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SEB – Jordbruksprodukter, vecka 20 2012



SEB Veckobrev Jordbruksprodukter - AnalysDet här veckobrevet är tidigarelagt dels för att det är Kristi himmelsfärds dag på torsdag och dels för att vi har en WASDE-rapport att recensera.

Under helgen kom nyheten från Kina att landet sänkt reservkraven på kinesiska banker med 0.5%. Normalt borde det fått marknaderna för råvaror att stiga. Så sker inte. Merkels CDU har förlorat ett viktigt val i Tyskland. De flesta tolkar detta som att viljan att betala för resten av de skuldsatta länderna i Europa har minskat. Ett nytt politiskt kaos har drabbat Grekland och de flesta väntar sig att landet går i konkurs och får införa sin urgamla valuta drachman igen. Vi har en ny president vald i Frankrike, som inte tycks vara så inställd på att rädda sina grannländer. Räntan på spanska 10-åriga obligationer har stigit över 6% igen (6% innebär slutlig konkurs). Motsvarande ränta i Portugal är 11%. USA:s ekonomi hackar och Wall Street är i chock efter att JP Morgan, bankernas bank, redovisat 2 mdr dollar i vad som med rätta ska kallas kreditförluster. Kinas tillväxt hackar också, men de stimulerar den. Allt detta väcker tvivel om efterfrågan på råvaror.


Southern Oscillation Index, ett mått på intensiteten i graden av La Niña eller El Niño, ligger kvar därdet låg förra veckan. Nu är indexet 4.3. En nivå mellan +8 och -8 indikerar neutrala ENSOförhållanden.

Bureau of Meteorology - Väder för odling


WASDE-rapporten i torsdags. För 2011/12 gjordes inga större förändringar vad gäller produktion. Konsumtionen justerades däremot upp med 8 mt för Kanada, EU och Kina. För kommande skörd, marknadsföringsåret 2012/13 sänktes skörden med 17 mt netto. Skörden väntas bli större i USA och Kanada, i Kina och i Indien, men skörden väntas bli lägre I EU-27, fd Sovjetunionen och på södra halvklotet. Konsumtionen väntas bli som i år.

Global produktion av vete samt lagernivåer

Sammanfattningsvis: Utgående globala lager för 2012/13 är något ”bullish”, men för världsmarknaden betyder USA i egenskap av den största exportören väldigt mycket. En skörd i USA på 61 mt mot 54 mt förra året och 60 mt för två år sedan, är bearish. Summa summarum, innehåll rapporten alltså inte några nyheter som allvarligt kunde flytta på priset just för vete. Däremot var majs-rapporten bearish och sojarapporten bullish. Och av detta betyder majsen mest för vetet. Nedan ser vi novemberkontraktet på Matif. Uppåttrenden är bruten och 200 euro är nu ett psykologiskt motstånd. 190 euro ser ut att ligga inom räckhåll.

Novemberkontraktet på vete (Matif) - Pris-analys

Nedan ser vi Chicagovetet med leverans i december. Priset trendar nedåt efter att ha brutit stödet på 650 cent.

Chicagovetet med leverans i december - Priset trendar


Novemberkontraktet på maltkorn har brutit stödnivån 220 euro per ton. Priset har vänt på den här nivån strax under 220 flera gånger förut, så det är inte någon teknisk säljsignal än.

Pris graf - Malting barley nov12


WASDE-rapporten i torsdag innehåll en uppjustering av Brasiliens just skördade skörd från 62 mt till 67 mt. Vi noterar att skörden 2012/13 väntas bli rekordstor. Orsaken är att ENSO slagit om från La Niña till neutrala förhållanden, eller rentav El Niño. Detta har vi sett i ensembleprognoserna sedan nyår. Skörden per acre i USA väntas öka med 20 bushels per acre eller med 13%. Efterfrågan väntas också hoppa uppåt med 54 mt. Det här är den första rapporten som ordentligt tagit in det riktigt goda odlingsklimatet på planeten under kommande år och den är därmed riktigt bearish.

Världsproduktion av veteVärldslager av vete

Priset på decembermajs föll ner och ”rörde vid” 500 cent. Troligtvis ska marknaden testa den nivån igen. Bryts den får vi en förnyad säljsignal.

Priset på decembermajs föll ner


WASDE-rapporten i torsdags: Lite mindre skörd antas ha bärgats i Sydamerika, framförallt gäller det Argentina. Utgående lager i höst väntas vara ännu lägre än tidigare trott. För kommande skörd väntas, som vi redan skrivit om, en rekordskörd i Sydamerika. Odlingsvädret, där ENSO slagit om till neutrala eller rentav El Niño-förhållanden är idealiskt inför sådden på södra halvklotet. Global produktion antas ligga 35 mt högre än i år. Konsumtionen väntas också öka och det innebär att utgående lager bara ökar något lite. Det är ännu lång tid kvar till skörd och mycket kan hända längs vägen. Majs är attraktivt att så och sojapriset måste hålla sig högt för att försvara arealen.

