoY really is compared to other producers around the world

US EIA June STEO report with outlook for production growth by country in 2025. This shows how big the US production growth of 0.7 m b/d YoY really is compared to other producers around the world
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US EIA June STEO report with projected global growth in supply and demand YoY in 2025. Solid demand growth, but even strong supply growth with little room for OPEC+ to expand. Production growth by non-OPEC+ will basically cover global oil demand growth. 

US EIA June STEO report with projected global growth in supply and demand YoY in 2025. Solid demand growth, but even strong supply growth with little room for OPEC+ to expand. Production growth by non-OPEC+ will basically cover global oil demand growth.
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

But if there instead is zero growth in US crude oil production in 2025 and the US liquids production only grows by 0.25 m b/d YoY due to NGLs and biofuels, then suddenly there is room for OPEC+ to put some of its current production cuts back into the market. Thus growth/no-growth in US shale oil production will be of huge importance for OPEC+ in 2025. If there is no growth in US shale oil then  OPEC+ will have a much better position to control the oil price to where it wants it.

US crude production
Source: SEB graph and highlights, US EIA data

US crude oil production and drilling rig count

US crude oil production and drilling rig count
Source: SEB graph, Blbrg data, EIA data


Crude oil comment: Stronger Saudi commitment



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have dropped by roughly USD 2 per barrel (2.5%) following Saudi Arabia’s shift towards prioritizing production volume over price. The Brent price initially tumbled by nearly USD 3 per barrel, reaching a low of USD 70.7 before recovering to USD 71.8. The market is reacting to reports suggesting that Saudi Arabia may abandon its unofficial USD 100 per barrel target to regain market share, aligning with plans to increase output by 2.2 million barrels per day starting in December 2024.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

This move, while not yet officially confirmed, signals a stronger commitment from Saudi Arabia to boost supply, despite market expectations that they might delay the increase if prices remained below USD 80. If confirmed by the Saudi Energy Ministry, further downward pressure on prices is expected, as the market is already pricing in this potential increase.

For months, the market has been skeptical about whether Saudi Arabia would follow through with the production increase, but the recent rhetoric indicates that the Kingdom may act on its initial plan. The decision to increase production is likely motivated by a desire to regain market share, especially as OPEC+ continues to carefully manage output levels.

The latest US DOE report revealed a bullish drawdown of 4.5 million barrels in U.S. crude inventories, now 5% below the five-year average. Gasoline and distillate stocks also saw decreases of 1.5 million and 2.2 million barrels, respectively, both sitting significantly below seasonal averages. Total commercial petroleum inventories plummeted by 14.6 million barrels last week, signaling some continued tightness in the US here and now.

U.S. refinery inputs averaged 16.4 million bpd, a slight reduction from the previous week, with refineries operating at 90.9% capacity. Gasoline production rose to 9.8 million bpd, while distillate production dipped to 4.9 million bpd. Although crude imports rose to 6.5 million bpd, the four-week average remains 9.5% lower year-on-year, reflecting softer U.S. imports.

In terms of US demand, total products supplied averaged 20.3 million bpd over the past four weeks, a 1.4% decline year-over-year. Gasoline demand saw a slight uptick of 2.1%, while distillate and jet fuel demand remained relatively flat.

The easing of geopolitical tensions between Israel and Hezbollah has also contributed to the recent price dip, with hopes for a potential ceasefire easing regional risk concerns. Additionally, uncertainty persists around the impact of China’s monetary easing on future demand growth, adding further downward pressure on prices.