Världsproduktion av sojabönor samt lagernivåer

Marknaden har sålt på sojabönorna idag på grund av de ekonomiska nyheterna från Europa, som väcker farhågor om efterfrågan på ”bättre mat”.

Marknaden har sålt på sojabönorna idag

1300 är en teknisk stödnivå då priset vände där i månadsskiftet mars-april. Återstår att se om nivån håller den här gången.


Priset på novemberterminen tycks ha toppat ur på 480 euro per ton.

Raps - Priset på novemberterminen tycks ha toppat ur på 480 euro per ton.


Potatispriset för leverans nästa år fortsätter att stiga. Priset är definitivt i stigande trend.


Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden


Potatispriset för leverans nästa år fortsätter att stiga


Det har av naturliga skäl inte hänt speciellt mycket med lean hogs sedan förra veckobrevet. Priset ligger på samma (låga) nivå.

Lean hogs-priset ligger på samma (låga) nivå


Mjölkpriset (decemberleverans) handlas lite högre än förra veckan, på 15.68. Lägsta förra veckan var 15.38. Vi ser detta som en naturlig rekyl när några tycker att priset fallit för mycket för fort.

Mjölkpriset (decemberleverans) handlas lite högre än förra veckan

[box]SEB Veckobrev Jordbruksprodukter är producerat av SEB Merchant Banking och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på Råvarumarknaden.se[/box]


The information in this document has been compiled by SEB Merchant Banking, a division within Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (“SEB”).

Opinions contained in this report represent the bank’s present opinion only and are subject to change without notice. All information contained in this report has been compiled in good faith from sources believed to be reliable. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the completeness or accuracy of its contents and the information is not to be relied upon as authoritative. Anyone considering taking actions based upon the content of this document is urged to base his or her investment decisions upon such investigations as he or she deems necessary. This document is being provided as information only, and no specific actions are being solicited as a result of it; to the extent permitted by law, no liability whatsoever is accepted for any direct or consequential loss arising from use of this document or its contents.

About SEB

SEB is a public company incorporated in Stockholm, Sweden, with limited liability. It is a participant at major Nordic and other European Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities (as well as some non-European equivalent markets) for trading in financial instruments, such as markets operated by NASDAQ OMX, NYSE Euronext, London Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse, Swiss Exchanges, Turquoise and Chi-X. SEB is authorized and regulated by Finansinspektionen in Sweden; it is authorized and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of designated investment business in the UK, and is subject to the provisions of relevant regulators in all other jurisdictions where SEB conducts operations. SEB Merchant Banking. All rights reserved.


OPEC takes center stage, but China’s recovery remains key



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

After gaining USD 2.6 per barrel from Tuesday until midday Wednesday, Brent crude prices lost momentum yesterday evening, plunging by USD 2 per barrel to the current level of USD 72.3 per barrel. This marked a significant and counterintuitive move just hours ahead of today’s OPEC+ meeting at 12:00 PM CEST, where the market largely anticipates a rollover agreement. OPEC+ is expected to maintain its current supply cuts, refraining from adding additional volumes to the market for now.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

The USD 2 per barrel drop was partly driven by a single market player – a U.S. bank – that sold a massive volume of U.S. oil futures during the evening (CEST), pushing prices lower and leaving traders scrambling to interpret the rationale. According to Reuters, the unidentified bank sold over USD 270 million worth of U.S. oil futures.

The market consensus is now that OPEC+ is likely to extend its most recent round of production cuts by at least three months starting in January. This move would provide additional support to the oil market, even though OPEC+ had hoped to gradually phase out supply cuts next year. For now, there appears to be little room for additional OPEC+ volumes in a market still grappling with weak demand.

At 16:30 CEST yesterday, the oil market received a bullish U.S. inventory report. Commercial crude oil inventories (excl. the SPR) fell by a substantial 5.1 million barrels to 423.4 million barrels, about 5% below the five-year average for this time of year. This decline was a stark contrast to the API’s earlier forecast of a 1.2-million-barrel build in crude inventories.

For gasoline, inventories increased by 2.4 million barrels (API forecast: +4.6 million) but remain 4% below the five-year average. Distillate (diesel) fuel inventories rose by 3.4 million barrels (API forecast: +1 million) but are still 5% below the five-year average.

U.S. crude oil refinery inputs averaged 16.9 million barrels per day, up 615,000 barrels per day from the previous week. While refineries operated at 93.3% of their capacity. Gasoline production declined to 9.5 million barrels per day, while distillate fuel production increased to 5.3 million barrels per day.

Over the past four weeks, total products supplied – a proxy for implied demand – averaged 20.4 million barrels per day, a 4.0% increase compared to the same period last year. Key metrics include gasoline demand at 8.8 million barrels per day, up 2.8%; distillate demand at 3.7 million barrels per day, consistent with last year; and jet fuel demand up 7.1% year-over-year.

Overall, the report was bullish, reinforcing expectations of a tightening market.