US DOE inventories, change in million barrels per week
US Crude & Products inventories (excl SPR) in million barrels
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Crude oil comment: Tight here and now



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have risen by USD 2.75 per barrel (3.7%) since the start of the week, now trading at USD 74.5 per barrel. This price jump follows significant macroeconomic developments, most notably the Federal Reserve’s decision to implement a “larger” rate cut of 0.50 percentage points, bringing the target range to 4.75-5.00%. The move, driven by progress in managing inflation, reflects the Fed’s shift in focus towards supporting the labor market and the broader economy. Initially, the announcement led to market optimism, boosting stock prices and weakening the US dollar. However, equity markets quickly reversed as concerns grew that the aggressive cut might signal deeper economic issues.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

In the oil market, the softer monetary policy outlook has fostered expectations of stronger future demand, supporting a more likely bullish outlook for crude prices further out. Despite this, speculative positions remain heavily short, particularly amid ongoing worries about China’s economic recovery, as highlighted in recent comments. Still, there are near-term signals of increased Chinese crude purchases, helping to mitigate some of the market’s demand-related concerns.

On the supply side, US commercial crude oil inventories decreased by 1.6 million barrels last week, defying the API’s forecast of a 2-million-barrel increase (see page 12 attached). Gasoline and distillate inventories saw minimal changes, underscoring the persistent market tightness. OPEC+, led by Saudi Arabia, continues to play a pivotal role in stabilizing prices through prolonged production cuts, maintaining discipline (so far) in the wake of uncertainty around global demand. Despite tightness in the short term, broader demand fears, especially regarding China, are limiting more significant price increases.

Beyond inventory draws and the Fed’s double rate cut, escalating tensions in the Middle East have also contributed to the recent uptick in the oil price. Israel’s defense minister declared a “new phase” in its regional conflict, sparking concerns of a broader confrontation that could potentially involve Iran, a key OPEC producer.

Despite the recent price gains, Brent crude is still on track for its largest quarterly loss of the year, driven by China’s slowdown and ample global supply. Data from the DOE highlighted weaker demand for diesel (down 0.9% year-on-year) and jet fuel (down 1.4% year-on-year), while gasoline demand saw a slight 1.1% uptick but remained below 9 million barrels per day. However, shrinking US inventories are expected to support further price increases. Crude inventories at the Cushing, Oklahoma, in particular, are well below (!!) the five-year seasonal average, nearing critical low levels.

US DOE inventory
US crude inventories
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Crude oil: It’s all about macro



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Brent crude prices have surged by USD 4.5 per barrel, or 6.2%, from last week’s low, now trading at USD 73.2 per barrel. The U.S. two-year yield has dropped to its lowest level since September 2022, while the dollar has weakened significantly due to rising expectations of lower interest rates. Yesterday, the S&P rose by 0.3%, while the Nasdaq fell by 0.5%. A weaker dollar boosted Asian currencies this morning, and heightened expectations of a rate hike in Japan contributed to a 1.8% drop in the Nikkei, driven by a stronger yen.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

The recent rally in crude prices is underpinned by several factors, with macroeconomic signals weighing heavily on demand outlooks. A key driver is speculation that the Federal Reserve may implement a double interest rate cut tomorrow. While the Fed’s guidance has been vague, most analysts anticipate a 25 basis points cut, but markets are leaning toward the possibility of a 50 basis points cut. Significant volatility in FX markets is expected. Regardless of the size of the cut, looser monetary policy could stimulate energy demand, leading to a more bullish outlook for oil further along the curve.

In addition, China is showing stronger indications of increasing crude oil and product purchases at current price levels. Net crude and product imports in China rose by 20% month-on-month in August, though they remain 2.2% lower year-on-year in barrels per day. While still below last year’s levels, this uptick has eased concerns of a sharp decline in Chinese demand. Supporting this trend, higher dirty freight rates from the Middle East to China suggest the country is buying more crude as prices have pulled back.

Despite this, bearish sentiment remains in the market, particularly due to record-high speculative short positions driven by concerns about long-term demand, especially from China. This dynamic has resulted in oil prices behaving more like equities, with market participants pricing in future demand fears. However, the market remains tight in the short term, as evidenced by low U.S. crude inventories and continued OPEC+ production cuts. OPEC+, led by Saudi Arabia, has maintained its cuts in response to lower prices, supporting oil prices below USD 75 per barrel.

U.S. crude inventories have consistently drawn down, and OPEC+ continues to withhold significant supply from the market. Under normal circumstances, this would support higher prices, but ongoing concerns about future demand are keeping prices suppressed for now.

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