Attention now shifts to OPEC+, geopolitics (including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Middle East tensions, and Iranian sanctions), and global demand, particularly in China. Weak demand in China throughout 2024 pushed global oil prices downward, especially in the second half of the year. However, we believe the narrative is shifting(!)

China appears to be stabilizing and showing signs of recovery. Manufacturing PMI has ticked higher, and the economic surprise index has also improved. As the world’s largest oil importer, China turning the corner is a significant positive development. This strengthens our view of limited downside risks to oil prices as we head into 2025. While caution remains warranted, we continue to favor a long position on Brent crude.

US DOE inventories
US crude and products
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Further US sanctions on Iran spark largest oil price surge in three weeks



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Since yesterday morning, Brent crude prices have climbed by ish USD 2 per barrel, recovering to the current level of USD 73.9 per barrel. This represents a significant price movement over a short period and marks the largest such increase since mid-November.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

Market whispers suggest that OPEC+ is likely to announce a deal to further delay the planned supply increase during their meeting scheduled for tomorrow (December 5th). Concerns about weaker global demand in the coming year leave little room for additional OPEC+ supply, compelling the cartel to exercise patience in its efforts to regain market share.

Adding to the upward pressure on crude prices, the U.S. has escalated its sanctions on Iran, targeting the country’s vital oil sector – a critical source of revenue.

Yesterday (December 3rd), the U.S. imposed sanctions on 35 entities and vessels associated with Iran’s ”shadow fleet,” which secretly transports Iranian oil. These operations rely on fraudulent practices such as falsified documentation, manipulated tracking systems, and frequent changes of ship names and flags. This move builds upon earlier sanctions, including those introduced in October this year, which restricted transactions involving Iranian petroleum and petrochemical products.

According to the U.S. Department of State, the latest measures aim to further disrupt Iran’s ability to finance activities deemed destabilizing in the Middle East, including its nuclear program and support for regional proxies.

From a market perspective, Iran’s crude oil and condensate exports reached roughly 1.7 million barrels per day in May 2024, the highest level in five years. China, as Iran’s largest importer, accounted for ish 490k barrels per day of these exports in 2023. The newly imposed sanctions could lead to a substantial reduction in Iran’s oil exports, potentially cutting up to 1 million barrels per day, depending on the enforcement’s strictness and global compliance.

Iranian crude exports to China have increased this year, but the sanctions may compel Chinese firms to reduce or halt purchases to avoid U.S. penalties. This would likely drive a search for alternative crude sources to sustain China’s refining operations, thereby adding further support to the current upward pressure on crude prices. This, together with the likelihood of OPEC+ continuing to delay their planned production increase, reinforces our view of limited downside risks to prices in the near term – caution remains reasonable, and we continue to favor a cautiously long position.

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Crude prices steady amid OPEC+ uncertainty and geopolitical calm



SEB - analysbrev på råvaror

Since last Friday’s opening at USD 73.1 per barrel, Brent crude prices have steadily declined over the weekend, with further losses on Monday afternoon following a brief recovery that saw prices approach USD 73 per barrel. As of this morning (Tuesday), Brent crude is inching upward again, currently trading at USD 72.2 per barrel. Over the past week, implied volatility has dropped to its lowest levels in roughly two months, as the upward momentum observed since mid-November has temporarily stalled.

Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB
Ole R. Hvalbye, Analyst Commodities, SEB

On a bearish note, reduced geopolitical uncertainty in the Middle East has contributed to easing the risk premium in oil prices. Israel has signaled its intention to uphold the current ceasefire despite launching airstrikes in Lebanon in response to Hezbollah’s first attack under the truce. While this de-escalation has softened prices, the attacks during the ceasefire highlight that tensions in the region are far from resolved. This persistent instability will likely remain a source of uncertainty for oil markets in the weeks ahead.

On the bullish side, the OPEC+ supply meeting, rescheduled to Thursday, December 5th, looms. Additionally, expectations are building for increased Chinese stimulus measures, potentially to be unveiled at the Chinese Central Economic Work Conference next Wednesday. This closed-door meeting is expected to outline key economic targets and stimulus plans for 2025, which could provide fresh support for Chinese oil demand.

From a supply perspective, OPEC+ has added to market uncertainty by postponing its meeting, initially planned for Sunday, December 1st. The group will decide whether to reintroduce production cuts or proceed with a scheduled supply increase of 180,000 barrels per day. Current market sentiment suggests that OPEC+ is unlikely to rush into restoring production, reflecting cautiousness amid subdued global demand and concerns about a potential supply glut in 2024.

Market participants and traders widely anticipate that the cartel will maintain its wait-and-see approach to avoid worsening the fragile market balance. Such cautiousness could lend support to prices as the new year approaches. We believe OPEC+ is acutely aware of the risks associated with oversupplying the market and will likely act to stabilize prices rather than jeopardize them.

Looking ahead, fundamentals such as U.S. inventory levels, geopolitical developments, and OPEC+ decisions will remain key drivers of the crude oil market. These factors will shape the outlook as we move into the final weeks of 2024 and entering 2025.

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Gratis uppdateringar om råvarumarknaden

